Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 571 Ai Heping Has Become A Demon Again

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!It was still very slippery and tender, Li Tianyu thought.

At this time, Xie Mingqiang and Xie Zhongna had already walked over.

Li Tianyu retracted his hand and started to drink his drink pretendingly.

Fang Teqiang came along with the Xie brothers and sisters.

At this time, Fang Teqiang was full of spring breeze, relaxed, and seemed to have solved the big problem. This was completely different from the solemn expression Li Tianyu had when he saw Fang Teqiang before.

Sure enough, the wine table culture in the Central Plains is indeed very useful.

Fang Teqiang and they also found chairs and sat down.

Except for Li Tianyu, all people present were members of the Qianmai Group.

In other words, there are no outsiders.

Fang Teqiang had long heard about Li Tianyu’s nine-cup wine setting from other people, and said with a smile: "Tianyu, you kid can do it, why didn’t I know you drink so well?"

Li Tianyu: "There are so many things you don't know."

Fang Teqiang laughed: "Fortunately, you have this drinking capacity, otherwise I would definitely not be able to ask for anything to go with Xiong Daping today."

At this time, Xie Zhongna and Xie Mingqiang looked at each other.

Before Li Tianyu claimed to be Fang Teqiang's good friend, they were a little bit skeptical.

Only then did I realize that their relationship is indeed not generally good.

Fang Teqiang in the Qianmai Group is the second person besides Fang Guoqi, and that can be regarded as being under one person, and above 10,000.

Although Fang Teqiang is more kind, there are not many people who can talk to him like this.

At this time, Li Tianyu asked: "Have you solved the problem with Xiong Neng Group?"

Fang Teqiang groaned for a few seconds and shook his head: "It's not that easy. Although Xiong Daping is relieved, he promised that I can persuade the one, but I can't say whether there will be a good result."

Li Tianyu nodded.

On the one hand, although Xiong Daping agreed verbally,

The so-called "that one" refers to Xiong Jian'an, the real big boss of Xiong Neng Group.

That is the real boss of Yanzhou Province, who has been stunned for decades, how can it be so easy to be dealt with?

Fang Teqiang did not say that Li Tianyu was not good to ask what conflicts existed between the Qianmai Group and the Xiongneng Group, and why there were conflicts?

Of course, Li Tianyu doesn't really want to know that, he doesn't have such strong curiosity now.

It's not a good thing to know other people's privacy too well, and you may be involved in yourself.

Of course, if Fang Teqiang wants him Li Tianyu to help, Li Tianyu is of course obliged to say nothing.

So the key lies in Fang Teqiang's willingness to speak, or whether it's time to speak to Li Tianyu.

Fang Teqiang: "Tianyu, will you have time tomorrow night? Let's get together in private and only call a few close people."

Li Tianyu: "Tomorrow night?"

Fang Teqiang: "Yeah, didn't you just come back? Don't you just leave right away?"

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, but it was right, it didn't matter if he stayed for two more days.

So Li Tianyu simply agreed.

At this moment, Li Tianyu saw Wu Yunni looking at her, her big eyes blinking.

Li Tianyu smiled slightly.

Wu Yunni immediately turned her face away.

At this dinner, Li Tianyu was in the limelight. Although it was only the amount of alcohol, it would be shocking to exaggerate the amount of alcohol to a certain extent.

Li Tianyu doesn't seem to be fat and has no stomach. Many people are discussing where the wine has gone.

Of course, the most important thing is rum with an alcohol concentration of 65 percent. With this amount of alcohol, you should be able to pour a bear drunk.

Presumably, the guests present can no longer find Li Tianyu to fight for a drink. They can't be found even if they are killed.

Li Tianyu did not wait until the dinner was over. Fang Teqiang had arranged for Li Tianyu long ago. He didn't know where to find someone and sent Li Tianyu back.

When Li Tianyu got home, it was about half past nine, not too late, but not too early.

However, Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua didn't know where they were.

It is estimated that where is the colorful play.

The sunset of the two parents is red, too red.

At this moment, a burst of music sounded.

"I'm the same boy from the past, without a trace of change. Time is just a test. The faith in my heart has not diminished. The boy in front of me is still the original face, no matter how hard and dangerous in front of me..."

It was Li Tianyu's cell phone ringing.

Li Tianyu picked up the phone and took a look, and was startled.

It turned out to be Wang Zhigang, director Wang Da.

Speaking of it, Li Tianyu felt that he had not contacted Wang Zhigang for a long time.

But when I think about it carefully, in fact, the last time I spoke with Wang Zhigang on the phone, maybe only two months have passed.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Director Wang Da, why do you have time to call me today? It's really strange."

Wang Zhigang: "If your kid doesn't talk to me, won't you call me?"

Li Tianyu: "I didn't call, but sent you a WeChat? You ignore me."

Wang Zhigang seemed startled: "WeChat?"

Li Tianyu: "Director Wang Da, have you never used WeChat?"

Wang Zhigang: "I changed my phone not long ago and forgot to install WeChat."

Li Tianyu is a bit speechless, co-author Wang Zhigang has WeChat, so he doesn't usually use it.

It stands to reason that Wang Zhigang is the director. How can I contact people without WeChat?

Li Tianyu: "You don't need WeChat, how can you get close to those beautiful actresses?"

Wang Zhigang: "Go, do I need to use WeChat to get close to them?"

Li Tianyu: "That's right, you don't need it at all. Those little girls have to post on you, you are too busy."

Wang Zhigang smiled and scolded: "Okay, you, don't bury me, how old I am, how can I still have so much energy?"

Li Tianyu thought to himself, you bad old man is very bad.

No energy?Who believes it?

How to make a movie without energy.

In fact, Wang Zhigang also has a lot of lace news.

Although he is the assistant director in "Sword Dance Chang'an", it is also because the director is more famous than him.

Wang Zhigang has made a lot of movies and TV series, all of which are direct directors, and some of them also have lace news with several actresses.

Anyway, in the entertainment industry, there are too many resources for beautiful women, and big bosses such as directors and producers have to be picky.

Of course, lace news and gossip are not very reliable. Many of them are false news that is pretentious and malicious. The actual situation is only known to the person concerned.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, Director Wang, I won't quarrel with you, do you have anything to tell?"

Wang Zhigang: "Remember the variety show I mentioned to you some time ago?"

Li Tianyu reacted immediately.

Before Wang Zhigang called Li Tianyu, he really intended to let Li Tianyu help participate in a variety show.

This is also a part of the pre-play promotion for "Sword Dance Chang'an".Bashan Love Novel Network

Li Tianyu did agree, but he didn't know when the variety show would be scheduled, and he didn't know what type of variety show Li Tianyu was on.

Isn't it still "The Runner"?

Li Tianyu: "Director Wang, of course I remember. Is the show scheduled?"

Wang Zhigang: "It's settled. On the 9th of next month, Tianyu, you must spare that day. This time the publicity lineup must be the strongest."

Li Tianyu was stunned: "Is this a small role like me going to be the best? I can't be considered the strongest if I go."

Wang Zhigang: "What, you are the key person, you must be there."

Li Tianyu heard Wang Zhigang's words quite positively, and then pondered again that there are still more than ten days before the 9th of next month, and there is nothing too important to wait for that day.

Of course, unless you are far away, you won't be able to return for a while.

The words come back again.

It is true that Li Tianyu appeared in "Sword Dance Chang'an", and the great director Wang Zhigang also has a status. If he doesn't go, he really can't justify.

Li Tianyu: "That's OK, Director Wang, I will definitely be there then."

As soon as Wang Zhi heard this, he seemed relieved, and said, "Okay, then I won't bother you. I have to call Xuetong."

Li Tianyu: "Qin Xuetong also go?"

As soon as he asked this, Li Tianyu felt stupid.

Qin Xuetong is the heroine of "Sword Dance Chang'an", even if she doesn't go, what is the strongest lineup?

Sure enough, Wang Zhigang laughed and scolded Li Tianyu for being stupid and unintelligent.

Li Tianyu was speechless.

Fortunately, Wang Zhigang hung up the phone without making a joke.

The next day, when Li Tianyu was still asleep, he was woken up by his cell phone ringtone.

Li Tianyu looked at the TV show in a daze, it was Fang Teqiang who had called.

It's just after seven o'clock. Fang Teqiang called this time. It should be a very important thing to talk about.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button.

Fang Teqiang's voice came from over there: "Tianyu, are you still asleep?"

Li Tianyu replied helplessly: "I'm going to fall asleep, how could I still answer your call, but you really woke up."

Fang Teqiang laughed and said, "I'm sorry, it's disturbing your dreams. I'm also in a hurry."

Li Tianyu: "Come on, what's the urgent matter?"

Fang Teqiang: "I have to say sorry to you. Let's cancel the dinner tonight. I will meet you again the next day."

Li Tianyu was a little speechless: "This is also an urgent matter? You can just post WeChat."

Fang Teqiang: "How can it be done? Although we are brothers, it is too rude to be that way."

Li Tianyu can understand after thinking about it.

Although Li Tianyu and Fang Teqiang have a very good relationship, their identities are relatively high. In terms of etiquette, they really can't be as casual as before, and they still have to be more scrupulous.

For example, if the scheduled party is cancelled suddenly, you must communicate in person or over the phone to avoid misunderstandings.

In addition, Fang Teqiang canceled the party, it must be something urgent or unexpected.

Fang Teqiang: "Tianyu, it's like this. There is an important meeting that I need to attend this afternoon. I'm worried that it won't be finished in half a while."

Li Tianyu: "Understood, let's make an appointment next time, don't worry at this time."

Li Tianyu chatted with Fang Teqiang again and hung up.

In fact, there is no need to go to the party tonight, Li Tianyu feels relaxed.

It's not that I was tired from eating and drinking with Fang Teqiang, mainly because there has been too much socializing recently, and Li Tianyu did feel a little overwhelmed.

It just so happens that I can have a good rest today.

Li Tianyu intends to stay at home for a day and rest.

For a beautiful day, it's better to start with a good night's sleep.

However, as soon as Li Tianyu lay down, the cell phone rang again.

Wouldn't it be Fang Teqiang regretting it again, ready to have a dinner?

Li Tianyu picked up the cell phone again, and when he looked at the electric display, the three words "Ai Xiaoer" were written impressively.

Damn it!

Is Ai Heping crazy?

Woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning!

Li Tianyu felt that the sky was falling.

But then again, if Ai Heping has had a beer all night and hasn't slept yet, it's more likely to get up earlier than him.

In any case, Ai Heping is also a friend of Li Tianyu, no, one of his friends needs to answer the phone.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button again.

Li Tianyu: "Student Xiaoai, what did you do today?"

Ai Heping was startled, "Boss, how did you know?"

Li Tianyu was also startled: "What do I know? I mean, why did you please peace with me so early? It's not like you."

Ai Heping: "Oh, I haven't slept yet. I didn't know what Blind Chicken had drunk last night. Anyway, I had a good night, and I am not too sleepy now."

Sure enough, getting Ai Heping to sleep may be more difficult than getting him to get up.

Li Tianyu: "Stop talking nonsense, let's talk about it, what do you want me to do? It shouldn't be a good thing, right?"

Ai Heping: "Boss, look at what you said, how can I have such a second batch?"

Li Tianyu thought to himself, Ai Heping, you are a pretty good person, so you don't even admit it.

Li Tianyu: "Why are you looking for me? You mean."

Ai Heping coughed lightly: "Boss, please come to the South China Sea to rescue me, I have something wrong."

Li Tianyu was stunned, and immediately reacted: "Fuck! You are really a bad thing, look for me! I didn't wrong you, right?"

Ai Heping: "Don't, don't care about the details."

If Ai Heping is in front of him, Li Tianyu really wants to slap it over.

But anger and anger, Ai Heping is in trouble, Li Tianyu still has to help.

Li Tianyu: "Go ahead, won't be kidnapped again?"

Ai Heping: "Look at what you said, if I was kidnapped, then I would be too shameless."

Li Tianyu: "It's pretty much the same, you can say it quickly, what is going on?"

Ai Heping: "In fact, it's not a big deal, but you really have to come here, the boss, or I will be miserable."

Li Tianyu: "I'm so weird. If I go, you won't be miserable?"

Ai Heping: "Yes, as long as you are in Nanhai City, then I will not be miserable."

Li Tianyu: "Will I be miserable?"

Ai Heping: "Am I the kind of stupid critic who sells friends for glory?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes."

Ai Heping was speechless, and immediately said, "Boss, I'm just waiting for you. I have bought all the tickets for you."

Damn it!

Isn't this really catching the ducks on the shelves?

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