Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 588 Going to Eat Wild Pufferfish

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ai Heping couldn't help asking as he drove, "Boss, do we have any other players?"

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "We don't need a second hand."

Ai Heping was dumbfounded and couldn't bother to drive. Don't stop at the side of the road: "Boss, let's just forget it? Regardless of the reclamation approval?"

Li Tianyu didn't answer, and threw the paper bag in Ai Heping's hand.

Ai Heping was startled, "Boss, what is this?"

Li Tianyu: "Open it and take a look."

Ai Heping was very puzzled, and quickly opened the file bag.

There is only one A4 paper inside.

Ai Heping's heart beats. The color and texture of this paper are familiar to him.

Ai Heping: "Fuck! Nope, boss, this shouldn't be that..."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, take it out and have a look."

Ai Heping quickly took out the A4 paper, his hands trembling involuntarily.

After taking it out, only glanced at the file and raised his head, Ai Heping's eyes went wide.

Damn it!

What's so special, it's really Dongluowan's approval for sea reclamation!

Ai Heping: "Old, boss, can't do it yourself, right?"

Ai Heping was uncomfortable talking.

The so-called "made by oneself", of course, refers to forgery.

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, why do you make this yourself?"

Ai Heping: "You can't let others make it, and we make it ourselves, which is different from the ones made by other people's public departments. It must be revealed!"

Li Tianyu intends to tease Ai Heping: "What is the filling, do you see anything?"

Ai Heping looked at the things in his hand again, and shook his head: "I definitely can't see it, but someone who is professional can definitely see it!"

Li Tianyu: "I tell you, I must not see it."

Ai Heping was startled, and asked stupidly: "Why?"

Li Tianyu: "Because this is the real reclaiming approval."

Ai Heping still asked stupidly: "Boss, why is it true?"

Li Tianyu stretched out his hand and patted Ai Heping's head: "There are so many whys! Are you a hundred thousand whys!?"

Ai Heping asked bitterly, "No, how could this be true? Isn't it really in the hands of Lu Tiequan's stupid critic?"

Li Tianyu: "That's why you are a fool. He stole the thing. Then I can apply for another one. Take a good look. The approval number above has changed."

Ai Heping: "...The approval number? Has it changed?... Has it really changed?"

Ai Heping looked at the series of numbers in the upper right corner for a long time, but still couldn't see why.

It’s no wonder that Ai Heping has also read the reclaimed sea approvals once or twice. It’s good to remember what the reclaimed approvals look like. How can I remember the previous approval numbers?

Li Tianyu: "Okay, don't bully, when I lied to you, you will know the copy when you go back and check the copy, you won't tell me, you don't even have a copy of the sea-filling approval?"

Ai Heping showed a confused look.

Li Tianyu almost gave him some two melon seeds.

This bastard thing, I really don't know one question, but I don't know the fart!

Ai Heping laughed: "Boss, I'm kidding, my assistant must have made a copy, there is a backup!"

Li Tianyu glanced at Ai Heping: "Don't get bored, drive quickly."

Ai Heping changed the forward gear, and the Range Rover rushed forward and almost collided with a Volkswagen Bora. Ai Heping yelled, "Fuck! Can someone drive a car! Even a broken car can run so fast!"

Ai Heping couldn't help but turned his head and asked, "Boss, this Dongluowan reclamation approval is true? That Lu Tiequan's share is not..."

Li Tianyu chuckled, "True can't be faked, fake, can't be real, his approval for reclamation has been invalidated."

When Ai Heping heard it, he basically believed it.

For Ai Heping, the boss is the boss, and what he said is absolutely reliable.

Although he still has many questions in his mind, for example, how did Li Tianyu get the Dongluowan reclamation approval in such a short time?

You must know that this is not going to the vegetable market to buy Chinese cabbage. It is not enough to cook at noon today. You can go to the vegetable market to buy it in the afternoon.

Let’s not talk about how much time should be given to the relevant departments to review the application for the reclamation approval. It will not take a few months or half a year.

Just preparing those annoying qualifications and application materials is enough to make the average company collapse.

That is to say, Aihua Real Estate Group is one of the largest large enterprises in the domestic real estate industry, and it also has a strong legal department, otherwise it is really not easy to get it.

Of course, Ai Heping is not good at the specific operation of the company, nor is he good at it, otherwise he would never believe Li Tianyu's rhetoric.

In Nanhai City, where Li Tianyu arrived only yesterday, he had completed the Dongluowan reclamation approval in less than a day. It was definitely a world-class, no, a cosmic-level joke.

But this is how it happened.

When Li Tianyu and Ai Heping returned to the office area of ​​Aihua International Hotel, Li Tianyu said that he would take a rest, and then went back to the hotel room, which is the presidential suite.

As for Ai Heping, I don't want to rest or do anything else.

He returned to the office and couldn't wait to call Zhu Ling over.

Zhu Ling found it strange to see Ai Heping's ups and downs.

So Ai Heping asked Zhu Ling if she had a photocopy of the Dongluowan reclamation approval.

Zhu Ling: "Yes, I have photocopied several copies, and there are electronic versions."

Ai Heping pretended to be silent, and said quietly, "Then bring me a copy."

Zhu Ling agreed and went to handle it immediately.

In fact, Zhu Ling was very strange. What did Ai Heping do with a photocopy of the reclamation plan?

Since Ai Heping has been in the Nanhai branch, he has almost belonged to the shopkeeper, but only occasionally will follow up on special important things.

Back this time, why is this unlearned Xiao Ai so hardworking?

In fact, Ai Heping did not tell anyone about the disappearance of the Dongluowan reclamation approval.

Just kidding, he didn't dare.

As long as it is told to a second person besides Li Tianyu, not only Ai Baoquan will know, but other competitors will also know the news, and will be moved by the news.

Even if Ai Heping kept secret now, others must have already received the news.

Maybe some powerful people are working.

When Zhu Ling brought the photocopy, Ai Heping compared the reclaiming approval letter given to him by Li Tianyu, and felt more at ease.

The number of the reclamation approval is really different, and judging from the numbers, the reclamation approval given to him by Li Tianyu is indeed the latest version.

Boss, he really kept his promises!

Believe in the boss and live forever!85 novel

Ai Heping's current admiration for Li Tianyu has suddenly increased to another level, which is simply higher than Ai Baoquan's status.

Although this does not fully prove that the reclaiming approval given by Li Tianyu is true, for Ai Heping, "Li Tianyu" is a golden sign, and there will be inexplicable trust in him.

Although Ai Heping's temperament is very mischievous, he is not a stupid critic, knowing that many things cannot be delayed now.

The most important thing is to go to the relevant department to file the Dongluowan reclamation approval document, so that it can be foolproof.

But this requires a lot of legal procedures, and it is not an overnight thing.

However, Ai Heping still called the relevant personnel into the office, pretending to be serious, and urging them pretendingly, which put a lot of pressure on these people.

Of course, Ai Heping's performance puzzled these employees.

Like assistant Zhu Ling’s doubts, Ai Heping used to be indifferent. Since he took over the branch, the employees from the bottom to the middle and high-level managers are now slack, exhausted, and very inefficient.

Now Ai Heping has come to a surprise attack, all these large and small middle and high-level managers have been confused and criticized.

Ai Heping looked at the stunned and bewildered faces, he couldn't help but patted the table, and cursed: "You guys, why are you all like the eggplants that are beaten by cream? Give me more energy, hurry up. Do what I need to do well, or you don't even want to stay in the company!"

When these people saw Ai Heping moving really well, they all quickly expressed their opinions and admitted their mistakes, saying that they must work hard, make progress every day, and increase work efficiency.

Ai Heping has repeatedly "cared for" the filing work of the Dongluowan reclamation project, and asked the relevant personnel to complete it as soon as possible, before allowing these people to leave his office.

After the meeting, Ai Heping collapsed on the boss chair for half a while, as if he had been soaking two girls all night in a row.

No, it's more tiring than doing that.

Obviously the meeting only lasted an hour and a half!

Ai Heping made a murmur in his heart. I saw his father Ai Baoquan at ease before, so why is he so tired when he is here?

Ai Heping grabbed the mineral water on the table and drank two sips before he eased.

Now he feels a little bit that his father Ai Baoquan is not easy, and he should honor his old man when he looks back.

At least send more girls, right?

While Ai Heping was thinking about these messy things, Li Tianyu had already slept.

Li Tianyu was also exhausted, almost immediately after getting off the plane and arriving at the hotel, he was pulled out by Ai Heping to do this and that, and he didn't even have time to catch his breath.

There is really no humanity!

Li Tianyu slept for two hours. After getting up, he still felt a little tired, so he watched the video on the phone on the bed.

After watching the video for a while, I was very sleepy again, and then went to sleep.

Before going to bed, Li Tianyu was thinking that he would have to spin around today, and stayed asleep until the next morning, but he was woken up by a violent knock on the door halfway through.

Li Tianyu finally got up from the bed, then reluctantly got up to open the door.

Without ringing the doorbell, knocking on the door was so rude.

There will be no one else, it must be the second batch of Ai Heping.

Sure enough, Ai Heping stood straight outside the door, more like a second batch.

Li Tianyu said helplessly: "Is there anything wrong?"

Ai Heping: "Yes!"

Li Tianyu: "Say."

Ai Heping: "Go for dinner, I haven't eaten dinner yet!"

Li Tianyu was about to slap in the face, Ai Heping also learned to be smart, flashed very fast, did not slap.

Li Tianyu: "Do you still have a face to tell me to eat? I haven't eaten at lunch!"

Ai Heping smiled embarrassedly.

Li Tianyu's last meal today was a simple meal on the plane.

Ai Heping is too unreliable, and he didn't expect to entertain Li Tianyu, so he dragged him to the rivers and lakes for emergency treatment.

It's so inhumane!

It was too busy, and Li Tianyu did not feel hungry, otherwise he would really have to give Ai Heping a meal.

Ai Heping: "Boss, it's not too late to eat now. I don't eat at noon. Just eat more at night. It's good for your health!"

Damn it!

What a real treasure!

Having said that, Li Tianyu really felt hungry. He looked back at the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was already dark. Only the occasional light reflected on the water surface was dazzling.

Li Tianyu: "Where to eat? Why don't you tell me that your hotel does not have a restaurant."

Ai Heping took Li Tianyu's arm and walked out: "Go, the hotel has nothing to eat, I will take you to eat something special."

Li Tianyu: "Wait a minute."

Ai Heping: "What are you waiting for? Wait for the day lily to get cold!"

Li Tianyu: "I have to wear clothes."

Ai Heping saw that Li Tianyu was wearing underwear, so he had to let him in and put on clothes.

After Li Tianyu came out, Ai Heping began to drag him away again.

Li Tianyu: "Don't you call those two people?"

Ai Heping was startled, "Which two people?... Oh, they!?"

Ai Heping finally remembered that what Li Tianyu said was Qi Mingna and Niu Ying.

Ai Heping: "We will entertain them tomorrow, and today our brothers will go to have fun."

Now that Ai Heping has arranged it, Li Tianyu can't say anything.

Ai Heping was still driving, and Li Tianyu was in the co-pilot seat.

The night in Nanhai City is still very lively. This is a relatively prosperous area in Nanhai City, so it is even more feasting and lively.

After driving for about ten minutes, Ai Heping parked the car on the side of the road.

The two pushed the door and got out of the car and entered an unremarkable restaurant.

The hotel on the roadside has five floors, which is inconspicuous from the outside, but the interior decoration is quite stylish.

All kinds of fish are painted on the walls.

Of course, there are also very beautifully designed aquariums, in which real ornamental fish swim.

Since this is Nanhai City, this restaurant is obviously a place to eat seafood.

Although this is quite appropriate, Li Tianyu has not eaten seafood less recently, but Ai Heping said that the most famous seafood here is not ordinary seafood.

Li Tianyu: "What is that?"

Ai Heping: "Fugu, and it's a wild puffer."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Wild pufferfish? You brought me here, don't you want to eat this stuff?"

Ai Heping: "That's a must, I can guarantee it, it's extremely delicious!"

The wild puffer fish is poisonous, and the toxicity is unusual.

Of course, if the master handles it well, it won't be a big problem.

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