"Xiao Luo, your boat is really beautiful. Lao Xiao, you said that if you own a boat like this and go fishing in the future, I will definitely follow you and help you take pictures."

"That is, Xiaoluo, young people will still enjoy it, Xiaoluo, how much does your boat cost?"

Looking at Luo Cheng, the two sisters-in-law here smiled and asked Luo Cheng

"Let’s put it all down to a little over 1.2 billion."Looking at the eager eyes of these two people, Luo Cheng didn't hide anything, because he knew that if he said it was cheaper, they would definitely force Xiao Wen and Zhou En to buy it, directly quote the full price, and let them die. Experience. Sure enough

, after hearing Luo Cheng's words, both of them showed a look of embarrassment and shock. Such a yacht actually costs... 1.2 billion?

Well, it's a complete shock. They were thinking.

And Lao Zhang over there couldn't help but shrink back after learning the price of the boat. You know, he was actually very tempted just now. You know, he is the most addicted to fishing among these people. A heavy one.

He used to charter a boat, so he also wanted to buy a yacht to use as a fishing boat. In his opinion, Luo Cheng's boat was quite good, and he was very attracted to it.

But now that he knew the price, Well, he has no thoughts.

But at the same time, he can only lament that today's young people still know how to play.

The price of this yacht is only one-fifth of that of an ocean-going yacht, which can The kind of yacht that can carry 3,000 or 5,000 people. The cheaper ones only cost about 5 to 6 billion. Such a yacht is an investment because it can recover the cost.

And Luo Cheng’s yacht is purely for himself It's too exaggerated to play.

"Go out and have some fun!"Looking at the awkward looks between the two, Luo Cheng also took the initiative to change the topic, and then the group left the cabin and went to the deck outside.

When everyone got together, they actually got along well.

Birds of a feather flock together and people belong to groups. Xiao Wen is not the kind of person who bullies others, so his friends are not such people either.

After these people learned that Kuching and Guyang are people who make a living by fishing, they There was no trace of disdain, but they were very interested in getting close to Kuching and Guyang, because apart from being rich people, their main identity is fishing friends.

But no matter how professional the fishing friends are, they are still amateurs. , compared to people who rely on this thing to make a living, their skills still have many shortcomings, so they are very open-minded and have no intention of being exclusive, so Kuching and Guyang soon integrated into it. Even if they are thousands Qiang, occasionally said a few words, and the atmosphere was quite good.

The boat kept sailing, and at noon, several people also had a meal on the boat.

Luo Cheng can cook on the boat, which makes these adult fishermen happy People who can only eat instant noodles feel very happy. How happy it is to have a hot meal of non-instant noodles and non-self-heating rice on the sea.

There are vegetables, rice and meat, and how much it costs to have a lunch. The relationship between people is much closer.

And after these few hours of advancing at full speed, they are getting closer and closer to the high seas. In fact, judging from the map, they are now about the distance from Chong County, a small island country. , the country is even closer.

The boat controlled by Xiao Ai was very stable, and it drove very fast.

Finally, around three o'clock in the afternoon, they came to the sea area they had originally set.

As the boat speed slowed down , Slowly descending, Luo Xiaowen put up the camera, but the difference is that Luo Cheng is a drone, and Xiao Wen is just a camera.

The two started the live broadcast almost at the same time, because they had already had a dream They were linked, so the two of them opened live broadcast rooms at the same time, and nothing happened like grabbing traffic. On the contrary, they were quite friendly in their live broadcast rooms. I guess so, how many fans does Luo Cheng have, and how many fans does Xiao Wencai have?

You can't have a conflict even if you want to, right?

"Brother Cheng is linking up with Brother Wen again today!"

"Although Brother Cheng didn’t send a message, Brother Wen did, saying that he was going to challenge the fastest fish in the sea today."

"This is Brother Cheng’s yacht. This must be the first time so many people have boarded it!"

"Come on Brother Cheng!"

"Husband, you are the best"

"Husband, okay?"

"I didn’t see Miss Yun today, I miss her"

"I didn't see Xiaomei Yun today, so I breathed a sigh of relief. Brother Cheng is mine."

As the two people's live broadcast room opened, many people poured in and posted barrages.

Luo Cheng and the others also packed up their fishing gear while smiling and interacting with the people in the live broadcast room. Today, with The people who came with Xiao Wen had all appeared in Xiao Wen's live broadcast room before, and Luo Cheng also asked them before the live broadcast. There was no issue of portrait rights, and the atmosphere among everyone was quite harmonious. It was very good. Quickly, everyone prepared their fishing gear. Looking at the big guys brought by Xiao Wen and others, Kuching and Guyang wisely did not participate in the activity of catching the target fish. Their sea poles could not hold up. Live.

But they are not idle now. They are fishing for sardines at this time, and this fish is actually used as bait.

Fish in the open sea are very silly, especially silly. For fishermen, fishing for fish in the open sea, such as It is said that sardines, bonito and the like are very easy to catch.

Because this kind of fish has never seen a hook or bait in its life, they will bite the hook if you ask for fish nearby, and they don't have any skills at all. The hook is a dead hook.

Guyang specially used string hooks to catch five or six fish at a time.

The smaller ones are about six or seven centimeters, and the big ones can grow to more than ten centimeters.

After a while, the two of them They caught fifty or sixty fish, which was quite fast. If it weren't for the fact that the fish itself was particularly cheap and that a trip to the open sea would consume too much fuel, they might all want to come here to catch such fish and sell them back.

After they had almost caught sardines, Xiao Wen and the others also started making nest materials. In fact, they cut up the sardine baits they bought and threw them into the sea to lure large fish, and then hung live ones. Sardines were used as bait under the sea.

Although their target fish was swordfish, the fish they caught was different from the target fish.

The first fish caught was Xiao Wen, who caught a big mackerel, Kang's mackerel. , weighing more than ten kilograms, and the price of a kilogram is more than 30 yuan. It is really worthless and not delicious. The second fish caught was Lao Zhang. He caught a ghost-headed knife, which is also a dolphin. Although this kind of fish does not appear often, in fact, this fish is not very tasty and is more common in the open sea.

Seeing them holding back their food, Luo Cheng was also ready at this time, using his Supreme Fishing Rod. After all the lines and lines were done, he threw the sardine bait into the sea.

As the small fish fell into the water and began to swim quickly, Luo Cheng's sight, hearing, and domineering aura, suddenly, outside the range of his seeing, hearing, and seizing aura, A huge figure suddenly rushed over

"No, the swordfish is not that big!"Feeling the size of this big fish, Luo Cheng couldn't help but murmured in his heart, but this fish did not give Luo Cheng time to react. Although it was not a swordfish, it had the speed of a swordfish and could reach it in an instant. Swallow that sardine into your belly!

************, this system really relies on luck to capture recommendations. My luck is too bad. I haven’t shown up for a long time. Hey, it’s hard!

There are also too many live broadcasts recently. The time of posting this time is not right. The same type of posts are too busy to be recommended. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ·

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