Entering the game, Ye Fan is not a complete novice, he has played this before, but he can't hold down the gun, so he looks very vegetable.

Like the girl next to him, P City flew in the first game, but he chose a corner and tried not to fly with others.

Luckily, there was a gun in the first room, but an AK with a lot of recoil.

"Hey, there's someone in front of you!" The

girl next to her happened to catch a glimpse of Ye Fan's computer screen while waiting, but as soon as her voice came out, that person was easily eliminated by Ye Fan, and the terrifying thing was that only two bullets were used.

Now she is not calm, the whole game is absent-minded, looking at Ye Fan's computer screen, more than her own.

1 kill, 2 kills, 3 kills, and destroy the team!

Ye Fan's process of destroying the team reminded him of the operation of those professional players, in addition, this person's gun is the same as no recoil, not to mention the vertical recoil up and down, even the horizontal recoil of the left and right can not be seen.

"It's open?"

This is the biggest possibility that Lin Huanhuan can think of, just this pressure gun, professional players can't press it out, right?

And the keyboard and mouse are all Internet cafes, and they don't come with their own, so the possibility of professional players is gone, so there is only one truth, open and hang!

" "Wow, the person next to me looks very handsome, I didn't expect it to be a wall-hanging!"


". A black line suddenly appeared on Ye Fan's forehead, what is a wall-hanging, your whole family is hanging on the wall, brother is obviously pure technology, okay?

Thinking about it, Ye Fan deliberately showed off another wave of instantaneous sniping, originally the character was running and did not hold a gun, but suddenly, a little blood light appeared on his body, Ye Fan's hands and eyes were fast, the mouse slid horizontally, the character took out the gun and opened the mirror, fired and closed the mirror, the action was done in one go, and the person who attacked him died directly on the opposite hillside.


Lin Huanhuan was stunned, this reaction speed, and it was still instantaneous at such a distance, lock it!

Look at the amount of blood again, there is only a trace of blood.

Lock Blood Stone Hammer!

Lock Stone Hammer!

Lin Huanhuan said, and even secretly took a photo of Ye Fan, and then called the network manager.

"Hello beauty, how can I help you?"

"This person is hanging!"

Lin Huanhuan pointed at Ye Fan, and the webmaster glanced at Ye Fan, although he didn't see those character frames or lines, he still patted Ye Fan on the shoulder.

"Handsome guy, our Internet café is forbidden to open and hang!"

"I didn't open it!" Ye

Fan said without replying, and then used a super stable quadruple mirror to press the gun, ended the game, and successfully ate chicken!

'Congratulations, player A16, in PUBG, successfully ate chicken and won the drink reward from the Internet café!'

There was a system prompt from the Internet café broadcast outside, but the network manager continued:" But this young lady said that you are hanging!"

"Then do you want to check my computer to see if I am hanging!"

Ye Fan stood up and motioned for the network administrator to check.

The network manager lowered his head to operate, but he didn't find a program like a plug-in, so he simply opened a game, but he found that the gun could shake to the sky.

"I'm sorry handsome guy!" sincerely

apologized, and the network administrator said to Lin Huanhuan next to him: "Beauty, it may be that you are dazzled, this handsome guy is not hanging."

"He doesn't have any recoil at all when he presses the gun, and it's so easy to eat chicken!"

"I'm good at this with my strength!" Ye

Fan smiled and immediately carried out a wave of pressure gun demonstration.

"Look at it!"

Ye Fan directly hit the six-fold mirror with AK, and all the bullets hit the same point, isn't this a plug-in operation?"

"Look at it!"

Lin Huanhuan pointed to Ye Fan's computer screen and stood up anxiously: "I didn't wronged him, isn't this hanging?"

The network administrator also looked stupid.,I also play this game.,I think the technology is okay.,But this kind of operation,Professional players can't play it.,Even if it's not hanging.,It's a macro boy or something.。

Thinking of this, the network administrator hurriedly glanced at the host and found that the USB port on it was not plugged in.

"Do you want to check anything?" Ye

Fan asked, the network administrator shook his head and hurriedly slipped away.

After the network manager slipped away, Ye Fan glanced at Lin Huanhuan: "Do you still think I'm hanging?"

Lin Huanhuan didn't speak, but from her eyes, it was not difficult to see that this girl still felt like she was hanging.

"That's it, I'll use your computer to type, and just use your number, so that it can always be proven, right?"

Ye Fan didn't want to be misunderstood.

Lin Huanhuan nodded like a chicken pecking rice, got up to give up his position, and handed the earphones to Ye Fan by the way.

is still with her friends, but what Ye Fan didn't expect was that it was also a girl, not a man.

"I want to listen to the footsteps, so please talk less!" said

coldly, Ye Fan parachuted directly.

In order to make Lin Huanhuan look good in front of him, Ye Fan jumped directly to Port G, where the materials are abundant, and the fight starts when it lands, which is so exciting that those anchors specially pick this kind of place.

Ye Fan chose the container directly opposite the three warehouses, but after landing, there was only one S1897 and a single spray, and the one that landed together seemed to have picked up an AK, if nothing else, Ye Fan's should be gone.

"Hmph, I'm going to die!" Lin

Huanhuan hugged his hands and laughed proudly, and in the picture, that person came straight after Ye Fan.


Unexpectedly, Ye Fan was holding a single-shot troll, and a dodge spray actually came, and the person with the AK fell directly to the ground.

"Wo Cao!"

"This is a hanging wall!" "

Don't come here, I have a hanging here!" After

falling to the ground, this man directly opened all the microphones.


"Can you hear me, big brother?"

"Will you let me go?"

The man climbed backwards as he threw out the supplies he had picked up, including his AK.

"Big brother, don't kill me, the guns are all for you!" Ye

Fan was silent, walked over and picked up the gun, and then turned around and walked towards the container.

"Why don't you make up for him!" Lin

Huanhuan looked at it and was in a hurry.

"If you don't make up for him, his teammates will pull him up again later, and then come back to fight, see what you do!" At

this time, Li Huanhuan hated that iron could not become steel, and he couldn't wait to teach Ye Fan to play games in person.

Soon, the man's teammates came to pull him, two people set up guns, one person pulled, and the division of labor was clear.

"Bell bell~"

Ye Fan easily singled out, and the one who pulled the person with two bullets knelt down directly.

"Wo grass,!"

the other party is another all wheat.

"I said that there is a big brother, don't believe it!" At

this moment, the other two people went crazy, and they operated around with a bang, and the bullets swept around, Ye Fan couldn't stand it anymore, and shot again.

"Bell bell~"

Another person knelt down, and the team of four people was full, and there was only one left at this time.

Lin Huanhuan was dumbfounded, as if everything was expected by him, beating these people was like playing, effortlessly.

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