Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 627: Playing a Duo with Qin Xuetong

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Of course Qin Xuetong did not make a statement.

She didn't think this was a problem, and she didn't need to tell others.

Xiao Zeyan signaled to the emcee, who immediately understood and handed him the microphone.

Xiao Zeyan: "I don't know who knows this gentleman?"

Xiao Zeyan was obviously talking about Li Tianyu.

Of course, most of the guests present did not know Li Tianyu.

Some were speechless, some shook their heads, and some showed a curious look.

In particular, the staff and leaders of Vantage Film and Television Media did not remember this link.

They didn't know that this was an episode made by Xiao Zeyan on his own initiative.

Qin Xuetong is the ace artist of Vantage Media.

Therefore, I am very concerned about Qin Xuetong's personal relationship.

But I have never met Li Tianyu.

Of course, there are also Li Junhai and others who know Li Tianyu, and they can't help feeling a little strange.

Even if Li Tianyu has a good relationship with Qin Xuetong, he won't be arranged to take the stage, right?

Those who come to power are not leaders, or celebrities or celebrities.

And even if Li Tianyu is a rich man, he can't compare with those famous people in the consciousness of college students like them.

Take Xiao Zeyan, for example, he is indeed a man of great criticism.

Xiao Zeyan's piano performance just now really calmed these young people.

Xiao Zeyan is not only a few years older than them, but he is not only one of the most famous traffic stars in China, he is also very good in acting, and now he has shown a piano talent, which is really envious of others.

Not to mention others, except for Li Junhai and Ding Kai, the other three have all learned piano, but they have been fishing for three days and surfing the net for two days, and will not learn in two months.

And Xiao Zeyan said that this handsome guy plays the piano so well.

Handsome guys are not terrible, just because they are capable of martial arts, that is, they are talented and talented.

This made the three people feel that Xiao Zeyan's success was not accidental, but the result of unremitting efforts.

Of course, there are not a few young people who have the same feelings as the three, especially those "yan fans", that is, fans of Xiao Zeyan, who are even more moved and crazy.

Xiao Zeyan's idol image was already very high, but now it is suddenly much taller.

Xiao Zeyan is simply not too cool.

At this time, Ding Kai couldn't help but said: "Junhai, how do I think Xiao Zeyan is bothering to find your cousin?"

Li Junhai was startled. In fact, he also felt this way, and he had an unclear premonition in his heart.

Xiao Zeyan's look at his cousin Li Tianyu's eyes was very uncomfortable, and he could only notice it with a little attention.

Du Yuanyuan heard it and retorted: "Ding Kai, what are you talking nonsense? Xiao Zeyan is a very kind person. You did not watch the reality show that Xiao Zeyan participated in before. It is very good for children and small animals."

Xiao Zeyan did participate in many reality shows under the arrangement of the agency before. For example, "The Runner" participated in two or three issues.

The story about children and small animals is because Xiao Zeyan participated in a reality show called "There are mountains, rivers, and rivers". He lived in a small mountain village for three days and was a big success. It really performed in front of the audience. Noble qualities such as kindness, benevolence, and carefulness.

Of course, those things are the program effects planned by the agency and the program group.

Whether Xiao Zeyan is really such a good person, he said otherwise.

Ding Kai curled his lips: "It's all artificial."

Du Yuanyuan, a fan of Xiao Zeyan, immediately greeted Ding Kai with Xiaoquanquan and almost beat Ding Kai.

At this time, Xiao Zeyan on the stage said: "Mr. Li, you have a good relationship with Xuetong, so should you prepare a gift today?"

Xiao Zeyan's words sound casual, but they are actually embarrassing Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu might not prepare gifts for Qin Xuetong.

Why does Xiao Zeyan think so?

Because of the birthday party arranged by Vantage Entertainment for Qin Xuetong, the preparatory stage has been kept confidential, even Qin Xuetong himself did not inform.

It was only three days before the birthday party that Qin Xuetong was told.

In other words, even if Qin Xuetong told Li Tianyu the first time, Li Tianyu should not have time to prepare the gift within these three days.

Moreover, Qin Xuetong told many people that there was no need to prepare gifts, and she would definitely remind Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu is different from Xiao Zeyan. Xiao Zeyan needs to go on stage to show off his birthday presents, so Li Tianyu, who is so stunned, may not be prepared.

Even if Li Tianyu prepared a birthday gift for Qin Xuetong, it would not be a decent gift.

Picking birthday gifts, especially for girls like Qin Xuetong, is really not easy. Xiao Zeyan thought about it for half a month before he decided it.

Anyway, Xiao Ze said that the pit he dug for Li Tianyu was incredible, and Li Tianyu would definitely be embarrassed.

At this time, the attention of all the guests was focused on Li Tianyu, what kind of gift Qin Xuetong had prepared.

In addition, Li Tianyu's identity is also very curious.

Who is he?What is the relationship with Qin Xuetong?

Especially those who know Qin Xuetong a little bit know that Qin Xuetong has almost zero friends of the opposite sex, so why did such a male friend pop up?

Of course, Li Tianyu is more likely to be a relative of Qin Xuetong or something.

Qin Xuetong felt a little worried. Just as Xiao Zeyan had guessed, Qin Xuetong did tell Li Tianyu not to prepare her birthday presents before.

However, based on Qin Xuetong's understanding of Li Tianyu, a solution to this situation should be found.

Sure enough, Li Tianyu's expression was still calm and calm, with no signs of embarrassment or sadness on his face.

It's as if everything is in Li Tianyu's grasp.

Xiao Zeyan couldn't help being shocked, could it be said that Li Tianyu was prepared?

Or is it pretending to be calm and pretending?

Xiao Zeyan feels that the latter is the most likely.

It's impossible for Li Tianyu to prepare so well, I believe he will reveal his stuff soon.

However, Li Tianyu said: "Xiao Daxing has a good question. I did prepare a gift for Xuetong."

Xiao Zeyan's pupils contracted, thinking, you're still talking nonsense, and smiled lightly: "Then let everyone see, I believe Mr. Li will not be so stingy, right?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Qin Xuetong: "Of course, but before that, I would like to invite Xuetong to perform a show for everyone."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but get excited. Qin Xuetong performed the show himself?What kind of operation is this?

However, people's appetites have been lifted, and they really want to watch Qin Xuetong's show.

A beautiful woman like Qin Xuetong went to school at the Imperial Film Academy, so it stands to reason that she should have some talents.

But Qin Xuetong never showed it to the outside world.

By the way, in the previous reality show of "The Runner", Qin Xuetong did show off quite superb martial arts skills.

For a time, the title of "Qin Swordswoman" spread in the entertainment circle and among the audience.

However, some people questioned that Qin Xuetong was "cheating" at the time.

For example, some good guys analyzed that the program team did post-production special effects for Qin Xuetong, especially for a few particularly difficult flying movements, it is very likely that they have hanged Wia or something.

Of course, in comparison, there are still more people who believe that Qin Xuetong can martial arts. After all, Qin Xuetong is cold, and at first glance, she is an easy beauty.

However, this kind of occasion is obviously not a time to perform martial arts, and I don't know what the man named Li Tianyu is going to perform with Qin Xuetong.

Zhao Quanyang couldn't help complaining: "Junhai, is your cousin that familiar with Qin Xuetong?"

Du Tingting: "You dare to mess around without asking for Qin Xuetong's consent? Are you too courageous."

Ding Kai said strangely: "Isn't he asking?"

Zhao Quanyang was angry: "What kind of advice is this? Isn't this the overlord's hard bowing? At this time, Qin Xuetong can't refuse, right?"

Li Junhai began to "haha" in his heart, thinking that Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong had both held hands at the beginning, what would it be to perform a show together?

At this time, the emcee asked Qin Xuetong: "This Mr. Li wants to perform with you, is that okay?"

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu and asked, "What show do I want to perform with me?"

Li Tianyu pointed to the piano: "It's very simple. We can play a tune together, which can be considered a fun."

Qin Xuetong was startled: "Play together?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, play together.

When everyone heard it, they were all stunned.

If two people play the piano together, that's too difficult.

And whether Qin Xuetong can play, let's say otherwise.

Xiao Zeyan's expression stagnated, but Li Tianyu did not expect to make such a request.

He played the piano just now, is Li Tianyu jealous, not to be outdone, and want to play a piece of music?

Xiao Zeyan couldn't help but sneered, as if he understood Li Tianyu's intentions.

Li Tianyu just played, why did he pull Qin Xuetong?

It must be that Li Tianyu is not good at playing the piano. When the time comes, two people will play together.

He could also make a very intimate appearance with Qin Xuetong, which attracted the envy of everyone.

It's really a good calculation.

Li Tianyu, this kid is so beautiful, how could Qin Xuetong agree to such an outrageous request?

Let alone two people play together, Qin Xuetong still has to talk about whether he will play the piano.

If it is an ordinary person, it may not be very good to refuse, but Qin Xuetong is different.

Qin Xuetong's rejection of people is one of the best in the circle, and he doesn't feel embarrassed at all.

Xiao Zeyan glanced at Li Tianyu coldly, as if watching a dancing sand sculpture.

No wonder Xiao Zeyan thought so.

Without going through the rehearsal, no one dared to play the piano with another person on this occasion.

This is a live broadcast on the entire network. There is a small mistake in playing the piano, and it's okay. If you can't play anything at all, then it's not that the entire network is embarrassed!

However, at this moment, Xiao Zeyan saw Qin Xuetong hesitate and nodded.


what happened?

What does Qin Xuetong nod mean?Did you agree to Li Tianyu's proposal??

This is totally inconsistent with Qin Xuetong's style!

The guests below were also inexplicably excited.

The treasure offering session just now was a bit boring, and most people could guess that no one had expected this duo to play the piano in advance.

Especially the planning of Vantage Entertainment Media, they don't remember planning this link.

Ding Kai: "Uh, God, did Qin Xuetong agree?!"

Du Yuanyuan: "Will you practice in advance? I heard that important links like this will be practiced in advance."

Du Yuanyuan made a lot of sense, and everyone turned to look at Li Junhai.

Li Junhai shook his head quickly: "...I really don't know this."

At this time, I just listened to the emcee on the stage saying: "I heard it right, did Ms. Qin and Mr. Li practice the double piano in advance?"

Qin Xuetong shook her head and responded briefly: "No."

When the guests heard this, they were all shocked.

Xiao Zeyan widened his eyes and showed an expression of disbelief. This time it was his turn to become a sand sculpture.

If Li Tianyu said that he had not practiced a double piano performance beforehand, then everyone would probably sneer, and no one would believe him.

But Qin Xuetong is different.

No one in the circle knows Qin Xuetong's character, and he can't tell lies, lies, empty talk, and idioms at all.

And it was Qin Xuetong's birthday party, so she didn't need to lie.

In that case, Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong did not practice beforehand.

Then Li Tianyu made such a request, isn't this just dying?

Qin Xuetong agreed to such a request, it was a little... well, a little overwhelming.

Xiao Zeyan persuaded him in a low voice, "Xuetong, he is digging a hole. Don't jump down with you. It's impossible to play the double piano without rehearsing in advance. There are definitely problems."

Xiao Zeyan: "It's too late to regret it now. Just let Li Tianyu play by himself, and no one cares about him when he pops up flowers."

It has to be said that Xiao Zeyan can be regarded as polite.

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu nodded to her.

Qin Xuetong directly rejected Xiao Zeyan's kindness, but said briefly: "Thank you, I'm fine."

Xiao Zeyan was speechless as soon as he stayed.

The more embarrassing Li Tianyu, the better, but dragging Qin Xuetong to embarrassment together made Xiao Zeyan a little worried.

In fact, Qin Xuetong was totally unsure in her heart.

Although Qin Xuetong had seen Li Tianyu’s piano art in the doll bar before, he was indeed very professional and authentic, but double piano performance is two different things.

Two people must cooperate very tacitly.

Both Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong can play the piano, and they can play very well, but when the two are combined, they may not be able to play the strength of the two, and even the strength of one person is somewhat suspended.

But when she saw Li Tianyu's confident eyes, her emotions became more stable.

This feeling is very, very magical, even Qin Xuetong can't explain why, she has never had such an experience before.

At this time, the audience on the Internet began to become excited, and some even started posts in major forums and news comment areas, and had heated discussions.

Basically everyone is guessing Li Tianyu's identity, after all, there are really not many men who can make Qin Xuetong so "obedience".

At this time, a waiter brought another piano stool and placed it beside the original piano stool.

Xiao Zeyan gave Li Tianyu a cold look: "I doubt you have ever played the piano."

Li Tianyu smiled without saying a word, and didn't want to talk to Xiao Ze at all.

Xiao Zeyan is boring to ask himself, but he is not in a hurry, anyway, it will be Li Tianyu's turn to be ashamed.

At the same time, it is a good thing to let Qin Xuetong suffer a loss, let her know that Li Tianyu is simply unreliable.

Li Tianyu motioned to Qin Xuetong: "Ladies first."

Qin Xuetong sat on the right.

Well, it is indeed an international practice.

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