After speaking, he hung up the phone, Tian Feng greeted the second child and the fourth, and walked into the bar.

This is a clear, there is no very noisy music, it is very suitable for chatting and narrating the old.

After Tian Feng and others walked in, they looked at the decoration here, which was very delicious.

Some students saw a few people coming in and beckoning towards them, and several people also walked towards the classmates’ cards.

At this time, the classmates were talking about finding a job. Some students who had found a job looked at Sha Jinghao and shook their heads, and said with emotion:

“What is the best for us to find it? Or can we not compare with our big squad leader! People are family companies, and the entire enterprise is from others!”

When Sha Jinghao heard his words, he waved his hand in a distress and said:

“You don’t mention it soon! Actually, I don’t like the project made by the family business! I also envy you, you can find your favorite industry! I am tied to the family, I can’t get rid of it!”

The classmates widened their eyes instantly, and said with a shocking face:

“Our big squad leader, this is also the old Versailles! Listening to this, the family business continues, and it is said to be a last resort!”

“I really want to have such a last resort! Unfortunately, my home is a level of food and clothing. My parents are civil servants, but I have long been a set of succession!”

“Who said no? We are also toil, and we will live if you find a job! Or the big squad leader is blessed, and the reincarnation posture is so handsome!”

Sha Jinghao was naturally proud. He looked at Tian Feng, who had been sitting, and asked with concern:

“By the way, why didn’t I hear, what job Chen Tian found?”

After boasting yourself, naturally you have to find two reference characters in order to show a gap!

The students next to the classmates immediately answered Chen Tian, and immediately answered with disdain:

“What job can Chen Tian find? What are the conditions in his family? It is impossible to have a relationship to go.

Tian Feng was immediately unwilling. Tian Feng was a hot temper and said directly:

“Pay attention to speaking! Say this way others, don’t be shame!”

“Hum, let’s be honest, it is shameless? The situation in his own home was not compiled! Poverty subsidies in those years, no one can grab it with him!”

A classmate was a little anxious, and stood up and said loudly.

Anyway, it is an old classmate who can’t be on the table. What about offending?

The thoughts of other students were similar, and they supported the classmate’s speech, feeling that Chen Tian simply lowered the grade of their class.

The face was full of disgusting Chen Tian.

Tian Fengsan was popular, but he stood up and said coldly, saying:

“Different road non-phase plan!”

Talking, they had gone to another card seat.

The students were unhappy when they saw it like this, and they complained:

“We are just telling the truth. This year, the truth is not let people say it, right?”

“That’s what happened. Since he received poverty subsidies, he just took things that have poor family conditions!”

“An orphan of a parent is not good, what is it?” What? ”

Shao Jinghao listened to the complaints of his classmates, but said it indifferently:

“Regardless of them, they will go to the other places! We can still share the wine less, isn’t this a good thing!”

When other students heard it, they were also happy.

Too!After leaving their table, they have to consume themselves.

How much can a few just graduated college students have?Didn’t you watch them drink a good drink?

Several Tian Feng who sat on another card seat was gloomy, obviously a fire with a stomach.

“What? What really happened to himself, a group of villains with inflammation!” Tian Feng hugged his hands with his hands, twisting his head aside.

He couldn’t stand these people, and he looked down on this when he closed his mouth and looked down on that.

What is it?

What superiority can you have?

The second child next to the second child patted Tian Feng’s shoulder, and said comfortably:

“Boss, don’t look at this group of people, which character are they?” Who can you look down on! ”

The three of them had a dormitory with Chen Tian before, and naturally knew his previous situation.

Chen Tian is very good, and people also fight for righteousness, so several people in their dormitory have a good relationship, and naturally they also helped Chen Tian a lot.

In order to improve the food for Chen Tian, they often took Chen Tian to fight the teeth offer in the name of a petition.

Sometimes others ask for dinner and never fall off Chen Tian.

They have maintained friends for several years, how can they be allowed to be trampled by others!

Several people wanted to get angry, and Tian Fengqi said:

“If it weren’t for Chen Tian, I wouldn’t stay here to meet here.”

The fourth child was also dyed at the eyebrows of the corners of the eyes, but they looked at each other and did not continue to answer.

Tian Feng is now angry. If they are answering the arched fire, the bomb of the boss can explode on the spot in minutes!

The fourth child looked at the opposite side of the two, and if he was waiting so, he was afraid he would be more depressed.

He thought for a while, hurriedly beckoned and called the waiter, and said:

“Beauty, give us a dozen beer first!”

Just as Tian Feng began to drink distressed beer, Chen Tian had drove and came to Xinnan Bar.

The neon light of the Xinnan Bar looks very clear at night, and the door is around many youthful and beautiful girls.

Their gaze kept looking at the guests who were ready to enter, even if they were looking for the prey eagle, a pair of eyes shone.

Xinnan Bar is a well -known one on this bar street. The area of the parking lot at the door is larger than the bar next to the bar.

At this time, the parking lot was full of vehicles. Chen Tian looked at it and found that it was a relatively high -grade luxury car.

Barbach, Bentley, Ferrari sports car, quietly stopped in the parking lot, released its own unique charm.

It can be seen that the guests here are also rich or expensive.

Chen Tian drove the car and looked for the right position.

At this time, a security guard next to him saw Chen Tian’s car and walked straight, owed Chen Tian slightly, and said respectfully:

“Sir, just stop your car directly at the door of the bar.”

Chen Tian nodded and stopped his car at the door of the bar, and then got out of the car.

Zhang Shuyao also got out of the car at this time. She accompanied Chen Tian and walked towards the bar.

Watching the figure of the two disappeared at the door of the bar, and a newcomer security guarding next to him, he came to the captain with a novel face and asked:

“Captain, who is this person? Why do you let his car stop at the door of our bar?”

How can I stop at the door of this bar?

Seeing the captain’s expression of ignoring his face, the newcomer security guard seemed to think of something. He took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and provided his hands in the direction of the captain.

The captain of the security guard accepted the cigarette, his face improved significantly. He glanced at the new security guard and whispered:

“New Gua eggs, learn some! Good cars here are qualified to be here!”

The next car can only be parked at the door of the bar, so the one who can stop here is bound to be the most expensive one tonight!

The newcomer nodded with a stunned face, and after listening to the captain’s words, he suddenly looked up and asked in surprise:

“But Captain, isn’t this Mercedes -Benz big G, isn’t it only two million?”

There are many sports cars around, but it is much more expensive than this car!

Captain security captain’s face was full of caution and answered very seriously:

“This car, I’m afraid it’s not easy! Although I can’t see what the specific model this is, I can guarantee that this is definitely not an ordinary big G!

This car is obviously one larger than the ordinary G, and has a strong sense of heavyness, and the overall momentum has increased more than once.”

After all, the captain also stayed here for several years. The Xinnan Bar belongs to Jinling’s quite high -end bar. The luxury cars are naturally countless. This intuition still has it.

Sometimes, except for brands, some high quality can be felt.

Captain security looked at the newcomers around him, and said proudly:

“You, there are still training!”

The newcomer security nodded forcefully next to him. The captain’s just now said that he had understood it.

Looking at Mercedes -Benz Grand G with this feeling, and compared with a normal Gar Gye in the distance, I really see some differences.

That feeling is like a luxury appraisal. The a little clues are determined that another ordinary version is determined, it must be high imitation!

Captain security glared at the newcomers who were still in a daze, pointed at the crowd who came and went, and hated iron and steel:

“What are you still doing? Don’t you just find a few people to come over and protect the car!”

It is said that it is the most distinguished car.

“Oh! I’m going!”

The newcomer security guarded then reacted, and ran away like escaping.

According to the analysis of the captain just now, such a valuable car, if something really happened at the door, these security guards would definitely blame them!

The salary of security guards here is a lot higher than the same industry. Newcomer security does not want to lose this job.

Call a few colleagues, and everyone protects the Mercedes -Benz big G in the center.

Newcomer security guards stand in front, like guarding treasures, and the momentum of the whole person is mentioned.


At this time, a boy sitting next to Sha Jinghao suddenly said strangely:

“I thought they dumped us, what good wine did they drink? It turned out to be a little beer?”

While talking, he deliberately glanced in the direction of Tian Feng.

That face, it is clear that a few people are looking down.

The classmates next to them also followed, and said with a smile:

“Is it possible to take this sip if you are allowed? Hahaha, don’t say a few of them, that is, so many of us are added together, and it is not the opponent of the monitor!”

“That’s yes. How can we compare with the big monitor? Some people are not ability, and there is also a sense of justice there?” Is it meaningful? ”

“What do you say that unhappy things do? Come on, let’s drink! Let’s do a drink together!”

Listening to the classmates counting a few people in Tian Feng, Sha Jinghao smiled and said with the initiative:

“Forget it, all old classmates, don’t care about them, we are all happy!”

After all, they have graduated for a while, and they have disappeared for a while. By chance, everyone cherishes.

Everyone raised the glass and touched the cup. A boy sighed, and said with emotion:

“Speaking of which, it’s still beautiful when that year!”

Only when they really enter the society can they realize how comfortable the life on campus is.

In the world of adults, life is a bit difficult.

In the eyes of the students, they all showed their emotions more or less, recalling their highlights for four years.

“By the way, do you still remember our flowers?” A boy suddenly shredded in front of him, looking at the classmates around him.

As soon as the classmates heard the words, they immediately appeared in their minds, and a pretty face appeared.

The delicate cheeks that can be poured out of the water are embedded with a pair of affectionate eyes, as if they can speak.

Just suddenly remembered that the fire in the hearts of the male classmates seemed to be ignited, and my heart was hot.

Another male classmate smiled and said:

“Forgot who, and can’t forget our flower Zhang Shuyao!”

In addition to Zhang Shuyao, who dares to say that he is a flower or a school flower?

Zhang Shuyao during the college period was bright like the bright moon in the sky.

At that time, there were too many boys who pursued Zhang Shuyao. Not only did they have the school, but there were also many foreign schools.

Zhang Shuyao was enthusiastic and courteous to treat each classmate, but she did not see her to a certain boy.

“Our goddess of flowers has also graduated for more than a year. I don’t know how it is now.” Sha Jinghao mentioned Zhang Shuyao, it was also a bit difficult.

Who doesn’t like that beautiful and temperamental girl?

With such a girlfriend on the street, can you truly play the special effects of Fried Street.

Sha Jinghao swallowed a bite of wine, and said some regrets:

“I don’t know which bastard is taken away by our goddess Zhang!”

The other male classmates thought of this possibility, and they were also uncomfortable in their hearts, and they said:

“As long as I think of it, such a beautiful flower is taken away by others. I feel uncomfortable in my heart, but unfortunately!”

“We blame us in a school year, and no one knows where the goddess goes high. Otherwise, there is nothing to go to Lara, maybe you can still spend a new melody!”

“To be honest, when I first saw the goddess, I was definitely shocked by heaven, and the deer hit it! Don’t let me know who the wild man is, otherwise I must beat him!”

Just when the classmates felt a lot, suddenly he heard a shocking voice from not far away.

“Chen Tian!”

Hearing this call, all students looked at the direction of shouting.

I saw Tian Feng stood up from the card, and waved hard towards a man who had just came in.

The eyes of the crowd were instantly attracted by the man and a woman.

When they saw the men’s face clearly, they widened their eyes and took a breath.

That man is actually Chen Tian!

When did he become so handsome?

I saw a smile on Chen Tian’s face. When he saw several people in Tian Feng, he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, and the arc of the corner of his mouth was a little deeper.

Such a smiley face made many girls blush stunningly.

Is this too good?

Moreover, Chen Tian’s temperament is very good. Since Chen Tian walked into the bar, many girls’ eyes were locked on him.

After a while, everyone reluctantly looked away.

Suddenly, another exclamation sounded:

“The one next to Chen Tian is the goddess Zhang?”

… …

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