Stefano Gabbana was reluctant to speak.

The major shareholder was angry, and finally said: “Gabbana, you are responsible for cleaning up the mess you have provoked. ”

“Whether you mean you’ve been stolen or find any reason, you have to reverse the current fishing wheel direction. ”

“Then you two must sincerely apologize. ”

“Dolce & Gabbana respects the culture of every country, whether it’s H or Citigroup. ”

“I don’t want to wake up tomorrow morning and have a big partner call to terminate the cooperation!”

Just as Stefano Gabbana pondered whether or not to apologize.

Citigroup, New York.

Mr. Giorgio Armani saw Han Haoran’s Weibo, which was moved under his Twitter, and the whole Dolce & Gabbana incident.

The power of netizens is strong, “two, two, three”, and now almost all world-class celebrities, as well as designers of top brands, are tweeting Dolce & Gabbana events.

Even some celebrities, politicians, and even sports stars such as NBA stars, football stars, football and baseball stars have their tweets taken over by the Dolce & Gabbana affair!!

Giorgio Armani narrowed his eyes.

When he and Han Haoran mentioned Dolce & Gabbana, Han Haoran said that in his heart, Dolce & Gabbana was not as good as one ten-thousandth of Giorgio Armani, and Armani thought that Han Haoran was being polite.

When Han Haoran made such a big incident, Armani knew that Han Haoran was so disgusted with Dolce & Gabbana now!!

But the done by the two designers of Dolce & Gabbana is really enough!!

They not only insulted H’s culture, but also said that Citigroup is a “local old cannon” with no heritage and culture to speak of, and the French people actually don’t understand fashion.

Although Giorgio Armani is also a native of Italy, speaking of which he is fellow countryman with Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana.

But Giorgio Armani is ashamed of Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana!!

Since starting the company, Giorgio Armani has traveled the world and seen the different cultures of different countries.

In particular, Giorgio Armani is now settled in Citigroup, and the main sales country of the Giorgio Armani brand is Citigroup!!

Giorgio Armani didn’t want Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana to drag down the brand of Dumb Pear.

As the godfather of the fashion industry, Giorgio Armani absolutely took a hard shot to teach the two Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana who lost the face of the stunned pear designer.

Soon, the world’s perhaps the most prestigious living designer, Giorgio Armani, posted on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media accounts at the same time.

“I arrived in Banner on behalf of the Giorgio Armani brand. ”

“Not to mention the design concept, I think the first thing a designer must have is character, which is the tolerance and appreciation of the cultures of all countries in the world. ”

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“Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana are also wrong with their design talents, but I don’t think either of them deserve to be called ‘designers’. ”

“For this Dolce & Gabbana world, I am completely on the side of my friend Mr. Han Haoran. ”

“I am on the side of the people of H, the people of Citigroup, the people of France, who have been attacked, insulted and hurt by Dolce & Gabbana. ”

“As designers of Lingering Pear, I would like to apologize to everyone for the actions of Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana. ”


The previous statement may seem more conciliatory.

Then the statement became more intense.

“Because of the actions of Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana, the reputation of the entire Italian pear designer has been seriously affected. ”

“I have made the following decision, the Giorgio Armani brand boycotts the Dolce & Gabbana brand across the board. ”

“First, starting today, any model who walks the catwalk for the Giorgio Giorgio Armana brand will never be invited to any Giorgio Armani runway. ”

“Second, from today, any celebrity who continues to endorse the Dolce & Gabbana brand, or who wears Dolce & Gabbana clothes in public. Giorgio Armani will never ask you to endorse or sponsor any Giorgio Armani brand clothing for you……..”

“Thirdly, within 30 days from today, any department store, luxury shopping mall, if you continue to keep Dolce & Gabbana counters, the Giorgio Armani brand will be withdrawn from your stores. ”

“Any e-commerce platform that continues to sell Dolce & Gabbana brands of clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, Giorgio Armani will be removed from your platform. ”

“To put it simply, the Giorgio Armani brand is reluctant to be in the same mall as the Dolce & Gabbana brand, with the same set of models and on the same occasion. ”

“Giorgio Armani and Dolce & Gabbana, choose one or the other. ”

If it is said that H’s stars said that they boycotted Dolce & Gabbana across the board, although it made a big splash in H summer, it did not cause a big sensation in other countries.

If the New York Times article only caused a big reaction among the people of Citigroup, especially among the customers who are not luxury jewelry brands in the first place, and Hollywood stars and big-name sports stars are still waiting.

Giorgio Armani’s voice is like a bombshell, or a nuclear bomb!!

Among Hollywood’s stars, Giorgio Clooney, who loves the Giorgio Armani brand the most, immediately said: “I’m going to ask my maid to tidy up my wardrobe today.” ”

“Let her throw away all the few Dolce & Gabbana in my closet!”

The heartthrob in the world of sports, David Beckham 4.6 also spoke out as the face of Giorgio Armani: “As an Englishman, I would like to express my solemn protest against the two Dumenico Dolci and Stefano Gabbana for not respecting the culture of our country. ”

“I will never wear Dolce & Gabbana again, nor will I have any collaboration with Dolce & Gabbana. ”

“And I will also let all my friends in the sports circle know the impudence and narrow-mindedness of the two founders of Dolce & Gabbana, and we will boycott Dolce & Gabbana together!!”

Not only these Armani-related stars, but many Hollywood stars have stood in line when they saw Armani speak out.

Giorgio Armani and Dolce & Gabbana, choose one of the two??

Isn’t that a good choice?

Not to mention that the reputation of the two founders of Dolce & Gabbana is already stinky, even if it is ordinary, the two brands Giorgio Armani and Dolce & Gabbana are not of the same grade!!_

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