After buying the computer, Luo Cheng was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, he made a special trip to the supermarket to do some shopping, although he bought a lot last time.

But he couldn't stand the fact that his appetite was too big.

There are many other daily necessities, but the ingredients are really pitiful.

So Luo Cheng must buy more things.

After finishing shopping, Luo Cheng took a chance to have lunch outside, then he took a taxi and drove slowly in the direction of his yacht.

When he arrived at the pier, the people at the pier also knew him, so they naturally did not stop his taxi and sent him directly to the cabin of his yacht.

But when Luo Cheng got off the car, he found that next to his yacht, the man who was watching the boat like an iron tower was blocking him there, and in front of him there were several people cursing.

"What's up?"Looking at the conflict here, after taking down all his belongings from the taxi, Luo Cheng couldn't help but frowned and walked over.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Who are you!"

Who knows, just as Luo Cheng came over, there were two boys behind these people pointing at Luo Cheng and shouting. Listening to their words, Luo Cheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and took a look at these people. These people... He should be what is now commonly known as a spirited boy.

He is not tall, very thin, and both have a uniform type of hijab.

On this hot day, he is also wearing a pair of nine-point tights, no socks, and a pair of flashing lights underneath. He was wearing bare shoes and short sleeves with Wangzi's head logo printed on them.

It looked really... a little speechless.

Luo Cheng had never been outside the mainstream. When he was in school, there were some outsiders around him. He is a mainstream classmate, but he has never been there. His aesthetics have always been very normal. His hair has never been permed.

In the past, he was indifferent to those who were not mainstream, but now he is naturally indifferent to these young people. Feeling.

He is not disgusted with these people, because he does not pay attention to these people at all. He treats these people as air, so naturally he does not feel any disgust.

But now he is a little unhappy.

"Boss, you are back!"When these people saw Luo Cheng, the iron tower-like man over there also saw Luo Cheng and said respectfully.

And when they heard that Luo Cheng turned out to be the owner of the ship, other people The energetic guy also looked at Luo Cheng

"This boat is yours!" He pointed at the yacht in front of him. At this time, one of the leading young men with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and two earrings looked at Luo Cheng.

"It's mine, what's the problem?"After taking a look at this man, Luo Cheng also raised his head and said with a little impatience.

That's how he is. If others respect him, he will give others a foot, but if he pretends to be 13 in front of him. , then don’t blame him for not giving this person face.

"Your boat looks nice, isn’t it cheap?"After listening to Luo Cheng's words, this guy smiled, and then said with a look of approval.

"It's okay, but I guess you can't afford it."Glancing at this person, Luo Cheng said seriously. He didn't look down on anyone, because it seemed like they really couldn't afford 1.2 billion.

"Who are you talking to? Do you know that this is our brother Dongshan Long, a super internet celebrity with more than 10 million followers on Kuaijiao? Be careful what you say!"But just as Luo Cheng finished speaking, the younger brother behind the man over there pointed at Luo Cheng and shouted with a serious face.

"Hey, don’t be like this, will peace bring wealth?……"After hearing what his younger brother said, Brother Dongshan Long also waved his hand. They often had such conversations, one pretending to be red-faced and the other pretending to be dumb-faced, but did they think they could frighten Luo Cheng like this? They're afraid they're out of their minds.

"Brother Long, I seem to know him, he is also an anchor, he seems to be quite rich."Looking at Luo Cheng who was unmoved, a person behind Brother Dongshan Long came over and whispered.

"Oh, you are also a host, so you are being ridiculous. When you come to our live broadcast, shouldn't you say hello to us first? You are violating a taboo!"

Hearing that Luo Cheng was also the anchor, Brother Dongshan Long raised his eyebrows and said with a look of hatred. As he said that, he wanted to come over and patted Luo Cheng on the shoulder.

Looking at him like that, Luo Cheng Cheng's eyes widened. Damn, there are just a few guys pretending to be part of the society. If this guy dares to take a picture of himself, Luo Cheng might not be able to help but punch him. Maybe he feels it on Luo Cheng. The murderous aura emanating from him.

Brother Dongshan Long, who was about to pat him on the shoulder, couldn't help but stop his hand, but his mouth didn't stop.

"Let's do this. I think your boat is pretty good. If you lend it to us for a few days, I'll treat it as your apology."

"I'll pay you, uncle, get out!"I really couldn't bear to listen anymore. Luo Cheng interrupted him directly, and then said to him coldly. Hearing

Luo Cheng telling him to get out so hard, this Dongshan Brother Long couldn't bear it anymore.

This Dongshan Brother Long was originally a scoundrel who could not do anything well and had nothing left to eat. He was not like those who were really mixed up in society. If he dared to fight and fight hard, his life would be lost in the worst case. Eighteen years later, he is still a good man. Not yet, he was still timid.

He was about to starve to death, but the sudden emergence of self-media saved him.

With his image, he was really popular among the energetic young people on the Internet.

So he transformed into an Internet celebrity. Hong, unexpectedly, it is quite successful.

Of course, all of the more than 10 million followers cannot be real. It would be good if there are almost 100,000 real people. But even if there are only 100,000 followers, he will get 100,000 followers a month. His income has also exceeded five digits, which makes him feel that he can do it again...

Ever since he became an Internet celebrity, it has been a long time since anyone told him to get lost.

Luo Cheng has violated his own taboo today!

Thinking of it Here, Brother Dongshan Long walked up to Luo Cheng, touched Luo Cheng's vagina with his fingers, and said with an arrogant look:

"Boy, don't be arrogant. This is my realm. If it's a dragon, you can hold it for me. If it's a tiger, you can lie down for me. Don't force yourself in front of me. If you don't accept it, let's touch each other.……"

"Snapped!"Luo Cheng didn't have the time or leisure to listen to his nonsense here, so he slapped him on the head. Luo Cheng didn't hit hard, otherwise he wouldn't be able to kill this Dongshan Long with this slap. My brother's head was beaten violently.

His slap now only sent him flying out, and he plunged into the sea next to him. This is a dock. The water is not deep, but it is inevitable that he will get wet.

"Beat him, Brother Long is beaten!"Looking at Brother Long being sucked into the water by Luo Cheng, although he was flopping around, he looked a little dazed. At this time, Brother Long's younger brothers also rushed over, but for Luo Cheng, it was nothing more than a punch. Just a kid


This afternoon’s update will continue!

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