Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 623 This person has an unusual relationship with Qin Xuetong

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Li Tianyu also tweeted in his heart.

It's worthy of being a super first-line female star. To be honest, this hardware condition is hard to imagine.

It can be said that the beauty of the domestic entertainment industry and Qin Xuetong's level can be counted by a slap.

No matter how many times Li Tianyu has seen Qin Xuetong, he will still be amazed at the magical work of the Creator.

The key is Qin Xuetong not only looks extremely beautiful, but also has a very good mind, and his family background is particularly good.

But think about it carefully, this is also the inevitable accident, after all, genes determine everything.

Of course, Li Tianyu did not expect Qin Xuetong to come so early.

After all, look at the time, it's just after six o'clock, and I haven't started to master.

At this time, Qin Xuetong met the needs of several autographs and group photos, and assistants and stewards dispersed the crowd.

Most of them are waiters, knowing the rules here, if it weren't for Qin Xuetong to be too famous and too difficult to see, he wouldn't be so gaffe.

So when the steward spoke, they all fell apart, just holding a mobile phone next to him to take pictures and videos of Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong walked in under the escort of two assistants.

That posture is indeed full of stars.

Zhou Yuanping's little brothers were all excited.


Because Qin Xuetong was coming here.

Even Zhou Yuanping couldn't help being a little excited. He did not only meet Qin Xuetong once, but he had very limited words with her. No, he had hardly said anything.

But Qin Xuetong should know him Zhou Yuanping, otherwise he would not go here.

Zhou Yuanping sorted out his emotions, hair style, and looked down at his shirt. Well, there is nothing wrong with him, he is handsome.

Zhou Yuanping decided that if Qin Xuetong came over to talk to him, he would have to perform well and try to impress Qin Xuetong.

In fact, Zhou Yuanping didn't come to Qin Xuetong's birthday party to eat or drink, he was really trying his best to create an opportunity to have friendship with Qin Xuetong.

As long as I can get acquainted with Qin Xuetong, can Fangze be far behind?

Zhou Yuanping also specially spent a lot of money to buy something as a birthday gift to Qin Xuetong.

In a daze, Qin Xuetong had already arrived.

Zhou Yuanping could smell the scent, which is not comparable to perfume.

Even the most expensive perfume in the world cannot produce such a charming smell.

Zhou Yuanping: "Miss Qin, it's been a long time."

Qin Xuetong was startled and looked at Zhou Yuanping, "Who are you?"

When everyone heard it, almost all their faces collapsed.

Originally thought Zhou Yuanping knew Qin Xuetong very well, and some even thought Zhou Yuanping had an affair with a girl star, maybe he would have a relationship with Qin Xuetong.

This is not an exaggeration. Although Qin Xuetong has no scandals and looks like an extremely beautiful white lotus in the entertainment industry, in the hearts of many people, there are no clean female stars in the entertainment industry.

After the predecessors, there are two different things.

Fortunately now, co-author Qin Xuetong doesn't even know Zhou Yuanping.

Zhou Yuanping's face changed slightly, and he was quite shameless. At first he thought that even if Qin Xuetong hadn't remembered his name, he would still be somewhat impressed.

I don't know if Zhou Yuanping overestimated himself or Qin Xuetong's memory.

But Zhou Yuanping is not an ordinary dude, he is also a great man who has seen strong winds and waves. He calmly said: "Miss Qin, we met. I greeted you at Teacher Qin's birthday party six months ago. "

Teacher Qin naturally refers to Qin Yuenian.

At that time Qin Yue had his birthday, Zhou Yuanping was indeed there.

As for whether Zhou Yuanping really greeted Qin Xuetong, only he could figure it out. Qin Xuetong seemed to have no impression anyway.

Qin Xuetong said "Oh" and gave some face, and said casually: "Well, hello."

Zhou Yuanping said quickly: "Miss Qin, where are you going? I'm familiar with it, I can..."

Qin Xuetong: "No, I'm here to find him."


Who is he?

Zhou Yuan twisted Qin Xuetong's gaze smoothly, and his back suddenly became cold.

Others also saw the problem.

Damn it!

Could it be that Qin Xuetong came here specifically to find that guy named Li Tianyu!?

If this is the case, there is no doubt that Li Tianyu was really invited by Qin Xuetong himself!

Almost everyone was confused.

Originally thought that Li Tianyu made up such a sentence just to make a tough match with Zhou Yuan.

No one took this to heart.

Unexpectedly, the reversal was ushered so soon, and the reversal was so thorough.

In particular, Yao Ruifang and Zhou Yue couldn't believe what was happening before them.

Qin Xuetong is a high-cold super first-line star, how could he get involved with people like Li Tianyu?

Even if Li Tianyu is rich,

At this time, Zhou Yuanping realized that this time it was a shame.

Qin Xuetong didn't care about being indifferent or embarrassing, and went straight to Li Tianyu.

Qin Xuetong: "Why do you come so early?"

Li Tianyu smiled and joked: "I have to rush to watch the big stars enter the arena."

Qin Xuetong: "Stop making trouble, go inside with me."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Go inside? Where? Why?"

Qin Xuetong: "Do you want to stay here?"

Li Tianyu looked around, all eyes were fixed on his side, as if he was looking at a monster, it was very horrible.

Li Tianyu: "That's not what I really want."

Qin Xuetong: "Stop talking nonsense, come with me."

Li Tianyu didn't think much, and just followed Qin Xuetong inside.

Everyone didn't react for a while.

What does it mean?

Qin Xuetong is bringing Li Tianyu into the inner hall?

The main venue of the birthday dinner is on the first floor, which is divided into two halls, the outer hall and the inner hall.

The area of ​​the inner hall is relatively small, but the configuration is relatively complete, with a dressing room, a dedicated toilet, and even a painting room.

The inner hall is generally a place for the protagonist and important guests of the dinner to rest.

The so-called important guests are, of course, the people Qin Xuetong is closest to, such as relatives, elders, and good friends.

It seems that Qin Xuetong does regard Li Tianyu as a close friend.

This is also normal, otherwise he would not personally invite Li Tianyu over to attend the banquet.

After Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong left, Zhou Yuanping's face was green and white.

The crowd was silent and looked at each other.

Those little brothers didn't dare to vent their anger at all, lest they would be cut by Zhou Yuan's anger.

Zhou Yue regretted it a little now, and really shouldn't have encouraged his younger brother Zhou Yuanping to provoke that Li Tianyu.

Maybe as Yao Ruifang said, Li Tianyu is a person with a background.

Seeing Li Tianyu's confident attitude, maybe he really has any background, maybe even an evildoer!

At the same time, Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong came to the inner hall.

It's much quieter here than outside, with only a few tables and chairs scattered around.

It seems to be used as a rest room.

Li Tianyu: "The big stars are different, the pomp is really big."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "My pomp is not as big as you."

Li Tianyu was startled: "How to say?"

Qin Xuetong was about to speak, but was interrupted by a loud noise.

I saw several people filed in.

Li Tianyu knew most of these people.

It's not that Li Tianyu knew them, they didn't know Li Tianyu.

They are Deng Yuan, Chen Ming, Li Xiao, Lu Dahong, and of course, the beauty artist Dina Xinyi.

These people may have a better relationship with each other, so they agreed to come together.

They walked here to greet Qin Xuetong one after another and congratulate them, then found a seat and sat down.

These few people belong to the first line in the entertainment circle, and they are more familiar with Qin Xuetong, so they naturally invited directly to the inner hall.

They are all resident guests of "The Runner". Now the popularity of this variety show has not diminished, and it has always been a first-line reality show in China.

The show is hot, so these resident guests are even more hot.

These people sat down and turned to look at Li Tianyu, all showing a surprised look.

Deng Yuan: "Huh? Isn't this the hotel owner?"

Li Xiao: "That's right, the boss is okay, are you so familiar with Xuetong?"

Lu Dahong: "You won't be that anymore?"

Chen Ming: "Don't talk nonsense, you can't tell even if it is!"

Li Tianyu also felt very surprised. He was the one who recorded the show "The Runner" anyway. How can these people now only remember that he is the owner of the Tianyu Palace Hotel?

After thinking about it carefully, Li Tianyu suddenly remembered.

When Li Tianyu participated in the recording of "The Runner" before, he was wearing a mask and participated in the show as the mysterious Mr. X.

There are not only two or three people who know that Li Tianyu is the mysterious Mr. X.

Even Qin Xuetong didn't know that the mysterious Mr. X was Li Tianyu.

So these people are so surprised to see a hotel owner like Li Tianyu here.

Of course, Li Tianyu couldn't say broken, so he just slapped haha: "Isn't this a success with Qin Xuetong."

Deng Yuan joked: "There are so many people who are close to Xuetong, and I have also been together. Why can't I succeed!"

Li Xiao felt right: "That's right, Boss Li, you teach me."

Li Tianyu laughed loudly: "This can't be taught because of personal charm."

When everyone heard that Li Tianyu should invite him to dinner, this is not a naked show.

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu, but didn't say anything.

At this time, Xiao Zeyan and a few people also came in.

Although Xiao Zeyan has never caught up with Qin Xuetong, he has never given up his mind. Moreover, he is also a top-tier traffic star in the entertainment industry, so he is naturally eligible to be invited to rest in the inner hall.

When Xiao Zeyan saw Li Tianyu, he couldn't help being stunned, but he was not too surprised. After all, Li Tianyu met Qin Xuetong for dinner in private, but Xiao Zeyan bumped him into it.

However, Qiu Kexin was present at the time, and it was not like Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong were dating, which made Xiao Zeyan mentally settled.

Of course, Xiao Zeyan also knew that Qin Xuetong was not someone who casually ate with men at the same table, so she and Li Tianyu were definitely different.

Anyway, Xiao Zeyan can only comfort himself.

At this moment, there were more and more guests in the outer hall.

Although Vantage Entertainment just wanted to host a small birthday party, but the total number of operators found that there were quite a few people in need.

After all, Qin Xuetong is a super star, and the contacts involved are very complicated. Even if she herself does not want to contact the messy people, the brokerage company will do it for a long time.

Anyway, there were even many people Qin Xuetong didn't know who attended the banquet, such as Zhou Yuanping just now.

At this time, several people came in at the door.

They are obviously not invited guests, they are all wearing waiter uniforms with unlimited light and shadow.

In fact, they are not the official waiters of this private club, but a few college students who have not graduated.

They are senior students majoring in hotel management and are doing research and internship here in order to complete their graduation thesis.

To talk about why you want to be a waiter, in fact, it is because the infinite light and shadow received a few large orders for private rooms in the past two days, which caused serious shortage of waiters. These college students who came to trainees could only be temporarily recruited to help the venue.

These college students all came from Jinmen City, living in the dormitory with unlimited light and shadow arrangements. Of course, they still need to pay some accommodation fees.

As for eating, it is free.

In general, the treatment given to them by Infinite Light is good.

If Li Tianyu were there, he would be very surprised, because he would find his relatives among them.

This person is Li Tianyu's cousin, Li Junhai.

It is not surprising that Li Junhai appears here, after all, he is about to graduate soon and has already decided to come to the imperial capital for development.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Li Tianyu's promise.

Li Junhai decided to go to work in Tianyu Hao Ting after graduation.

He is a relatively smart person and a very thoughtful person. He knows that recent graduates have no experience, so going to the Imperial City in advance to see as many restaurants and hotels as possible in the service industry, it can also be regarded as a comprehensive research and investigation. Can make up for the disadvantages of graduates.

Those who came with Li Junhai were of course his classmates.

Counting Li Junhai, there are five people in total.

Three men and two women can be considered as a match between men and women, and work is not tired.

Of course, Li Junhai didn't dare to think about it, after all, Tan Jing could check the post at any time.

Among the few people, Zhao Quanyang is the most active.

Zhao Quanyang himself is an extremely extroverted person, and he has many doorways, like this private club of Infinite Light and Shadow, he contacted it, and only a few can come to do research.

You know, entry into such high-end private clubs is quite strict, and ordinary university graduates can't even touch the door.

Zhao Quanyang's success is also because he has a cousin who is a venue supervisor here, named Xu Cheng.

As soon as one came in, they all showed excitement when they saw the hanging portrait of Qin Xuetong.

Zhao Quanyang: "We have to cheer up. This is Qin Xuetong's birthday dinner, so nothing can go wrong."

Classmate Du Yuanyuan Du: "It's all, thanks to you, otherwise we won't be able to get in at all."

Ye Kai: "You said, can we see Qin Xuetong himself?"

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