"The Shangguan family and the Xia family, give an extra 10,000 per month, and the one above will start 200,000 per month from next month, just make sure that these three are enough!

But after we finish production, we will be taken away by the one above, and then he will distribute it all over the world again! Young master, so that our profits will be lost" "

Qianbai, it's okay, this is my agreement with that person! And do you think that such a big thing, if you don't control it, it will work! I will make it with peace of mind, and he is responsible for sending people to marketing, win-win cooperation! And my price is not low, he will not increase the price too much

!" "Yes, the young master's price is 10,000 yuan!" It's not low, but it's not high

!" "Hehe, do you think it will be low when it is distributed abroad?" Let me tell you Qianbai, I don't care how much money I can make at all, I really hope that there will be fewer and fewer sick people in this world

!" "Yes, young master! According to your pricing and the speed of making medicines, basically 10 million sticks, it will take a month!" "

Okay! Got it! What is the situation of the investment company?".

"It's nothing wrong young master, on the securities side, Xuan Ni and the team have doubled your principal! Now the 10 billion start-up capital you gave has increased to 23.2 billion

!" "Awesome! It's only been more than half a month

!" "It's the boss, you're amazing! The stocks you gave are all up and down, this is still under the condition of controlling the position, if you don't control it, it should have more than tripled! Young Master Shangguan has also earned more than 9 billion of the 500 million we have here!"

Okay, go on, Yunge will come to the company tomorrow to Xi, and I will be responsible for arranging her position tomorrow

!" "It's the boss!"

Jing Xingchen, who came home, called Fan Shaoying.

"Sister Ying, help me check the situation of

the Jing family in the Demon Capital, I want to see what the person who looks very similar to me in the Demon Capital!" "It's the young master!" Jing

Xingchen has always had this suspicion, if the other party really has the same surname as himself, and even looks very similar, then maybe there is a blood relationship, he really wants to know who his parents are, and whether they are still in this world

! If so, why did he choose to give birth to him in the first place, and he didn't want him!

Jing Xingchen had doubts, but Jing Xingchen hated more, 22 years, no one cared about how he grew up, no one took care of him when he was sick, his tuition was funded by the orphanage, his clothes when he was a child were old clothes donated by others, he never received family-like care, his saddest time was every time the school held a parent-teacher meeting, he saw the parents of other classmates holding the hands of his classmates, came to his seat, saw the grades on the table, no matter whether this report card was good or bad, someone would pay attention, and his seat, in that link, would always be empty...

"Shen Yuan, tomorrow I will arrange for the driver to pick up Yun Ge to the company at 9 o'clock in the morning!" Jing Xingchen said after sobering up.

"It's the young master!"

Then, Jing Xingchen sent a message to Xia Yunge to inform her, asking her to pay attention to the schedule tomorrow!

The next day, after Jing Xingchen got up early, he paid attention to the terrifying skin infectious disease that had broken out around the world.

Relevant experts pointed out that this kind of infectious disease can be transmitted through contact, droplets, and air, and as long as the sick person touches something and other people touch it, if it is not disinfected in time, it will be easily infected! More strange experts pointed out that this disease can be transmitted through

the eyes! When Jing Xingchen saw the news, he really wanted to arrest this expert and throw it in front of the patient, so that he could see if the eyes could spread the disease!

The data shows that the number of infected people in South Africa has now reached 330,000, and the cumulative number in Europe and the United States has also reached 200,000.

It seems that the speed of onset after the spread of this disease is really fast

! Now cases have also been found in some countries in Asia, such as the island country that has just experienced a major earthquake, and India, which can fit 250,000 people in one square kilometer

! When I came to the company, I saw Xia Yunge standing in the hall on the first floor of the constellation from a distance, waiting to bring Jing Xingchen

! "You look good today!"

"Of course! I'm really Xi to come to your company, it's really Xi, I must have the state and appearance I should

have!" "Silly girl, have you had breakfast?"

"Have you eaten!" "

Let's go, go upstairs, let's go directly to Xingchen Tiantou!"

Xia Yunge followed Jing Xingchen and got on the elevator!

Xingchen Tiantou was arranged by Jing Xingchen on the 40-45th floor of the Diamond Business Building

, and the specific major projects of the investment company are on different floors, the 40th floor is the face of Tiantou, the front desk, financial personnel, and the regular investment headquarters of the angel fund are also on the 40th floor! The 41st and 42nd floors are the projects of small and medium-sized enterprise partners, the 43rd floor is the logistics, comprehensive department office and cleaning office, and the 44th floor is the agreement signing office and the group meeting room.

Jing Xuanni's securities operation team is on the 45th floor.

Jing Xingchen walked around with Xia Yunge layer by layer, the two walked in front, and Jing Qianbai briefly introduced behind the two.

"What's going on, baby, do you have any ideas!"

"Hmm... I'm quite interested in the SME Plus Partner project, and my brother and my dad seem to want me to manage the company's investment projects!"

"Then let's see what others are doing here, I think my uncle and Brother Tian want you to Xi learn how to manage the team, manage the company, Qianbai, arrange a place for Yunge to sit, and then what do you do, you take her with you!".

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