Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 585: Ai Xiaoer, You Have Today too

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ai Heping was completely startled when he heard it.

Li Tianyu looked at Ai Heping and didn't know if he was shocked by Lu Tiequan's words, or didn't understand what the Fenglintan land was.

After a few minutes, Ai Heping laughed: "President Lu, my appetite is really big. Do you want to exchange our Aihua Real Estate property for the size of our Aihua Real Estate?"

Lu Tiequan laughed loudly: "Mr. Ai, this is nothing, right? Dongluowan's reclaiming permit is more valuable than a piece of land, right?"

Ai Heping: "Mr. Lu, what do you mean by this? The reclaimed letter is from Aihua Real Estate! What's the use of holding it?"

Lu Tiequan chuckled, "What's the use? Mr. Ai knows in his heart that this reclaiming approval document has not been filed, so it will be invalidated at any time."

Ai Heping is really going to get angry now, it looks like the kind of anger that scratches his heart, but it doesn't come out easily.

Although Ai Heping is a bit stupid now, it is not a particularly big stupid critic. Knowing that this is the critical moment of negotiation, you should not be too impulsive, otherwise not only the Dongluowan reclamation approval letter will not be returned, but also this Lu The iron ring might release the news.

At that time, competitors such as "Great South Pillar" will be swayed by the wind, and maybe they can really mess up this large reclamation project of Aihua Real Estate.

At this time, Ai Heping was quite tangled.

Of course he knew the condition of the Fenglintan land.

In fact, this is the only project that Ai Heping has followed up from beginning to end when he arrived in Nanhai City.

Moreover, Ai Heping also used his boss's strength for this, convened several comprehensive meetings and negotiated with others for several rounds, and only then did he take down the treasure of Fengshui in Fenglintan.

That piece of land is a task that Ai Baoquan specifically assigned to Ai Heping, in order to build a high-end resort there.

By the way, at that time, Nan Dazhu Group was also competing with Aihua Real Estate for the Fenglintan land, but Aihua Real Estate finally defeated Nan Dazhu Group by its toughness against the sky.

That was Ai Heping's hard work, which made him quite proud at one time, how could he be willing to let it out.

Even if he was willing, the price was too high. If his father Ai Baoquan knew about it, he would definitely be furious.

Ai Baoquan might be angry enough to have a heart attack.

Thinking of this, Ai Heping waved his hand: "No way, no way, you are not an empty glove white wolf! You think beautifully, what about such a good thing?"

Lu Tiequan glanced at Ai Heping, smiling without saying a word.

It is not fair to say that Lu Tiequan is an empty gloved white wolf.

At least they have planned for so long, and only succeeded with the beauty scheme.

Of course, Lu Tiequan will also pay some money accordingly.

His son Lu Fangqi became arrogant again: "Ai Heping, now it’s not your turn to let it go. If you are unhappy, then we will give this reclamation approval to Nan Dazhu, Ai Heping, you Think about the consequences."

Ai Heping glared at each other and began to pat the table again: "Are you teaching me to do things?"

Li Tianyu just took a sip of tea and almost sprayed it on Lu Tiequan's face when he heard Ai Heping's words.

Has Ai Heping watched a lot of movies recently, and the lines have been picked up unchanged.

Lu Fangqi: "Ai Heping, you can understand. If you don't agree, then we won't talk about it, okay?"

Ai Heping was speechless for a while.

Now he has no idea, he doesn't know what to do.

If the Dongluowan reclamation approval letter really falls into the hands of the Nandazhu Group, it will be a big trouble.

In the past, Ai Heping was not afraid of being afraid, but now he finally understands what it means to be "cannot eat".

Therefore, Ai Heping had no choice but to look at Li Tianyu.

Although Li Tianyu was present, Ai Heping felt that even the boss would not have a good solution.

Now Lu Tiequan pinched Ai Heping's seven inches, he was not qualified to resist.

This meeting with the Ironman Security Company is not a negotiation at all. In fact, Lu Tiequan and Lu Fangqi and his son are fighting Ai Hepingxiao so hard that he voluntarily submits.

But what makes Ai Heping strange is that Li Tianyu doesn't seem to be worried about his appearance, he still has Erlang's legs tilted, and he still looks very calm.

It's just that Li Tianyu is silent now and seems to be thinking about something.

Ai Heping couldn't help but touched Li Tianyu with his elbow, and whispered, "Boss, what should I do?"

Li Tianyu turned his head to look at Ai Heping and said, "What should I do? Cessation of land and compensation."

When Ai Heping heard this, his eyes widened: "...Old, boss, there is no other way? The land of Fenglintan is quite ridiculous. If I lose it, then my father..."

Li Tianyu: "Yes, your father is so angry that he puts on the coffin board."

Ai Heping gave a wry smile, he is not in the mood to joke now.

Why did the Fenglintan site be favored by Aihua Real Estate, because it is indeed a very popular place.

There are high-quality, relatively gentle beaches, a reef area, a hill behind it, and a large mangrove forest.

Mangroves are quite an amazing ecosystem, not only in Nanhai Province, but also rare in the world.

Anyway, it's the kind of place that money can't buy.

More importantly, Fenglin Beach is not far from Nanhai City and Nanhai International Airport. It happens to be in the middle of the two places. It only takes about half an hour to drive there.

That's how Feng Shui treasures the place.

So if you build a high-standard and high-quality resort on Fenglin Beach, it will be a huge crowd.

Not only can it attract a large number of domestic tourists to visit the accommodation, but the people of the world will also find it quite attractive.

Ai Baoquan only came here to see it once and decided to take down this piece of Fenglin Beach land.

Of course, if compared with the Dongluowan reclamation project, this Fenglintan is indeed nothing but insignificant, and it can even be said to be completely incomparable.

It can be said that the Fenglin Beach Resort Project is just an ordinary project for Aihua Real Estate Group, while the Dongluowan Reclamation Project is a strategic project.

The reclamation project requires a total investment of more than ten to several billion. In the case of a bad domestic economic environment, it is directly related to the destiny trend of Aihua Real Estate Group.

So if you can only choose one of the two, there is no doubt that you can only choose the reclamation project in Dongluowan.

Ai Heping also knew this very well, so after hearing what Li Tianyu said, he had already started to struggle.

There is another key issue. In fact, Ai Heping himself could not make this decision.

Abandoning the Fenglintan plot is no small matter. Ai Heping must report to Ai Baoquan.

When Ai Baoquan heard it, he would definitely be taken aback. In addition to his doubts, Ai Heping could only tell the story of losing the reclamation approval.

At that time, Ai Baoquan will not only be a furious issue.

Even if this second batch of mistakes were made by Ai Heping, it was quite shocking.

At this time, Lu Tiequan seemed to see through Ai Heping's mind, and said: "Mr. Ai, if you are worried about your father, Mr. Ai Baoquan Ai, you must think clearly."

Lv Tiequan: "The Dongluowan reclamation project is the top priority for Aihua Real Estate and should not be missed. Although a place like Fenglintan is rare, it will not hurt you."

Ai Heping felt a headache when he heard it.Chinese Novel Library

He is a top rich second-generation, super dude, how could he have experienced such a thing?

Ai Heping has always done what he wants, and no one can help him.

Right now, it was completely led by the noses of the father and son Lu Tiequan, and they were pinched to death. There was no chance to resist.

Ai Heping is regretting it now, and he had long known that he would not have promised his dad Ai Baoquan to come and deal with this kind of mess.

Now that he hasn't gotten any benefits, he has even caused a commotion.

If this idea is known to Li Tianyu, he will definitely give him a few more seeds.

Such a grown-up, yet such a sense of responsibility and sense of honor, it is almost impossible to support Ah Dou.

How will Ai Baoquan hand over the industry to Ai Heping in the future?Isn't that letting Aihua Real Estate Group, founded by Ai Baoquan, fend for itself and seek its own demise.

Having said that, Ai Baoquan has more than one son. His eldest son Ai Zhengyi seems to be much more normal, and he has done a good job in Australia and New Zealand.

However, from the perspective of Li Tianyu, Ai Heping is after all his own. If he needs support, he still needs support, and if he needs education, he still needs education.

Ai Heping is also a smart person, but he is spoiled and lacks temper.

In case, after something happened, he suddenly opened up and became a talented Ai Xiaopang.

This is also very possible.

So now Li Tianyu has not intervened in the negotiations in time, just wanting Ai Heping to struggle for a while, so that he can taste the sufferings in the world and the warmth of humanity.

At the same time, Li Tianyu was also wondering when he would receive the Dongluowan reclamation approval for his tax income in the system.

Reclamation approval is nothing else.

The matter is very important, and it is impossible to feel at ease without holding it in your hands.

At this time, Ai Heping was finally entangled.

Although the loss of the Fenglin Beach land is a very serious matter, as Lu Tiequan said, building a resort on Fenglin Beach is very impressive, but compared with Dongluo Bay reclamation, it is not worth it. Mention it.

When Ai Baoquan knew about it, the degree of anger would of course be different.

Losing the Fenglintan plot is a lot lighter after all.

Ai Heping also quickly accepted the reality, coughed slightly, and said, "That's what you do, you guys, let's go, I..."

Ai Heping is finally about to let go.

Lu Tiequan and Lu Fang couldn't help but straightened up, waiting for this historic moment.

However, just when Ai Heping was about to say the next thing, Li Tianyu reached out to stop Ai Heping and beckoned him not to say it yet.

Ai Heping was startled, and didn't understand Li Tianyu's meaning for a while.

Although he knows that Li Tianyu is very critical and can solve many things, he should be at a loss at this time. After all, the Lu family and his son have fully grasped the initiative, and Ai Heping has no chance at all.

Unless Li Tianyu is a god, there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback.

Could it be said that the boss has any tactics to slow down, can buy some time, or the possibility of negotiation?

In any case, since Ai Heping "invited" Li Tianyu over, he definitely trusted Li Tianyu's strength 100%.

If anyone can save Ai Heping, apart from his parents Ai Baoquan and Zhao Ya, it can only be Li Tianyu.

what?Ai Heping’s brother, Ai Zhengyi?

It has been gone for several years, and Ai Heping almost forgot what his brother looked like.

At this time, I just heard Li Tianyu smile and say: "Mr. Lu, I really want to know something, I wonder if you can answer it for me?"

Lu Tiequan was not in a hurry, anyway, the duck meat was in his mouth and couldn't fly at all, so he smiled and said, "Mr. Li wants to know what, please ask."

Li Tianyu: "Ironman Security is a security company, right?"

Lu Tiequan: "That's right."

Li Tianyu: "Then why does a security company need an undeveloped land? Does Lu always want to switch to real estate?"

Lu Tiequan was startled. Although it was normal for Li Tianyu to ask this question, it was still quite difficult to answer.

After all, this is a trade secret.

Lu Tiequan wanted to acquire the Fenglintan plot, not to build a house or resort, but also because he wanted to use the plot to negotiate a deal with Nan Dazhu.

This is a typical case of eating at both ends. Ordinary people just think about it and can't do it.

But Lu Tiequan is different. He has been in Nanhai City for decades and has long been deeply rooted.

For example, the use of beauty tricks to get Ai Heping is not a forehead idea, but a lot of intelligence investigations and preparations, and a plan was made after finding out Ai Heping.

Where does Ai Heping like to go?

What kind of girls does Ai Heping like?

What kind of character is Ai Heping?

Lu Tiequan knew all about it.

No, Ai Heping was really fooled.

This is accidental and inevitable.

Therefore, Lu Tiequan is also a god, and it is no accident that he has made such a big career and has such a strong influence in the South China Sea.

Lv Tiequan can deal with anyone, including Ai Heping. Maybe even Ai Baoquan comes, and he has to admit it.

It's a pity that this time Lu Tiequan faced Li Tianyu, a man who is hard to be a man.

Lu Tiequan didn't answer Li Tianyu's question, and Li Tianyu didn't care. In fact, he just asked casually.

It doesn't matter why Lu Tiequan wanted to take the Fenglintan plot.

Just then, a burst of music rang.

Everyone was shocked.

It turned out that Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

Li Tianyu took out his cell phone slowly, and looked at the ID, it was a local number in Nanhai City.

Li Tianyu smiled, he seemed to guess what kind of phone it was.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button and heard a man's voice.

Mysterious man: "Is it Mr. Li Tianyu and Li?"

Li Tianyu: "It's me."

Mysterious man: "My side is Nanfeng Express. I have a piece to be delivered to you. Is it convenient for you to get it?"

Li Tianyu responded lightly: "Convenient."

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