The Symphony of Destiny comes to its final movement.

This movement is full of light and incomparably joyful emotions, and it is a warm scene of jubilant victory.

Svenbourne-Hilbert had a feeling that he wanted to shout with all his strength.

Han Haoran’s performance has completely brought him into that situation.

It brings in the scene of Beethoven creating the “Symphony of Destiny”.

Svenbourne-Hilbault seems to have returned to Beethoven’s time.

Beethoven said when he created this symphony: “I will take fate by the throat, it cannot make me completely submit”

And “Symphony of Destiny” is a magnificent triumphant song of heroic will over fatalism and light over darkness.

Looking at Han Haoran, who was sitting in front of the piano on the stage, Svenpeng-Hilbert seemed to see Beethoven, who was deaf and had completely lost hope of healing, Beethoven, who had lost his lover in love, and screamed with his whole heart with the keys during the most painful period of his life.

It was an indescribable emotion and shock.

And at this time, Han Haoran on the stage is Beethoven!

Finally, as the last note ended, Han Haoran finished playing.

This “Symphony of 17 Fortunes” is often more than three times more than the “Moonlight Sonata”.

The total duration is 33 minutes.

And even though everyone’s backs were soaked with sweat, they didn’t realize that time passed so quickly.

Because everyone was immersed in Han Haoran’s performance.

Even though Han Haoran had finished playing, everyone present still habitually held their breath.

Everyone is reminiscing, and they have all gotten carried away.

Although I have watched the video of Han Haoran playing “Moonlight Sonata” countless times.

But listening to Han Haoran’s performance in person, what they experienced was a different taste.

If Han Haoran’s previous performance of “Moonlight” can be described as “wonderful and incomparable”.

Today’s performance is “Magnificent Song!”

Han Haoran stood up and bowed to everyone. This is the standard process for a performer to thank the audience after a performance.

Although I am not a pianist myself, I still have to do it.

And the best pianists realized that this performance they would remember for the rest of their lives was over.

The pianists in the “barvo!!!!” Golden Hall finished their reminiscences and began to give a standing ovation.

Barvo was originally Italian and meant “very wonderful, very perfect!!impeccable !!”

And this word has become a universal applause all over the world!!

Everyone, knows the meaning of this word.

Svenbourne-Hilbert stood up excitedly, his face very red, and it was obvious that his mind had not calmed down before.

Hua Lai Tu Ka stood up, and his eyes were full of adoration when he looked at Han Haoran.

Even if Hualai Tu-Kat’s age, Han Haoran’s grandfather.

Even when Han Haoran was born, Hua Lai Tu Kate was the best pianist in the world.

But at this moment, Hualaitu-Kat is convinced!!

The eyes of Hualai Tu Kate looking at Han Haoran at this time are the eyes of ordinary people looking at idols!

Toynbee Arthur jumped up and hugged next to Cornell.

Euphemia Claudia and Powell Natasha also applauded mercilessly.

Euphemia-Claudia looked at Han Haoran’s eyes, as if she wanted to eat Han Haoran!!

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Euphemia Claudia knew that she was emotionally attracted to Han Haoran because of a piano piece!

I was moved by a Han Haoran from H, who was several years younger than himself!


In almost ten minutes, the entire Golden Hall, the pianists of nearly 1,000 people present stood up.

Everyone applauded wildly and shouted “barvo!!”





In general, musicians are reserved by nature.

Even if they cheer for others, they don’t go crazy in hysteria.

But this time it’s different!!

They’re like spectators at the NBA finals, or supporters of the home team during the Super Bowl.

They shout as if a team leader they adore has scored a game-winning shot, or a quarterback has completed a touchdown!

Each of them, at this time, has become a little fan of Han Haoran and a little fan girl.

And Xu Siyu was also cheering loudly for Han Haoran in the crowd!!

At this time, Xu Siyu completely lost his previous tranquil and introverted temperament, and he was a brain-dead fan at an idol concert!

Even, Xu Siyu’s beautiful eyes were filled with a crystal tear.

Xu Siyu was so excited.

Han Haoran is for himself, so he will go to Vienna and perform at the Golden Hall.

And now, the person he loves has conquered musicians all over the world by playing on his piano!

Han Haoran’s performance conquered everyone in this golden hall.

Just look at the expressions of everyone in the Golden Hall today!!

People of different colors, genders, and ages all stood up together to cheer for Han Haoran and applaud Han Haoran!!

The applause and cheers lasted for about ten minutes.

If it weren’t for Han Haoran posing a “STOP” pose, maybe this applause would have continued!!

Wallais Kate was the first to speak.

Due to his age, he usually speaks slowly.

But 223 is this time, probably because of his excitement, his tone and speed are a little faster: “Mr. Han Haoran, your performance is really… Fantastic!!”

“I’m sorry, please forgive me for being poor in words and unable to describe your perfect performance this time. ”

“This is arguably the most powerful performance I’ve ever heard in my life, in more than 70 years. ”

“I’m so excited now, even more excited than when I was 14 and went to the first concert of the best pianist of the time, Larkin Francis!”

Han Haoran looked at Hua Lai Tu-Kate and smiled, “Thank you for your compliment.” ”

“But what I’m concerned about now is, is the assessment process over this time??”

As the president of the World Classical Music Association, Sven Peng Hilbert replied: “Thank you for this perfect performance. ”

“Although it is usually the case, the ‘palace level’ evaluation requires the unanimous discussion of our ten judges, and the final result is given within seven working days. ”

“But for a show like yours, I don’t think that’s necessary. ”

“If a person who can play such a great piano piece cannot be called a palace level, then all the palace level pianists here are not worthy of being called palace level!”

Although it was expected, Xu Siyu was still very excited!!

She knew that H’s first palace-level pianist was born!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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