After President Xiao Ma got off the boat, Director Gao over there couldn't wait to get on the boat.

When the two passed each other, they both nodded to each other. It was obvious that they were aware of the changes in the equity of the other company, so they were not surprised by the other's existence.

Normally, they might have exchanged a few pleasantries, but now they obviously had no intention of doing so. After Mr. Pony got in the car, his convoy quickly drove away.

Feeling the car move, Xiao Ma couldn't help but unbutton the first button of his collar. Although he and Luo Cheng just talked for a short time, his collar was soaked with sweat because of the tension. Got it

"Mr. Xiao Ma, can you believe what Mr. Luo said?"Looking at Xiao Ma's relieved look, the woman who accompanied him on the boat asked.

"From the information we have received so far, Mr. Luo can be believed. He is a pure investment businessman. He has little interest in running a company, otherwise he would not be an outdoor anchor here."

Listening to this person's words, Xiao Ma always smiled and said slightly relaxedly.

"That's good... I'm worried whether he is someone sent by another country. After all, you know, some countries are suppressing our products now.……"Looking at Mr. Ma, the secretary here said with some hesitation.

"No, and there is actually no point in suppressing them. Ask the companies in those countries, is there any company that dares to completely use our company's products?"Waving his hand casually, Mr. Xiao Ma said with a serious face. He has such confidence.

Even the largest fruit company in the world does not dare not to cooperate with them.

If there is anything in their mobile phone, they dare to Products of their companies such as V-Message and Penguin cannot be installed. He can guarantee that the domestic sales of this company's products will drop by at least 99.99%... Do n't look at those fruit fans who are noisy all day long. The moon in foreign countries is relatively round, but when that day comes, it is estimated that not one of these people out of 10,000 will be so stubborn. After all, if you still use that kind of mobile phone, it will be like holding a 2G There is no difference between the phone and the phone. Apart from making phone calls and sending text messages, what else can you do?

So despite the fierce shouting of foreigners, in fact, Xiao Ma is not worried at all.

A thousand-mile embankment will collapse in an ant nest. As long as the internal The situation is promising, and the external pressure is actually nothing. On the contrary, it will only make them more united and stronger!

Compared with what Pony always needs to pay attention to here at Penguin, Director Gao of Maotai Wine over there needs to There are very few people paying attention to it, because the main market that Maotai Liquor Industry faces is the domestic market.

Although foreigners also drink liquor, they are not the main force in liquor.

Therefore, it is impossible for foreigners to put their hands into Maotai Liquor Industry..

Because of this, Director Gao does not have the identity behind Luo Cheng. He only needs to know whether Luo Cheng is here to seize power.

After getting Luo Cheng, he only needs to pay dividends and retain voting rights and supervisory rights. He has no rights whatsoever. Even if he didn't want it, Director Gao left with great satisfaction.

But before leaving, Luo Cheng suddenly remembered what Yun Xiaomei once said about medicinal wine, which made him couldn't help but defend himself against Director Gao.

"By the way, Director Gao, does our company have that kind of very old wine? I’m going to buy some and make some wine to drink."Looking at Director Gao, Luo Cheng also said

"Hahahaha, what are you talking about buying? You are our shareholder, and ours is also yours. They say that young people nowadays are unwilling to drink spears. I think Mr. Luo is very good. After I go back, I will arrange for someone else to buy it. You send it over."

Because he got the answer he wanted to know, Director Gao also looked very happy. He held Luo Cheng's hand and said happily. After the two exchanged some pleasantries, Director Gao left in a hurry.

He and Mr. Pony was just as busy. If it weren't for Luo Cheng's matters being too important, they should be somewhere else at this time instead of spending time with Luo Cheng. This lasted for more than an hour. The two waves of people left.

When Luo Cheng came out of the yacht, he glanced at the sky outside. Unknowingly, the sun had set in the west, and it was already time for dinner.

In front of his boat, Now only Wan Qiang and Ji Minghui are standing over there.

"Mr. Luo, Director Gao has left."Seeing Luo Cheng look over, Ji Minghui became even more respectful at this time, almost lowering his head to the ground.

"Well, I know, why hasn’t Boss Ji left yet? Is there anything else?"Nodding, Luo Cheng looked at Ji Minghui and asked.

"Isn't it getting dark soon? I see it's time to eat, so I'll stay here. Please treat you and Mr. Wan to a light meal."Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Ji Minghui also pointed to his watch, and then started talking with a smile.

"I sent your son to prison. It’s fine if you don’t hate me. Why do you want to treat me to dinner?"Looking at Ji Minghui's smiling face, Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully

"Hey, that guy deserves it too. In fact, I have wanted to beat him up for a long time, but after all, he is the only child in our family. My father, mother, and his mother are all pampering him, and I can't stop being so cruel. Now Mr. Luo helps me send him in for self-examination, and I feel pretty good."

It has to be said that it is not easy for Ji Minghui to get into this family business.

He is a real businessman, and he is willing to give up. Only when he gives up can he gain something. Moreover, when one asset is obviously not very good anymore, By suppressing this asset in exchange for the trust of higher-level people, it is a sure-profit deal for him. For such a person, as long as you are better than him, he will be very respectful to you.

So in Luo Cheng's view , for a person like Ji Minghui, it’s okay for you to do business with him, but if you want to make friends with him, haha, that’s far from it. He is far less sincere than Xiao Wenlai.

"Forget it about eating, you can go back and just follow what we said. For the rest, follow the contract!"Waving to Ji Minghui, Luo Cheng said nonchalantly.

Hearing what Luo Cheng said, the smile on Ji Minghui's face stopped for a moment, but he still nodded and bowed in agreement, and then when he turned his head, he gently said Sighing.

He knew that his little thoughts had been noticed by Luo Cheng, and Luo Cheng didn't seem to have any intention of playing with him. He really gave birth to a good son...

If it weren't for the fact that his son had been given away He went to the detention center. I guess he would have to beat him up when he got home. Why was he so impulsive in the first place when he was such a prodigal?

Hey... I’m in tears if I talk too much..._

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