In fact, the most insurmountable thing in this world is time.

Especially when a person lives a mechanical and happy life every day.

You will feel that time goes by really fast.

Luo Cheng has felt like this more than once, and it's the same now.

After returning from the New Year holiday with his girls in the magic city, Luo Cheng's life became very simple and fast.

During the day, I either went fishing, dug for blood eels or blue crabs, or went to drink with Kuching and Guyang. If there were fishing boats coming back during the day, they would also go and have a look. Luo Cheng went to buy them. They went home to eat, while Kuching and Guyang helped the people in Luo Cheng’s live broadcast room to buy the seafood. The seafood they helped buy is currently very famous on the Shark Platform.

Because except for those who maliciously leave bad reviews, basically no one else says that these seafood are not good.

There is nothing to say about the freshness, sweetness, and elasticity.

Many inland friends know for the first time that real sea-caught seafood has a sweet taste and does not require too complicated preparations. For example, shrimps and the like can be eaten directly boiled and they are particularly delicious. , this is an experience they have never had before.

Therefore, the business in Kuching and Guyang was not generally good for a while.

Some big anchors even sent private messages to them, asking to help bring some.

Luo Cheng may not care about these favors, but they are still quite important.

In this way, in this comfortable state, the days of January passed quickly.

Of course, this does not mean that the whole month of January has passed, because at the end of January there is also the most grand festival of the year for all Yanhuang people, the Spring Festival!

As the Little New Year is over, the New Year is slowly approaching.

Many things on Luo Cheng's side were officially put on track.

The first is the road in front of Luo Cheng's house. After several months of repairs, one side has finally been repaired. Don't underestimate this side. You must know that Luo Cheng built a two-lane road on both sides, that is, there are two on the left. lane, there are also two lanes on the right.

So after repairing one side, it is actually ready for use.

It's just a two-way road that can be temporarily divided into one lane. In fact, only people from Luo Cheng's family are running on this road now, so one lane is fine.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Cheng also built a small villa at the intersection of their home. This small villa was not big, with only two floors and a total of about 200 square meters. It was prepared for Wan Qiang.

And when the road is open, naturally the drivers are also ready...Among the seventy-nine girls who first learned to drive, Wan Qiang had already passed the driver's license test and with Luo Cheng's influence in the local area, the driver's license was issued to them after they finished the test. After all, no one would do it because of These little things offend a billionaire. As for the driver's license test, these people all passed it in one go, and it was easier than when Luo Cheng took the test. After all, these seventy-five girls, plus the four sisters from the Yun family, have been drinking biological improvements. reagents, as long as their courage is not a problem.

The control, strength, speed, reflexes, etc. are all much stronger than ordinary people.

Of course, it is not very difficult to pass the driving license test.

Wan Qiang often eats with Luo Cheng and has a lot of natural biological improvement reagents.

Although Wan Qiang looks a little naive, his reactions and memory are not bad either.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Wanqiang to pass the examination.

Now that they have a driver's license and the road has been repaired, Luo Cheng and the others are about to start another big plan, which is to pick up the girls who want to be with Luo Cheng but are not with him yet. Go and live in your home.

Although they have long known that such a day would come, to be honest, when this day comes, the old people in Yinshan Village will still feel a little sad.

But they were not sad when they arrived, because they knew that these girls went to Luo Cheng's place to enjoy the blessings. Not only did they have men, but they no longer had to worry about food and drink expenses. For them, this was a big deal. Outright good news.

On the twenty-first day of the first lunar month and the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, Luo Cheng and the others drove eighty-one cars to Yinshan Village and picked up all the girls who had not yet gone to Luo Cheng's home at once. , plus some of their intimate clothing and the like.

Then he drove back in a mighty manner.

When they arrived, Luo Cheng's home instantly became lively.

Wan Qiang still has a good eye for prices, so after he helped move all the things out of the car and moved into Luo Cheng's house, he went back immediately to his big villa. Yes, For Luo Cheng, Wan Qiang's villa was just a small villa. Including decoration and the like, it was barely worth 100 million.

0Flowers requested

But for Wan Qiang, it is an out-and-out large villa.

Originally, Tian Lei's family had reservations about the matter between Wan Qiang and Tian Lei.

It is true that Tian Lei has no academic qualifications and is average-looking, but Tian Lei’s family still hopes that she can find someone with a good family. Although Wan Qiang is now working for Luo Cheng and has a stable income, which is not bad, but after all, he brings It's a bit hard to do anything when you go out.

But after Luo Cheng finished building this small villa and told Wan Qiang that this would be his dormitory from now on, Wan Qiang brought Tian Lei over on the third day, and then on the fourth day, Tian Lei brought her parents over come over.........,........

Looking at the small villa in front of them and Luo Cheng's big G6x6 pickup truck in front of the villa, Tian Lei's parents instantly lost any doubts and raised their hands in approval.

So now Tian Lei and Wan Qiang have moved into this small villa. As for what happened, Luo Cheng can't write it here. Do you think it is possible for him to write it there?

After Wan Qiang left, the girls in Luo Cheng's family had some fun.

After all, they were a little embarrassed to have outsiders around just now, but now they are quite relaxed. They go upstairs to select rooms according to batches, tidy up the room, lay out new bedding, hang the clothes they brought in the wardrobe, and at the same time count themselves The size, for the Chinese New Year, you must wear new clothes.

But Luo Cheng doesn't need to buy new clothes. Don't forget, Luo Cheng is the largest director of 1vmh. As long as he says a word, isn't it easy to buy thousands of sets of clothes?

Arnault ordered it with a smile on his face and sent it to Luo Cheng at the cost of shipping.

Moreover, one person has three clothes, plus makeup and the like. Isn’t this a very normal number?

Some people may feel that it’s not worth it, but by the time we finish our dinner and soak in the hot springs, that feeling of not being worth it will probably disappear!

After all, there are more than 300 girls, more than 300, and all of them are above 80 with good looks and good figures. If there is a fairyland in this world, this must be it! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - ∪ collection, recommendation, and sharing!

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