Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 634 Ai Heping Has a Reliable Time

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It is not that Ai Heping wants to give Li Tianyu this villa.

It was given by Ai Baoquan.

The kid who co-authored Ai Heping just borrowed flowers to offer Buddha.

Li Tianyu: "You are really good, your father gave me it, right?"

Ai Heping laughed awkwardly: "Boss, don't say that. I also played a very important role in it."

Li Tianyu stretched out his hand and patted Ai Heping's head: "It's useful! That works! Did your dad know about the last time you lost the Dongluo Bay reclamation approval?"

Ai Heping raised his eyebrows: "Boss, do you know everything? You know all this."

Li Tianyu patted Ai Heping's head again: "Isn't this a fleas on a bald head, it's obvious!"

Ai Heping quickly touched the fur on his head: "Boss, you are so funny, I am not bald."

Ai Heping was too confused, and Li Tianyu didn't bother to talk to him.

In fact, things are relatively simple.

Although Ai Heping deliberately concealed the loss of Dongluowan's approval, he must not let his father Ai Baoquan know, lest he go home and get a small whip.

But who is Ai Baoquan, even if the Nanhai side is handed over to Ai Heping for temporary training, he must arrange enough "eyeliner" to prevent Ai Heping from messing up the Nanhai branch, and there is no way to clean it.

Therefore, Ai Baoquan knew about the loss of the approval document for the Dongluowan reclamation project.

Ai Baoquan has been traveling abroad all the time, and he is too anxious.

This is a very serious matter. If this national super-large reclamation project is really lost, Aihua Real Estate is not as simple as losing money, and the reputation loss may be even greater.

If not, the Aihua Real Estate Group will be devastated.

But when Ai Baoquan was about to arrange someone to deal with this matter, and even when it was impossible to fly to the South China Sea, he suddenly received news from there that the Dongluowan reclamation project approval was resolved.

At that time, Ai Baoquan was surprised and delighted. To his delight, such a big problem was solved miraculously. The Dongluowan reclamation plan could proceed as usual, and the crisis of Aihua Real Estate was lifted.

Compared to "happy", Ai Baoquan's "surprise" is certainly more obvious.

Ai Heping, his son Ai Baoquan, of course knows well. Smart is smart, but he can't do a few serious things.

And Ai Baoquan's emergency arrangements have not yet worked. Even if they do, it is still unclear how effective they are.

After all, the reclamation project has only one voucher when it has not been filed. If the voucher is lost, everything has to be started again.

Such a large project is not a trifling matter. It will not be easy for the relevant departments to approve the same company again. It is best to retrieve the original approval, even if it spends a huge amount of money.

Ai Baoquan believes that his son Ai Heping also thinks so, and will definitely go all out to track down the whereabouts of the missing approval documents and use money to solve the problem.

However, after listening to the feedback from his subordinates, Ai Heping did not retrieve the original reclamation approval, but received a new approval.

This makes Ai Baoquan curious.

How did Ai Heping get the new approval?

Is it possible that Ai Heping has gotten to the point and tried every means to reissue a reclaiming approval from the relevant department?

Ai Baoquan thought left and right, this could not be Ai Heping's handwriting.

If this stupid son of the landlord's family had this ability, Ai Baoquan would have given him at least part of the group rights to Ai Heping a long time ago. How could he worry about how to cultivate Ai Heping?

Then who helped Ai Heping get this thing done?

In fact, as long as Ai Baoquan investigates a little, he will know.

It really was Li Tianyu.

Ai Baoquan was not surprised at all.

As long as Ai Heping has a problem that is difficult to solve, the first thing he thinks of is not to look for Ai Baoquan, but to ask Li Tianyu for help.

But Li Tianyu seems to be almighty, he can help with everything, and he can do everything.

It's so evil.

Was this Li Tianyu a fairy in his last life?

Or broke the angel's wings... No, it was the angel with the broken wings?

Anyway, Ai Baoquan didn't know how Li Tianyu did it. This is an impossible task at all, but Li Tianyu can do it.

While Ai Baoquan sighed, of course he had to find a way to return Li Tianyu.

So there is this villa gift event.

Li Tianyu wondered whether or not such an expensive villa could be connected?

However, if you think about it carefully, the Dongluowan reclamation project itself is not measurable with money, billions, even tens of billions, may not describe its value.

Ai Baoquan and Ai Heping are not outsiders themselves. If Li Tianyu doesn't accept them, they are actually not appropriate, as if they were out of touch.

Li Tianyu looked at the access control card again, and said with a smile: "That's OK, I'll live there first, and I will return it to you after I'm tired."

Ai Heping waved his hand: "What else, boss, didn't you slap me in the face? I'll let someone send you the real estate certificate when I look back."

Li Tianyu didn't say anything, so he put away the access card.

This can be envious of Qu Erming and the others, it's a big villa of unknown value!

The price of the South China Sea is already high, not to mention this high-end half-mountain sea view villa.

Then Ai Heping greeted him, and everyone followed him into the villa district clubhouse.

Don't tell me.

As soon as you enter the hall of this clubhouse, you can smell a special smell, money.

The decoration of the entire clubhouse is the most appropriate to describe with two words, that is, it is magnificent and extremely luxurious.

Anyway, the building here looks like a palace, even Li Tianyu is amazed.

This is the most beautiful palace lobby he has ever seen.

This is also normal. After all, it is a social place built for the top rich. Some of them are built in the style of Santorini, Greece, so the rich owners have to enjoy the enjoyment of the ancient Greek nobility.

In the hall, there is a dance floor, a large wrap-around bar, high-end large and luxurious sofas, and top audio equipment.

Even indoors, there is a circular swimming pool.

Yes, the most impressive indoor pool party can be held here.

Anyway, I can see all the highly criticized things I can think of.

The team invited by Ai Heping had already prepared everything and just waited for the guests to enter and enjoy.

There were about a dozen people in this group, including Li Tianyu. Of course, Ai Heping was not too busy, so Qu Erming brought a lot of people from Nanhai City to join him.

Of course Qu Erming had to go to Ai Heping's office. Most of the people who looked for were girls.

And it's a pretty girl.

Having a party in the South China Sea is somewhat similar to the Western imagination.

Located in the tropics, everyone can relax.

The theme of the team this time is also very fierce. Everyone has prepared several sets of swimsuits, and choose the ones they like.

For a while, the scenery in the party hall was very beautiful.

In addition to the magnificent and vast sea view, the view of the swimming pool is also refreshing and lingering.

In fact, Li Tianyu was a little tired, but he didn't want to waste such an occasion, so he communicated more with all the beauties.

Moreover, the drinks prepared by Ai Heping are also very refreshing. All kinds of famous wines, plus all kinds of spices, can be regarded as a tonic after drinking.

Especially Deng Shasha, Bigene is wearing her body, making people unable to move their eyes.

However, Deng Shasha shook Li Tianyu's eyes intentionally, causing Li Tianyu's brain to get out of control.

The two of them held wine glasses, soaked in the bath and chatted.

Deng Shasha: "Brother Yu, I didn't expect you to be such a powerful person. I really missed you at that time."

Li Tianyu laughed and said, "Where is it? I'm just an ordinary person."

Deng Shasha: "Ge Yu is too modest. I think you are not ordinary. If you are an ordinary person, how could Ai Ge give you a luxurious villa? It's really amazing."

Li Tianyu touched the cup with Deng Shasha and made a "ding": "I have many powerful aspects, but not only this one."

Deng Shasha glanced at Li Tianyu and said softly: "I'm very curious about the villa that Brother Ai gave you. Can you take me to visit it."

Li Tianyu: "Yes, do you want to call your friend?"

Of course Deng Shasha's friends are Lu Xiaoling and Qu Erming.

Deng Shasha turned her head and glanced at the two of them. They were drinking and chatting with others.

Deng Shasha: "Don't bother them anymore, they will be endless when they talk, let's go by ourselves."

With that, Deng Shasha found a bath towel to put on her body.

Of course Li Tianyu said yes, it is just right for him

So Li Tianyu took Deng Shasha out of the center of the clubhouse and walked to the newly "started" villa.

The villa is only a few tens of meters away from the clubhouse, which is very convenient.

The villa is enclosed by low fences, with only the most basic protection.

Of course, this luxury villa area is specially built for high-end people, and the security itself is very strict, and there will be a brigade of security personnel to patrol in the future.

In fact, even if there is no protection, the door is not locked, and the window is not closed, it is fine. After all, the people who live here are rich, and there is not much crime.

The low fence outside is not locked, it opens as soon as it is pushed.

Li Tianyu and Deng Shasha walked in and came to the front yard of the villa.

The area of ​​the front yard is rather small. If you count the swimming pool, it looks like more than 200 square meters.

The stone roads, grasslands, and some tropical shrubs complement the swimming pool and are very unique.

Deng Shasha's eyes lit up: "Brother Yu, this place is so beautiful."

Li Tianyu nodded and pretended to say: "Yes, it's okay."

In fact, in Li Tianyu's real estate, there is only one villa in the northern suburbs of the Imperial Capital. It is a mountain-view villa built on the mountainside, but compared with this South China Sea-view villa, the design is still much worse.

The two came to the door of the villa room, and there was a smart door lock beside it, which could input passwords, fingerprints and facial recognition, and had quite a lot of functions.

Li Tianyu took out the access card and swiped it to the induction area, and the door lock was unlocked.

The two stepped in, and Deng Shasha immediately sighed.

Deng Shasha: "This living room is so big and luxurious!"

Just like Deng Shasha said, the first floor of this villa, except for the bathroom, a nanny room, and a storage room, is basically occupied by the living room.

The living room is designed with 240 degrees of transparency.

Except for one wall, floor-to-ceiling windows were installed on three sides.

This floor-to-ceiling window is equipped with privacy glass, which can be switched to single-sided visibility with one click, which not only ensures the visual field and the transparency of daylighting, but also ensures that it is not seen by people outside.

Sitting on the big sofa in the big living room, the sea view under the mountain is unobstructed, not to mention how cool it is.

In addition, some tropical shrubs outside the house also remind the owners that they are in a tropical island, a paradise for vacation, and they feel relaxed and relaxing.

The villa has been renovated and there is no smell at all, indicating that there is no air pollution.

I have to say that Li Tianyu also likes this villa very much.

Deng Shasha: "Can you go upstairs and have a look?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course, I also want to go up."

The two went upstairs one after another.

With Deng Shasha in front and Li Tianyu in the back, the scenery in his vision is infinitely good.

There is also a large living room on the second floor, with floor-to-ceiling windows as standard, and a large terrace outside the living room.

There are also two large bedrooms, each with a bathroom, which should belong to the configuration of the guest room.

There are three bedrooms on the third floor, one of which is very large. The outside is also a terrace. There are tables and chairs with high style, and there is also a lounge chair for sunbathing.

What the witness likes more is that a built-in Jacuzzi was installed on the third floor terrace. While soaking in water, drinking wine, and enjoying the sea view, it is a supreme enjoyment.

Deng Shasha's eyes shone brightly, and she said that this villa was really an ordinary person's dream for a lifetime.

At this time, the jacuzzi on the terrace is full of water, and the water is very clear. Obviously, there are people maintaining it now.

Next to the bathtub, there is also a tray with wine and glasses on it.

I have to say that Ai Heping sometimes does things reliably, at least now the arrangements are very considerate and the preparations are quite adequate.

The villa has been cleaned, all the facilities are available, the electrical appliances and furniture are complete, even the refrigerator is full, and everything is available. This is a real hand bag.

Li Tianyu is now wearing swimming trunks, just enough to get wet.

When I entered the bathtub, I felt warm.

The water is still warm, so comfortable.

Li Tianyu pressed the function button on the side of the bathtub again, and water began to hit in all directions.

It's more comfortable.

Deng Shasha: "Brother Yu, are you comfortable?"

Li Tianyu: "Comfortable."

Deng Shasha: "I want to try too."

Li Tianyu: "Come down."

This bathtub is not small, let alone two people, even if three or four people take a bath together, it is still very spacious.

Deng Shasha threw the bath towel on the floor and went down into the bathtub.

Deng Shasha: "Sure enough, it's very comfortable. This is what the rich feel."

Li Tianyu laughed, and he did feel this way.

Although Li Tianyu has already become a rich man, there are really few opportunities to truly enjoy the life of the rich during this period.

It's a bit too busy, and a bit contrary to Li Tianyu's original intention, it's too wasteful.

Li Tianyu and Deng Shasha chatted, admired the scenery, drank wine, and experienced various massage functions in the bathtub. The whole day passed without knowing it.

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