"Roar……"Holding the piece of sauced beef in his mouth, Huabao growled, then glanced at Luo Cheng, Yun Xiaomei and Little York, then walked back to the mountains step by step with his legs turned.

"Phew, okay, it’s time for us to eat!"Seeing Huabao go, Yun Xiaomei also clapped her hands, and then said happily to Luo Cheng

"Eat it quickly!"I know that for Xiaomei Yun, eating is an extremely important thing, so Luo Cheng just smiled, and the two returned to their original positions, washed their hands, and ate today's lunch.

Treatment The leopard incident was just a small matter for Luo Cheng and the others.

But when Ma Zhou finished editing this video and posted it online, there were a lot of voices on the Internet.

Most of them Naturally, everyone is praising Luo Cheng for his good work. After all, he is saving wild animals, but there are also some discordant voices.

Some people say that Luo Cheng is a holy mother, and some people say why Luo Cheng wants to destroy the balance of nature. , in their opinion, if the leopard is injured like this, it means that nature has eliminated it, so it should die...

Some private organizations even said that Luo Cheng should take the leopard out. , and then handed it over to formal institutions (such as them) to take care of it.

There are also some very irritable people asking why Luo Cheng didn't kill the leopard for meat. Under the replies of these people, basically all except The question mark is a greeting to their relatives, and of course, their retorts.

Yes, it took humans hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to climb to the top of the food chain, but there is no need for humans to eat every wild animal they see...... and don’t forget, the leopard is a national first-level protected animal. Luo Cheng ate the leopard when it was not dead. How can the country not cause trouble for him?

There is something wrong with these people’s brains...

But okay The above people are basically a very small number, not even one in a hundred thousand people, let alone ten thousand. The only people who have some market are those in the private sector. It’s not about how many people agree with them, but because they There were a lot of people asking for help.

But this matter came to an end after it reached the national animal protection station, because the people at the animal protection station watched the video of Luo Cheng’s treatment. There is no problem in handling it this way. Especially when it was still in the wild and it was unrealistic to take it out.

When the people at the animal protection station gave Luo Cheng a platform, there was no place for the navy to survive. However, although they gave up on this matter , but don’t forget, Xiao Ai has been monitoring the entire network. If these guys dare to offend Luo Cheng, then they will definitely collect evidence of their crimes. These navy soldiers usually do bad things, including infringement Other people's privacy, online violence, and online abuse and insults are also punishable by imprisonment. When Luo Cheng comes back, if necessary, Xiao Ai can naturally make these people miserable. Let them know that it is not easy to make bad money. One thing.

But now, these have nothing to do with Luo Cheng. After lunch, he and Yun Xiaomei continued to advance towards the mountains.

But unlike the rush just now, Luo Cheng and the others understood the purpose of coming here. They were Those who come to collect herbs are actually mainly Yun Xiaomei who is collecting them, and then Luo Cheng introduces them.

Yun Xiaomei’s skill in collecting herbs is reliable, and she is also very careful.

In the virgin forests in the south, there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants..

So Yun Xiaomei has become accustomed to using medicine to clear the way first, and then hitting her with a stick, which basically ensures safety. She actually picked a lot of herbal medicines in a short time.

There are a lot of herbal medicines, Luo Cheng I've only heard of it, but this is the first time I've seen it.

"You don't seem to like drinking very much. In fact, the medicinal wine I prepared is quite good. You can try it when you have time."While talking to Luo Cheng, Yun Xiaomei put an Aracenia plant into her backpack.

Aracenia is a very common herbal medicine. Its main functions are to detoxify and reduce swelling, dispel wind and calm convulsions, and resolve phlegm. It is mainly used to treat facial nerve paralysis, hemiplegia, infantile convulsions, tetanus, and epilepsy. If used directly externally, it can also be used to treat sores, poisonous bites, and kill fly maggots. After treatment with bile sweat, it is called binanxing , mainly used to treat phlegm fever, convulsions and convulsions in children.

It can be said to be a very versatile herb, and she has picked up a lot of this herb.

"Okay, I will try it when I have time."Indeed, Luo Cheng doesn't like drinking liquor very much, otherwise he wouldn't have so much liquor in his house, but it's okay to try it occasionally. With two people, one talking and the other picking, the time passed quite quickly..

In the blink of an eye, the two of them entered the core area of ​​this primitive forest.

It can be seen that the trees here are more lush and the colors of the trees are darker.

And the age of the herbs here is getting higher and higher..

Unconsciously, the time has reached around three o'clock in the afternoon. Logically speaking, this time is exactly the time when the afternoon is stuck at the midpoint, and it is still early before dark.

But in the forest, the sky is a little dark. Darkened

"It looks like I'm going to stay here today."After taking a look at the sky, Yun Xiaomei said in a low voice. Although she had considered the possibility of sleeping with Luo Cheng in the wild before coming here, she was really a little shy when things came to a close.

"So find a place to build a shelter and make a fire?"After hearing Yun Xiaomei's words, Luo Cheng's ability to survive in the wild was activated. While talking, he was already looking around, looking for the address to build a shelter.

"No, there is a hunter's cabin nearby, come with me!"Looking at Luo Cheng's eagerness to try, Yun Xiaomei smiled. Although she went into the mountains to collect medicine, she did not go into the mountains to suffer. This is the virgin forest in the south. It is not an exaggeration to call it a rain forest.

In She had tried spending the night here in the wild when she was little, and it was too uncomfortable.

That's why she wouldn't give Luo Cheng this opportunity to show off.

"oh."Hearing that there was no chance to show off his skills, Luo Cheng curled his lips and followed Yun Xiaomei in the other direction.

Soon, they came to a cliff, and on this cliff. There is a small wooden hut, which is what Yun Xiaomei calls the hunter's hut.

Luo Cheng knows about the hunter's hut. It was the hut built by hunters who went into the mountains to hunt in the past. They could not go into the mountains on the same day. In order to avoid sleeping in the wild at sunrise and evening, such cabins were built at several fixed points.

Although the profession of hunter has almost disappeared, these cabins are still used by those who are still alive. For those who stay in the mountains, a place to protect themselves from the wind and rain

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