Few people who watched the details of the game could really understand it, they only knew who was ahead and who was behind, and only looked at the results!

Although Wei Tianqi was overtaken by Gou Yong again, Wei Tianqi was very unhappy, but he was not panicked at all, after all, the previous curves were just a small competition, and there was no particularly high technical content, and the real test of their skills was the last five-consecutive hairpin bend.

He's been running more than 20 laps here lately, and he's almost always running two laps a day, so he has a super high control over the timing of the corner, and the speed at which he can make the perfect corner, and he can control it precisely at 10 yards and so on.

In this way, the two kept overtaking their opponents in front, and after five minutes, they finally ushered in five consecutive hairpin corners.

There were less than 30 meters between the first and second corners, so there was no chance for the car to accelerate in a straight line.

"Come on, come on, five consecutive hairpin bends, who will kill the deer, it depends on who can take the lead in the corner!" "

At the starting point, the fans shouted loudly, one by one, as if they had beaten chicken blood, the new and old car kings, who is more powerful, will be revealed soon.

"You must win!",

"Come on, Gou Yong!"

"Kill him!"


The voices came and went, and even Huang Yanling was so nervous that he couldn't do it.

At this time, everyone quieted down and listened to the live broadcast on the walkie-talkie.

"In the first hairpin corner, Wei Tianqi's black GTR entered the corner first, followed by Gou Yong's white GTR.

"Out of the corner, Gou Yong was thrown out of a parking space!" Hearing

this, the person who was cheering for Gou Yong just now was suddenly a little lost, but he still clenched his fists and secretly cheered for him!

But in the walkie-talkie, the sound continued to be heard.

"It's over, the white GTR is getting farther and farther, and it's just out of the second corner, but our current car king, Wei Tianqi, is already in the third corner.

At this moment, the people who supported Gou Yong all kicked in disappointment and kicked lonely.

"Black GTR into the fourth corner......

"Black GTR into the fifth corner......"

"Out of the corner, in the final sprint, he used a nitrogen device, Wei Tianqi used a nitrogen device, taking advantage of the first corner, immediately extended the distance. "

Crossing the line!"

"It's our current car king who won this competition, Wei Tianqi!"

Until this sentence sounded, everyone who was optimistic about Wei Tianqi was all depressed, full of expectations that he would win the race, but the facts made people speechless.

At the end of the line, Wei Tianqi stopped the car, proudly enjoying the calls of others, and from the belated white GTR, Gou Yong got off the car with an indifferent face.

"You win!" The

two looked at each other, Gou Yong didn't have any emotions because he lost the game, if he insisted on saying anything, it could only be brought to him by Ye Fan, because in the last few corners, he was on the side throughout the whole process, although the twitter was a little annoying, but what he said was right.

"Where's the trophy?"

Wei Tianqi stretched out his hand towards him, very direct.

"Give!" Gou

Yong seemed to be prepared, and took out a wheel-shaped crystal trophy from the car, and the word Gou Yong was engraved on the bottom of the cup.

"Hey, just return the king of the car with this technology, you didn't meet me back then, if you want the two of us to meet early, I'm afraid you can't even be the king of the car."

Wei Tianqi pointed at Gou Yong very arrogantly: "From now on, please don't say that you are the king of cars, even if it is the previous one!"

"You are a bit of a bully, right?"

Ye Fan opened the door and got out of the car, he was listening the whole time, and he didn't have even the slightest good impression of this Wei Tianqi.

"Isn't it just a game, people are willing to gamble and lose, and even the trophy is given to you, is it necessary to do this?"

"Of course it is necessary!" Wei

Tianqi sneered disdainfully: "A person like the king of the car, one is enough!"

"According to what you say, if someone wins you, can't you tell others that you are the king of the car?"

Ye Fan stared at Wei Tianqi and asked very directly.

"Of course!"

"Don't look at who I Wei Tianqi is, of course it's a matter of words!" Hearing

what Wei Tianqi said, the fans next to him began to echo: "That's it, who is our Brother Qi, look at who you are, I can already afford to talk to you, don't look for a sense of existence here!"

"Bang click~"

Suddenly, Wei Tianqi slammed Gou Yong's trophy to the ground, and the trophy suddenly fell apart.

Gou Yong's face changed suddenly, for many years, he has been carefully treasured it, today, in front of himself, he was actually thrown down?"

"From today on, there is only one car king in Kyoto, Wei Tianqi!"

"Wei Tianqi

!" "Wei Tianqi!" "Wei Tianqi!"

"Wei Tianqi!" "Wei Tianqi!"


Wei Tianqi's fans shouted loudly, as if to celebrate their king's unification of the world.

"Bastard!" Gou

Yong clenched his fists, eager to beat Wei Tianqi, but he couldn't, who let himself lose.

"Why did you smash it?" looked at the broken trophy on the ground, Gou Yong's body trembled slightly.

"What I won, I can do whatever I want, what's the matter with you?"

I have to say that Wei Tianqi is not very old, and this method of punishing people and hearts is extremely cruel.

"Wei Tianqi, do you dare to compete with me?"


Wei Tianqi was stunned for a moment, put his hand to his ear sideways, as if he didn't hear clearly: "You say it again louder!"

"Do you dare to compete with me?"

"Compete with you?" Wei Tianqi looked at Ye Fan for a few seconds, and then looked at him with contemptuous eyes and said, "Which onion are you?"

It turns out that our Kyoto car king will also be cowardly in the face of challenges!" Ye Fan smiled, and did not get angry because of this.

"Who coerced me, I just disdain to compete with an inconspicuous person!" "

Inconspicuous?" Ye Fan asked with a smile, "You actually say that a car king is inconspicuous?"

So far, Ye Fan doesn't blush when he lies, and it's a pity not to act.

"Car King, where are you Car King?" The

atmosphere instantly became subtle, and Wei Tianqi's eyes showed strong interest.


"Who is the Haicheng Car King?" Wei

Tianqi looked at the people around him, but everyone shook their heads, and they didn't seem to have heard of such a number one person.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, after all, people of your level are not qualified to compete with me!" Saying

that, Ye Fan patted Gou Yong's shoulder: "Let's go, it's no need to be angry with this kind of person!"

"Are you really the king of the car?" Gou Yong looked at Ye Fan with a surprised look on his face, and asked in a low voice, "But didn't you just say that you weren't even a driver?"


He blinked at Gou Yong, only to see that Ye Fan actually had a cynical expression on his face.


and behind the two, the enraged Wei Tianqi yelled at Ye Fan angrily: "Is the King of Haicheng Che, I compare with you!".

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