Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 618 I am the boss, I must fire you

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Chen Ling's words are relatively straightforward, but they are also facts.

Now Chen Ling and Guo Shiyun are almost the same in terms of annual performance. If they surpass Guo Shiyun this month, they can indeed become the sales champion in the store.

You must know that the Patek Philippe of this China World Mall belongs to the flagship store in the Imperial Capital.

Become the sales champion of the store, it can be said to be the sales champion of the entire imperial capital.

More importantly, the shop manager seat of the Patek Philippe China World Trade Center store is now vacant. If it can become the sales champion this year, it is likely to be the shop manager candidate.

The store manager of Patek Philippe is quite impressive, not only makes a lot of money, but also has great power.

To put it very straightforwardly, Chen Ling can transfer Guo Shiyun away at any time and become the king and hegemony, which is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling even fell in love with Guo Shiyun.

She had forgotten how Guo Shiyun helped her when she was a newcomer.

Fan Xiaoning curled his lips and whispered to Guo Shiyun: "It's pretty beautiful. Who doesn't know who she is!"

Guo Shiyun waved his hand to let Fan Xiaoning say a few words.

Chen Ling is a person who must report to Javier, and has the means to be targeted by her, then there will be trouble at any time.

Guo Shiyun was not afraid of Chen Ling, but didn't bother to talk to her.

However, if Guo Shiyun wanted to say that he was not worried that his performance was false, he secretly made up his mind to redouble his efforts and would never let Chen Ling surpass her.

At this moment, there was movement at the door.

The clerk who received customers outside said, "Sir, please inside."

A handsome young man stepped forward.

When Guo Shiyun saw it, he was stunned. That was not the handsome Tesla guy Li Tianyu I met yesterday.

This surprised Guo Shiyun very much.

Guo Shiyun saw that Li Tianyu was extraordinary and he drove millions of luxury cars. He must be a rich man. Of course, more importantly, he was very handsome. This gave Li Tianyu a business card.

Although Li Tianyu said at the time that he would come and have a look, Guo Shiyun did not expect Li Tianyu to come so soon.

Guo Shiyun was about to step forward to say hello, but caught a glimpse of Chen Ling moving first.

Chen Ling's eyes were quicker, her legs and feet were quicker, and she was in front of Li Tianyu in no time.

Chen Ling: "Sir, do you have any needs?"

While Chen Ling was speaking, her eyes were also looking at Li Tianyu's body, forward and backward.

To be honest, Chen Ling's eyesight is not bad, and it feels that although this man is young, he is well dressed and decent, and his temperament is also very good.

But Chen Ling does not think that Li Tianyu is a rich second generation.

The young rich second-generation Chen Ling has seen it a lot, and a few have been in contact with it "in-depth".

The expressions and temperament of those people will never be so peaceful, they generally have a kind of arrogant and domineering energy, but the degree is different.

Therefore, Chen Ling judged that Li Tianyu should be an elite person who had a good mix in a large enterprise. Going further, he might be a middle-level manager, no matter how high he is.

Chen Ling's "business ability" is still very strong, it is not easy to locate a person quickly in such a short time.

Generally speaking, Chen Ling's judgment is not wrong, but Li Tianyu is an exception, belonging to the legendary enchanting character.

Li Tianyu's current wealth and status are completely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

At this time, hearing Chen Ling's inquiry, Li Tianyu responded casually: "I'll take a look."

When Chen Ling heard this, she couldn't help being a little disappointed. Generally speaking, the customers who answered this way didn't buy much in the end.

For luxury brands like Patek Philippe, everything is calculated in units of "10,000".

Those who want to buy such luxury goods basically have specific goals.

For example, if you want to buy a watch, the model will be specified when you visit.

Chen Ling's enthusiasm suddenly dropped a lot: "That's OK, sir, just take a look."

Li Tianyu turned around and asked, "By the way, is Guo Shiyun there?"

Chen Ling was startled, her face changed in a blink of an eye.

The man who co-authored this man came to Guo Shiyun, he didn't come to buy anything at all!

Chen Ling was angry and did not answer immediately.

At this time, Guo Shiyun came up naturally.

Guo Shiyun: "Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Li Tianyu: "Actually, I didn't expect it. Let me see if there is anything I can buy."

Guo Shiyun responded with a smile: "Well, do you have any requirements? I can recommend it to you."

Li Tianyu was about to speak, but he heard Chen Ling mumble: "What are you recommending? He won't buy it."

Although Chen Ling's voice is relatively small, Li Tianyu and Guo Shiyun are very close to her, so they can hear them clearly.

Guo Shiyun's expression changed, and he did not expect that Chen Ling would say such things in front of the guests with such carelessness.

Li Tianyu turned his head and glanced at Chen Ling: "What did you just say?"

Chen Ling became angry and lost control: "Don't pretend to be here, are you here to find Guo Shiyun?"

Guo Shiyun glared at Chen Ling: "Shut up! Just say a few words!"

Of course, Chen Ling was not convinced. She was just about to frustrate, but was persuaded by other colleagues.

Guo Shiyun turned his head and said to Li Tianyu: "Sorry, Chen Ling is in a bad mood today."

Li Tianyu said, "You are a big brand, so it's better not to ask for employees who can't control their emotions."

Li Tianyu's words angered Chen Ling again.

Chen Ling said coldly: "You are pretty good, if you are really good, then you will be a VIP monarch and complain directly to me!"

Li Tianyu was not angry and asked Guo Shiyun: "VIP Monarch? What is it?"

Guo Shiyun hesitated and replied: "The VIP Sovereign is our most distinguished member of Patek Philippe. Heng has a variety of privileges, including the priority purchase of all limited and limited models of Patek Philippe, and it is universal."

Li Tianyu said "Oh": "If I am a VIP monarch, can I complain to her?"

Guo Shiyun nodded: "Becoming a VIP monarch can complain to any Patek Philippe employee, and if the situation is true, the group can directly dismiss that employee."

Li Tianyu turned his head and glanced at Chen Ling, thinking that what was meant by it, really meant a "monarch".

Chen Ling seemed to drink it out, glaring at each other: "You can do one if you can!"

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll do one."

When everyone around heard this, they were all startled.

This person is young and his tone is really crazy.

This is not about buying Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market, nor is it about going to the gym at your doorstep to get a monthly card. The entry barrier for VIP monarchs is quite high.

Chen Ling sneered: "Okay, then pay for it."

Li Tianyu looked at Guo Shiyun and asked faintly: "How much is it?"

Guo Shiyun replied in a low voice: "Mr. Li, the membership fee of the VIP monarch needs about 10 million soft sister coins..."

Why do you say "about 10 million soft sister coins"?

It should be converted according to the U.S. dollar.

Ten million soft sister coins are indeed a very large sum, and no wonder the people around them feel incredible about Li Tianyu's words and deeds.

Until now, the people who became VIP monarchs in the imperial capital can count with one hand, and all of them are the top rich.

Chen Ling shouted again: "Don't you have money? Then hurry up and pay for it!"

Li Tianyu did not respond to Chen Ling, but said to Guo Shiyun: "Give me a VIP monarch. I just want to see Patek Philippe's limited edition."

Guo Shiyun was startled.

Chen Ling was startled.

The others were also stunned.

Everyone showed an incredible look.

What do you mean?

This person really wants to spend 10 million soft sister coins to establish a VIP monarch!?

Guo Shiyun couldn't help but panicked: "Mr. Li and Li, are you sure you want to do it now? Would you like to think about it again?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Do it now, no need to think about it."

Li Tianyu's action can be regarded as a heroic and arrogant man, and he is so handsome and cool!

Everyone looked at each other, whispered, and whispered.

Probably they are all discussing whether Li Tianyu will actually spend 10 million yuan for VIP monarch privileges.

Guo Shiyun was very nervous at this time.

She couldn't even figure out whether what Li Tianyu said was true or false.

Although Li Tianyu is definitely also a rich man, driving a million-dollar luxury car is ironclad, but there is an essential difference between spending one million and spending ten million.

Although there are many wealthy people in the imperial capital, there are probably very few people who can withdraw 10 million yuan in cash at a time.

But since Li Tianyu has said so, Guo Shiyun naturally has to do it too.

Guo Shiyun settled down, turned his head and said to Fan Xiaoning: "Xiaoning, help me get the membership register."

Fan Xiaoning was still in a daze. Hearing Guo Shiyun's instructions, he immediately responded: "Okay, okay!"

With that, Fan Xiaoning turned around and went to the staff lounge and took out the membership register.

The so-called membership registrar is actually a tablet computer, which of course is customized by Patek Philippe.

Fan Xiaoning entered Li Tianyu's basic information on the tablet, and then clicked "Submit".

At this time, it was Li Tianyu's turn to pay the VIP monarch entrance fee.

Fan Xiaoning: "Mr. Li, do you want to pay in installments or do you want to pay in full?"

Guo Shiyun explained: “In terms of phases, the plan we provide can be divided into three phases, six phases, and twelve phases. You can think about it first.”

Li Tianyu faintly replied: "Don't think about it, pay it all in one lump sum."

That's right, Li Tianyu is now afraid of trouble.

Time is money, how can there be time to pay in installments.

The people around once again looked shocked.

Not far away, Chen Ling's eyes widened.

Is this Li Tianyu really an invisible man?

Or is it the son of a coal boss from which coal province?

But the latter possibility is basically not there.

The times are different now. It used to be everywhere. The coal bosses who owned mines at home were almost "extinct."

Fan Xiaoning glanced at Guo Shiyun, who nodded.

Fan Xiaoning took out a credit card machine from under the counter.

Li Tianyu took out a bank card from his handbag.

Everyone saw that it was a VIP black card from a certain flag bank!

There is no cash withdrawal limit for such a card, and only the most powerful savings customers in a certain banner will hold it.

And it is said that such a card has no upper limit for cash withdrawal.

Chen Ling panicked a little.

This Li Tianyu will not really be able to brush out 10 million soft sister coins, right?

In that case, he would really become a VIP monarch!

No, it shouldn't be, maybe it's just an ordinary card for bluffing people.

Chen Ling comforted herself and forced herself to calm down.

At this time, Li Tianyu handed the card to Fan Xiaoning.

Fan Xiaoning placed it in the sensing area and then pressed a button on the screen.

Li Tianyu's cell phone rang immediately and received a verification code from a certain bank.

This text message asked Li Tianyu if he wanted to pay this huge amount.

Without blinking his eyes, Li Tianyu responded to the confirmation message without hesitation.

Ten million soft sister coins are nothing to Li Tianyu, and it won't take long to earn it back.

Fan Xiaoning looked at it and couldn't help but exclaimed: "The payment is successful."

Everyone started talking again.

Damn it!

It turned out to be a big money!

If you can take out ten million people in an instant, that property will have to be more than tenfold.

Even Guo Shiyun was so shocked that Li Tianyu would be so unfathomable.

Li Tianyu: "Then I will be the VIP monarch of Patek Philippe?"

Guo Shiyun reacted and nodded: "Yes, you are our VIP monarch, but your monarch card will be given to you one or two days later. It is issued directly from the headquarters..."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Don't worry about that, as long as my rights take effect."

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Ling shivered, and all she felt was panic.

As soon as Chen Ling's eyes turned, she walked over immediately and said to Li Tianyu, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I have something to do today, so I am in a bad mood. I will definitely not be like this in the future. I will change. I will definitely change!"

Li Tianyu ignored Chen Ling and said to Guo Shiyun: "How to complain to your employees, tell me."

Guo Shiyun glanced at Chen Ling, showing no mercy to her at all.

Such a person, who looks pitiful now, is actually a real "chameleon", who will change his face when he turns around.

Guo Shiyun: "Mr. Li, come with me."

Li Tianyu nodded, and followed Guo Shiyun to a room.

That room is just a place for VIP guests.

Chen Ling's face was gray and her lips began to tremble.

She did a good job here, and if she was fired, it would be difficult to find the same job.

The people around had some opinions on Chen Ling, but Chen Ling would not show it when the wind was going well.

At this time, it feels a bit pleasant.

Li Tianyu was not soft-hearted, and directly complained to Chen Ling in the VIP room according to the procedure, and asked Chen Ling to leave Patek Philippe.

Next, there was almost no suspense. Chen Ling must have stayed at Patek Philippe for less than half a month.

No matter how Chen Ling makes trouble, she can't vibrate the status of VIP monarch.

To put it bluntly, this is the privilege of the rich.

Not to mention sales, even if the store manager provokes the VIP monarch

As for Guo Shiyun, because Li Tianyu has become the VIP monarch, his performance will naturally rise. This year, he will definitely exceed the performance task.

Guo Shiyun: "Mr. Li, thank you."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Thank me for what I am doing, I haven't bought anything yet."

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