"If you don’t understand, just ask, are these big shells delicious?"

"I feel like such a big shell must be very valuable."

"Aren’t clams a bracelet? Are the beads made from shells?"

"The shell in front is not very valuable, it is only worth a pair of silver bracelets."

"Epic props, silver bracelet is ready to continue"

"No, I see that there are quite a few programs where people eat this thing."

"The laws of each country are different. This thing is a first-class protected animal in our country."

Looking at the size of the clam that Luo Cheng was gesturing at, people in the live broadcast room also commented. However, after hearing that this toy should also be a first-level protected animal, many people frowned. It seemed that I can't eat this anymore.

But at this time, Luo Cheng ignored these people and looked at the clam intently. To be honest, he really felt a little pity. You must know that this clam is a good Baby, even the most precious and valuable baby Luo Cheng has ever encountered so far.

He really wants to know what this thing can be exchanged for.

But it's just like the giant pandas and the white dolphins he raises at home. This thing is a national first-level protected animal. If Luo Cheng takes this thing away under the eyes of so many people, the country will probably come to talk to him directly.

Yanhuang is not an American emperor. There are rich and powerful people here. You can't do whatever you want.

At least you haven't heard of a rich person who live broadcasts the killing of pandas and eats meat!

This is impossible, the country will not protect the prisoner, no matter how rich the person is.

Of course, if Luo Cheng turns off the live broadcast , no one knows about picking it quietly, but you must know that if there is no live broadcast, then Luo Cheng will not be rewarded...

This is an endless loop, so it can be said that this thing is destined to have nothing to do with Luo Cheng

"Forget it, let's go pick up some lobsters. I just saw a lot of lobsters. These things are worth a lot of money!"Correcting his mind, Luo Cheng murmured in his heart and prepared to catch the lobster he just saw.

But just when his eyes moved to the distance, he suddenly saw a piece of coral reef and another one. In the gap of a coral reef, there is a huge clam stuck there. However, although there is a lot of seaweed and other things growing on it, this thing did not fit together after Luo Cheng arrived. He got up, but his mouth was still open. If you look over from Luo Cheng, you will find that the guy's mouth is empty.

Seeing this scene, Luo Cheng couldn't help but be stunned, and then swam over curiously and took a look inside. He unexpectedly discovered that the clam was already dead, and it seemed to have been dead for a while, because the meat inside had been completely eaten.

"Hey, look, you can't stop this luck!"Looking at the clam shell, Luo Cheng laughed, and then took out the jungle knife behind him. Under the puzzled looks of those in the live broadcast room, Luo Cheng directly inserted the jungle knife into the coral reef.

With a little forceful stroke, he dug out a hole. Then in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, Luo Cheng picked up the clam from the coral reef.

When the huge clam was lifted out , many people took a breath of air-conditioning.

Because this clam is very big, it seems to be about eighty centimeters long. It is indeed known as the largest shellfish, but it is the same as the one that was still alive just now. Yes, this clam is dead

"Ah, Brother Cheng is rich!"

"Such a big shell is too big!"

"Damn it, hey, brother Cheng is so lucky"

"Those who die from drought die from drought, and those who die from waterlogging die from waterlogging, crying and crying.……"

"Brother Cheng, are you a giant clam?"

"New guy from the front? It’s too naive to want to buy something from Brother Cheng."

"No, I know Brother Cheng is rich, but this thing is of no use in his hands. I am in the jewelry business. If Brother Cheng wants to sell it, I will definitely give him a good price."

"Wow, there are so many talents in the live broadcast room"

"How much is Brother Cheng’s Tridacna worth?"

"Say it and let us feel sad"

"It's not easy to tell yet, but a conservative estimate of 500,000 to 600,000 shouldn't be a big problem."

As Luo Cheng dug out the clam, there wasn't much oxygen in his oxygen bottle. He didn't have the time or mood to care about what was said in the live broadcast room, so he tied a stick to the clam. After the rope was fixed on the seabed, he took the rope and swam towards the lobsters. He casually stretched out his hands to catch three large flower dragons and then floated towards the sea.

Finally, only one-tenth of the oxygen was left. At that moment, Luo Cheng returned to the sea, then swam to the side of the boat, and threw the three big flower dragons onto the boat first.

When the three big flower dragons got on the boat, the reward in Luo Cheng's mind also jumped. Get up

"Ding, congratulations to the host for catching Yanhuang Splendid Lobster"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for catching Yanhuang Splendid Lobster"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for catching Yanhuang Splendid Lobster"

Listening to the prompts in his mind, Luo Cheng also nodded slightly.

He knew that the price gap between the big flower dragons is huge.

This thing weighs one kilogram, and one kilogram costs more than 200 yuan. , not expensive, a lobster weighing two kilograms will cost more than 300 per kilogram, but if it weighs three kilograms, then this lobster will have a special status.

Every year, many bosses will buy some specially Large flower dragons seek good luck when the company is in its prime, so a large flower dragon weighing more than three kilograms will basically sell for more than 10,000. If it reaches four kilograms, it can easily sell for around 50,000.

Five kilograms, six kilograms, if you meet the right buyer, it can even approach 100,000!

According to the system's rewards, a three-pound giant flower dragon is worth over 10,000, and the rewards are all For those who made more than one billion, they directly gave 8% of the shares of Shark Platform, plus ten sets of duplex houses in Magic City, which is not bad.

But these are small things, and the most important thing is the big clam in my hand!

After Luo Cheng climbed onto the yacht, he began to pull up his rope with force. Soon the dead giant clam was pulled out of the water by Luo Cheng. As Luo Cheng carefully carried the thing onto the boat, , a piece of news came to his mind again

"Ding, congratulations to the host for capturing Tridacna clam X1, and the reward is 69.6% of the shares of China Southern Airlines"

"Um? Southern Airlines?"After hearing what the system said, Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the clam in front of him in shock. What shocked him was not the value of China Southern Airlines, but the company of China Southern Airlines.……


Today's eighth update is complete. Please support us and help us!

Tomorrow we will resume five chapters. Well, you can also say that including next month, there will be a minimum of five chapters per day. If the results are good, more chapters will be added.

Next month or next, it depends on the situation. See if I can write so much while ensuring quality. If it works, I will continue to guarantee a minimum of five updates. Please support me and help me a lot! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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