Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 599: The Strongest Light Engraver, None

You can find the latest chapters in Baidu by searching for "Shen Hao starts with bragging about taxes ("! Since the photolithography system consists of hundreds of thousands of parts, it is quite large.

When it first arrived, it was fully packed with 18 centralized boxes, large centralized boxes.

Later, Lu Hui told Li Tianyu that the photoengraving machine system was divided into two batches. The position was quite grand and spectacular.

Don't be surprised, it's not much.

Asmaq's optical engraving system is said to consist of more than 100,000 parts. If it's packed in a large centralized box, it's 40!

That's right, you heard it right. Forty large centralized boxes.

Since this is the recommended photoengraving machine of the system, it is produced by “mysterious company X”, it should be considered the most advanced photoengraving system in the world at present.

In other words, the optical engraving system of mysterious company X is more upscale than the state-of-the-art optical engraving machine model of Asme.

And it's a lot of volume optimization, and it's not as big as Asme's photoengraving machine.

Of course, it is hard to tell how much the performance gap between the two is.

In short, Asme's photolithography system has the ultimate capability to perform approximately 3 nanometers.

And the optical engraving system of mysterious company X can reach the limit of 1 nm.

This is really amazing.

After the chip nanoprocessing technology reaches less than 10 nanometers, it is very difficult to make exponential efforts every step of the way, after all, there are physical limitations in the manufacture of such chips.

If anyone who knows how to do it knows that Optical Blue Electronics has a photoengraver that can help out with a 1 nm process chip, it will definitely jump on the spot.

Anyway, because the volume of the photolithography system is really too large and requires a special working environment, the installer separates an area and specially installs the photolithography system equipment.

Anyway, this area is quite large and looks a little bit bigger than a standard basketball court.

When the team walks through a security door into the area, it feels like it's entering a science fiction space.

The optical engraving system equipment listed by Mysterious Company X is quite sci-fi in appearance. Although it is huge, it does not make people feel very clumsy.

The visual impact at first sight was so powerful that it shook most of the people, wondering if they had arrived in the equipment compartment of a spaceship.

And all four bovine batch chip technicians showed a confusing look.

Said they were cattle batches, certainly not false.

In fact, Wei Dynasty, Jiao Dagong, Liu Xingshan and Hu Shaoming were all key members of the team, especially Wei Dynasty and Jiao Dagong. As the team leader, they often went to the chip production plant for guidance, and even went abroad to visit the production plant of the world's largest factory, such as Taiwan Electricity Storage.

So all four of them have seen photoengraving machines, except Asmak's photoengraving machines, which are Nikon and Canon's photoengraving systems.

Other brands of light engraving machines do exist, but they are almost in the lab or in legends, and they have never seen them anyway.

And the optical engraving system of Optical Blue Electronics kept them out of their minds for a while.

Definitely not Asmael's, not Nikon's, or Canon's. Whose house is that?

Was it an unknown miscellaneous business?

At this time, Jiao Dagong smiled: "President Li, the optical engraving machine of Optical Blue Electronics can't do anything!"

Li Tianyu's expression was stagnant and there was no speech.

Xia Lei revealed a surprising look: "Jiao Dagong, why do you say that? Is this the wrong lighting machine?"

Jiao Dagong: "Forget Asmak, it's not even a low-end brand like Nikon and Canon. Which village manufacturer made it?"

Xia Lei looked at Lu Hui and then turned his gaze on Li Tianyu's face.

To be honest, the optical engraving system is more difficult to implement. Everyone knows this, so Xia Lei can accept that Li Tianyu is not ready in this regard.

But Xia Lei still wants to hear what Li Tianyu will explain.

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "President Xia, this is certainly not a photoengraving machine for Asmak, Nikon and Jiayutong, but I can assure you that the photoengraving system we obtained from Optical Blue Electronics is one of the most advanced in the world. ”

Li Tianyu's words surprised everyone here. Of course, Lu Hui was excluded.

In fact, Lu Hui had such confusion at first, but after understanding himself, he has completely calmed down.

Li Tianyu's words did seem like bragging, but they had no moisture at all.

At least in terms of equipment parameters, it is possible to kill Asme's latest photoengraving system in seconds.

Of course, the specific parameter is useless, it actually works, that's really cool.

In fact, the technicians who came along with the machine also gave Lu Hui a live demonstration of the operation and trained some optical and blue electronics staff to operate the machine.

Although Lu Hui had not really seen Asma's photoengraving machine, he saw the operation in front of him and thought it was a very good batch.

At this point, Jiao Dagong haha laughed: "President Li, you have to say something else, we may believe, but to say that this is the strongest optical engraving system, it is a bit too much.” Burnets

Li Tianyu said lightly: "That's what Samsung Electronics told me when we went to the exhibition with the LCD screen panel of Optical Blue Electronics. ”

Everyone was stunned.

Optical blue electronic LCD panels, especially foldable and flexible screens, have been named “the strongest on the surface" by many news media.

Although such a statement may have some popular ingredients, you can only pay a little attention to know that Optical Blue Electronics is now HUAWEI's S-class supplier.

HUAWEI's supplier standards are well known in the industry. Without two brushes, Optical Blue Electronics can't do it at all.

Jiao Dagong reacted and smiled again: "President Li, it's a photoengraving machine, chip making, it's not the same as the screen panel. ”

Li Tianyu did not speak, but looked at Lu Hui.

Lu Hui smiled and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, our staff will be here shortly. We will run this optical engraving system, and you will know when you see it. ”

Everyone was stunned.

Is this the rhythm of the live demonstration? But the production line is not connected yet.

Li Tianyu nodded with a smile: "President Xia, there are still a few technical brothers, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. ”

At this point, a few people came in.

They all wore dust suits in the same way, except that the colour of the dust suit was different from that of the "investigation team”.

Lu Hui: "They are technicians who have been trained in operation and will give you some presentations. ”

Most of the people on the scene were foggy and didn't understand how they would demonstrate.

Only the four technicians, Wei Dynasty, Jiao Dagong, Liu Xingshan and Hu Shaoming, were a knowledgeable person. They had long begun to watch the workers busy.

The so-called demo is not just a simple startup.

This optical engraving system by Mystery Company X is very complex and precise, and it also has many incredible functions.

For example, a simulated production demo system.

This gives people a visual view of how the machine works, how it works, and how fast it is produced through the screen.

In addition, there is a very detailed parameter and adjustment interface, making it easy for operators to observe and adjust.

To be honest, it sounds like a bit of a play, but the saying is good: outsiders look at popular, insiders look at the doorway.

Wei Dynasty, Jiao Dagong and others looked at it for a while, and they were quite surprised.

And with the demonstration of the light-engineering machine system, the surprise appeared on his face, and the more “serious", the more exaggerated.

After a while, he just listened to Jiao Dagong murmur: "No, it's impossible. This lighting system will be so efficient?" What kind of cat is it? "

The Wei dynasty got a little excited: "Jiao, do you know what this means? This light engraving system is more accurate than Asme! And it can serve many lines at the same time!"

Jiao Dagong was stunned and quickly shook his head again: "I don't think it's possible. How can the current technology be so advanced? This should be fake!"

Wei immediately pointed to a debugging screen and said: "I think this is true. You can see that these parameters are close to the normal value. If it is false data, it can't be so accurate!"

While the Wei Dynasty and Jiao Dagong were arguing, Liu Xingshan and Hu Shaoming also saw the working conditions of other parts.

The faces of the two men were very strange and somewhat unbelievable.

Obviously, they can't see the flaw at all, and the light-engineering system is almost perfect, more than Asma's equivalent.

Xia Lei of course was also observing the reaction of the four of them, and more and more she felt the light blue electron. No, Li Tianyu is not simple anymore.

But Xia Lei did not disturb the four technicians. They needed more time to discover the authenticity.

It took more than an hour for the four technicians to temporarily conclude their "reflection", and they looked at almost all the equipment in the optical engraving system once, no, several times.

Especially the Wei Dynasty, has completely entered a drunken state.

Had it not been for Xia Lei's reminder that they were going to “finish work”, it is estimated that the Wei Dynasty would not have had any problems staying here for a few days.

After the tour, the next thing became simple.

Li Tianyu intends to invite Xia Lei and others to the big restaurant nearby and invite them to lunch.

But Xia Lei smiled and said, "Don't worry about lunch. Let's go to Langzhou.

Li Tianyu stunned: "Eat in Langzhou?"

Xia Lei: "Yes, I've arranged lunch. There is a wildlife parlor in Langzhou City. We'll eat there. It's not far from here. We'll be there in a minute. ”

Since Xia Lei arranged this, Li Tianyu also agreed.

Anyway, I have a relationship with Xia Lei, so I don't need too much hospitality.

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