Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 583 This person is talking nonsense

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Lu Tiequan smiled, stood up and beckoned to the handsome guy with fierce eyes: "Fang Qi, come and meet Mr. Ai and Mr. Li."

It turns out that this handsome guy is the so-called "Fang Qi".

Li Tianyu had known for a long time that the full name of this man was Lu Fangqi, the son of Lu Tiequan.

Lu Fangqi can be regarded as a relatively well-known figure in the younger generation, inheriting the decisive genes of his father Lu Tiequan to a certain extent, and at the same time having a lower moral standard than his father.

Simply put, it's a bad boy out of nowhere.

The bad boy is not terrible, but the scary thing is that he is so bad and so rich.

Lu Tiequan is indeed not a good-looking gentleman, and he has done nothing to harm others and himself.

But if Lu Tiequan still had some scruples when he did bad things, then his son didn't need to cover up at all, he just did bad things honestly.

It can be said that blue comes from blue, and is better than blue!

Lu Fangqi walked up to him, first looked at Ai Heping, then looked at Li Tianyu, and sat down without saying a word.

This kid even saves on politeness. He is indeed an arrogant and domineering character.

Of course, Lu Fangqi also has arrogant capital.

Now Lu Fangqi is also wearing a shorts vest, and the tendons on his arms are fully exposed.

Lu Fangqi is skilled, he was taught by his father Lu Tiequan, and he is also considered to be a master puncher among the younger generation in the South China Sea.

Usually, Lu Fangqi always walks around with his "men", basically no one dares to mess with him.

If anyone who didn't have eyes dared to provoke him, they wouldn't be able to get up on the ground.

No, when I came in now, I brought two people.

All of these people have big waists and round waists, and they are so strong that they can't wait to kill a cow with a fist.

Lu Fangqi sat down, and the two people stood beside him, which made Lu Fangqi look like a gangster.

Regarding Lu Fangqi's attitude, Lu Tiequan didn't care, and without correcting it, he directly introduced it to Li Tianyu and Ai Heping.

"My son, Lu Fangqi."

Ai Heping doesn't care about your son or his son now, and he starts yelling again: "Don't tell me that there is nothing, first hand over my things!"

Lu Tiequan didn't care when he heard it, but Lu Fang was on his head, staring at Ai Heping angrily: "What are you so worried about!? Be careful that I kill you!

Ai Heping is also not a fuel-efficient lamp. It exploded as soon as it heard it. He stood up and pointed at Lu Tiequan’s nose: "You kill me!? Come on, try it! Let you not even if you have 18 courage. dare!"

Lu Fangqi's face was bruised, raising his hand not to greet Ai Heping's face.

To Li Tianyu's surprise, Lu Shiquan didn't stop him, but sat there steadily.

This guy really meant something lawless.

Since your surname is Lu let your little bastard mess around, then Li Tianyu is not welcome.

"I, Nima..."



This series of exclamation sounds was not made by Ai Heping.

On the contrary, it came from Lu Fangqi's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fangqi's body flew to the back of the sofa, like a very big football goalkeeper making a diving save, the action was quite stretched, but he flew out backwards.

When Lu Fangqi flew in the air, he didn't even know what was going on, his mind and face were in a state of confusion.

And Lu Tiequan was not much better, his eyes were round, his mouth was open, and his hand was still shaking with a teacup.

Why is Lu Tiequan so surprised?

Because Li Tianyu's movements are too fast.

Almost instantly, he bounced off the sofa and kicked his son Lu Fangqi out.

You know, Lv Tiequan, as the founder of the security company, did nothing but succeed?

In fact, Lu Tiequan used to serve and served as a soldier, and later worked as a gold medal coach in the fighting club for more than ten years in the South China Sea.

Such an amazing Lu Tiequan did not even react to Li Tianyu's actions, which shows how fast and powerful Li Tianyu is.

As for the others present, they showed incredible expressions, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Especially Lu Jiaojiao's expression was shocking.

Unexpectedly, someone would beat up his son in front of Lu Tiequan.

Lu Tiequan is very powerful here in Nanhai City, let alone kicking Lu Fang like this, even if he glares at him, he may get into trouble.

Unexpectedly, this young man was so reckless that he kicked Lu Fang into the air with one kick.

Doesn't this offend Lu Tiequan and Lu Fangqi and his son?

The situation just now happened in an instant. In a blink of an eye, Lu Fangqi fell to the ground.

Because Lu Fangqi still didn't react at this time, he was confused, so he fell even more horribly, almost throwing out his intestines.

But Lu Fangqi had practiced boxing after all, and after a few seconds he turned it over, cursing in his mouth, and passed at Li Tianyu.

After being shocked, the two people that Lu Fangqi had brought with him, of course, had to get started.

However, at this time, Lu Tiequan utterly stopped.

Lu Tiequan: "Okay!"

Lu Fangqi was startled, pointing at Li Tianyu and shouting loudly, "Dad, he beat me! Just forget it!?"

Lu Tiequan roared: "I'll say it again, all right! Sit down for me!"

Although Lu Fangqi has a bad temper, his father Lu Tiequan's temper is several times worse than his.

Normally, it doesn't matter. If Lu Tiequan is really angry, then even Lu Fangqi's son has nothing to eat.

Li Tianyu suddenly shot, kicking Lu Fangqi, and Lu Tiequan was also very angry.

But in the end he is a person who has experienced the storm, and his vision is very accurate.

Li Tianyu's move looks simple, but it is actually quite impressive.

Lu Tiequan knew that even if Lu Fangqi and the other two thugs played together, it might not be Li Tianyu's opponent.

Even if Li Tianyu can be subdued in the end, he will pay a very heavy price.

Of course, if he joins Lu Tiequan, he is thinking that he can subdue Li Tianyu.

But as the boss of a security company, you have to worry about some face, and it's not proper not to be able to bully a younger generation by such a group of people.

Therefore, Lu Tiequan is still quite wise, and can only take control of his son first, lest he continue to be embarrassed.Ranwenba

Just now when Lu Fangqi rushed over, Ai Heping reflexively wanted to move back, but before his feet had stepped back, Lu Fangqi flew backwards with a flower in front of him.

At the beginning, Ai Heping didn't know what was going on. Later, he saw clearly that it was Li Tianyu who made the shot in time. No, it was the kick that kicked Lu Fang into the air.

This makes Ai Heping proud.

The boss is the boss, not to mention other things, this martial arts is really good.

Fortunately, Ai Heping was begging to get Li Tianyu back from the imperial capital, otherwise he would really have to be bullied again.

It's better now, the one who was bullied became someone else.

Ai Heping's triumphant look made Lu Fang angry with Venus and gritted his teeth.

However, even if he was so angry, Lu Fangqi couldn't disobey his father Lu Tiequan's order and sat down again obediently, but he stared at Li Tianyu.

In other words, if the eyes were killing, Li Tianyu would have died 100 million times.

But Li Tianyu was still calm and calm, sat down slowly, and took a sip from his teacup.

It looked like he was provoking Lu and his son.

Regardless of whether Li Tianyu was provoking or not, whether it was Lu Fangqi or Lu Tiequan, they were all furious.

Lu Jiaojiao kept holding it, but she didn't expect Lu Tiequan President Lu to endure it and did not continue to trouble the man named Li Tianyu.

But Lu Jiaojiao still felt that this matter was very suspenseful.

Although it hasn't been a long time since I came to the iron man security work, Lu Jiaojiao had already figured out Lu Tiequan's temper.

Lu Tiequan was not a generous-minded person at all, and if he provoked him, he wouldn't have any good fruit.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Jiaojiao endured Lu Tiequan's harassment. If Li Tianyu and Ai Heping hadn't appeared accidentally today, Lu Tiequan would have done anything.

Now Lu Fangqi had indeed turned his head, his face flushed, and if his father hadn't been here, he would have gone up to fight Li Tianyu desperately.

Lu Tiequan was also holding back.

In fact, if you really start, even though there are a lot of people here, you are still in your own turf, and you will definitely not suffer. But today, Lu Tiequan put Ai and Heping together, not to beat him up.

That's meaningless, and if you can't bear to make big plans, it will delay the next thing.

The atmosphere was quite tense at one time, and it could even be called a rattling sword.

But after a few minutes, it eased slightly.

Ai Heping is now on the upswing. Just about to speak, he was stopped by Li Tianyu.

Ai Heping turned to look at Li Tianyu, and Li Tianyu gave him a look.

Ai Heping is worthy of being Li Tianyu's iron buddy, and he almost understood that Li Tianyu was planning to negotiate.

Ai Heping actually knows his own abilities, his temper is too bad and he is not suitable for negotiating with others. You really have to listen to Li Tianyu in this regard.

Ai Heping closed his mouth obediently when he was full of food.

Next, is Li Tianyu's performance.

Li Tianyu slowly took a sip from his teacup, then looked up at Lu Tiequan.

At this time, Li Tianyu also noticed that Lu Tiequan had always used his left hand to hold the teacup, while his right hand was idle.

Lu Tiequan is not a left-handed person. This is also because when Lu Tiequan first founded Iron Man Security in his early years, he fought with gangsters and suffered severe injuries. Now he still has sequelae.

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, you called my brother Ai Heping over in a hurry, didn't you just want to fight?"

Lu Tiequan nodded: "It's really not."

Li Tianyu gently placed the teacup on the coffee table and made a gesture of waiting for Lu Tiequan's explanation.

Lu Tiequan smiled and turned to Ai Heping and said, "If I'm right, President Ai should have lost something in his office?"

Li Tianyu thought, this is not nonsense!

This Lu Tiequan is really not a thing, and it's still sloppy.

Ai Heping almost slapped the table, Li Tianyu stopped him again, and answered patiently: "Yes, that's right, I lost a copy of Dongluowan's reclaiming approval letter. Isn't it a coincidence that Mr. Lu is here?"

Ai Heping finally couldn't help yelling: "Yes! My things! Give me back!"

Lu Tiiequan waved his hand: "Don't worry, two of you, I will make things clear first.

Li Tianyu gestured to Ai Heping to make him feel safe.

In fact, without listening to what Lu Tiequan said, Li Tianyu also knew that Dongluowan’s reclaiming approval was with him.

But unfortunately, how did Lu Tiequan get the approval? Li Tianyu's "intelligence master" ability seems to have missed these contents.

This is also a relatively normal situation.

Although the "intelligence master" is very evil and against the sky, the amount of information that can be captured is limited, and sometimes there will be incomplete intelligence.

But for Li Tianyu, he only needs to know that the Dongluowan reclamation approval is indeed in the hands of Lu Tiequan.

The rest is nothing more than just getting back the approval.

As for what to do, Li Tianyu didn't have any idea, just look at what Lu Tiequan said.

Lu Tiequan smiled and said, "This is how things are. Yesterday, yes. Yesterday afternoon, a girl came to me and said she wanted to sell me something."

Ai Heping was startled: "A girl? Want to sell you something?"

When Lu Tiequan said this, he took a look at Ai Heping, and then continued: "Yes, I felt strange at the time, that girl is quite young, what would she sell me?"

Lu Tiequan: "Don't laugh at me either. It's not me. Lu Tiequan is bragging. There shouldn't be anything I can't get here in Nanhai. Even if there is, it is because I am not interested.

Li Tianyu smiled: "Of course, who is Lu always? He is a famous character in Nanhai City, and he has whatever he wants."

Lu Tiequan: "That's right, but compared to Mr. Ai, I'm still insignificant, am I? Mr. Ai."

Ai Heping glanced at Lu Tiequan: "You know you know it!"

When Lu Fang heard this, he was angry again, but Lu Tiequan gave him a stern look, and he pressed him on the sofa.

Lu Tiequan chuckled and said, "Mr. Ai, Mr. Li, the two of you should have guessed it too. What the girl wants to sell to me is the Dongluowan reclamation approval."

Lu Tiequan: "I was surprised at the time, why is such an important reclaiming approval in the hands of that girl?"

In fact, the fact that Aihua Real Estate obtained the Dongluowan reclamation approval has always been kept secret.

But according to Lu Tiequan himself, this matter has actually been in the relevant circles of Nanhai Province, and it is no longer a secret.

This is also normal. These people are powerful and powerful, and Nanhai Province is relatively special, so they naturally have access to relevant information.

And what Lv Tiequan said about the girl who wanted to sell him the approval for reclaiming the sea was probably referring to Lisabel, who was so infatuated with Ai Heping.

Of course, it is estimated that it can only be described in two words.


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