Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 302: Does the recipe sell?

She took out her phone from the bedside, didn't even look at it, just swiped her finger and it was connected.

"Hello, Director Lin."

"It's easy. Is the loan approved?"

"Director Lin is still in Wenrou Township? The loan is approved, and it will be credited in the afternoon."

"Thank you very much. I invite you to dinner when you have time."

"Okay, then I won't disturb your rest."

"Hang up." After speaking, Lin Tianwen threw away the phone.

After an unknown amount of time, Xuan Xuan came in and woke him up.

"Ten Tian, ​​don't sleep. Fan Siyuan is here."

"What is he here for? Isn't he here to ask me for a satellite, right?" Lin Tianwen stretched, sat up straight, and said.

"It doesn't seem to be. He also brought someone with him, looking like an engineer." Xuan Xuan said while preparing clothes for him.

"Engineer?" Lin Tianwen said as he walked to the bathroom, "Fuck, he doesn't really want to build a super maglev train, right?"

"Super maglev train? Tian Tian, ​​you have a lot of secrets." Xuan Xuan put the prepared clothes on the bed.

"Maglev trains are not uncommon, isn't there one in the devil?"

"Yours is definitely different." Xuan Xuan said confidently.

Lin Tianwen smiled without saying a word, and went into the bathroom to wash.

A few minutes later, he walked out, kissed Xuan Xuan, and said, "It's not a secret, it's just a result of the research institute. The investment in super maglev trains is too large, and the gains outweigh the losses."

"Since Fan Siyuan brought people here, there must be some consideration above."

"Well. Let's go and see you."

The two went downstairs and saw Fan Siyuan drinking tea leisurely in the living room, but the middle-aged man sitting next to him was a little cautious.

"Lao Fan, you're taking yourself a bit." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Really? Who would have thought that you could sleep until 10 o'clock? The dinner party was drunk yesterday?" Fan Siyuan put down the teacup and said with a smile.

"I didn't drink yesterday. There are too many things to do these days. I'm being lazy today." Lin Tianwen said, sitting on the single sofa beside him.

Wei Jing came over with a cup of warm water, he took it and drank it, then returned the cup to her.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" he asked.

"Let me introduce someone to you first. The person next to me is Li Tongjun, the deputy chief engineer of the China National Railway Group. Chief Engineer Li, this is Lin Tianwen. You can just call him Director Lin." Fan Siyuan introduced.

"General Manager Li, hello."

"Hello, Director Lin."

The two stood up and shook hands, then sat down again.

"It's time to talk about things. You're dawdling like this, and I suspect that you want to eat at my house."

"You, this is the first time I come to your house. It's not normal to invite me to dinner."

"I'm very busy and I don't have time to entertain you. I have to buy satellites in the afternoon."

"Then say something quickly." Fan Siyuan became serious as soon as he heard the satellite.

"That's right. The pipeline manufacturing of the super maglev train you proposed earlier will involve a new material. The China Railway Group means can you transfer this new material to them. You can set the price."

"Uh." Lin Tianwen never thought that he came to buy the formula.

"Is this so straightforward as soon as it comes up? Or I'll treat you to a meal."

"Don't interrupt. It's not like you. Tell me quickly. The National Railway is not short of money." Fan Siyuan said with a smile.

Lin Tianwen lowered his head and pondered, the super maglev train is actually useless in his hands. After all, the national conditions are different, and it is actually the best to sell it to the National Railway.

However, if the technology is packaged and resold, he will not be able to send anyone to guide them.

"I can package and sell the super maglev technology and new material formula to the National Railway, but I won't send anyone here to guide me, but if there is a problem, the research institute will give a solution."

Fan Siyuan glanced at Li Tongjun next to him, the latter thought for a while, then nodded towards Fan Siyuan.

"no problem."

"160 billion. One-handed payment and one-handed delivery." Lin Tianwen thought for a while and reported a number. This figure is not high, but it is only 60 billion more than the price of the system, which is the buyout price.

"No problem." Li Tongjun immediately agreed when he heard Lin Tianwen's offer, as if he was afraid that he would go back on it.

The task given to him by the China Railway Group is to directly agree within 250 billion yuan.

Yes, there is less shouting. Lin Tianwen knew that he was at a loss when he saw Li Tongjun's reaction.

But it doesn't matter. The National Railway Group builds high-speed railways at a loss every year, just to improve the travel problem of the people, so let's make less money.

"Do you want to trade a year ago or a year later?" Lin Tianwen asked.

"After a year, it's still a bit difficult to raise 160 billion in cash," Li Tongjun said.

"Okay. Then when you have the money, contact me."

"Okay, thank you Director Lin for your righteousness." Li Tongjun stood up and said.

"It's ridiculous."

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Fan Siyuan took Li Tongjun and left.

Seeing this, Lin Tianwen took the initiative to see off a guest for the first time.

After lunch, he drove out Xuan Xuan's Land Rover.

Liu Chaohua's security team had also returned, and Cullinan and two Escalades followed.

More than half an hour later, Lin Tianwen met the girl from yesterday at the Traffic Accident Rapid Handling Center.

Following her was the hot-tempered Yucheng girl Manman yesterday.

"Are your feet better?" he asked.

"Aren't you ill? It's only been ten hours, have you asked me better? Jin'er didn't sleep well last night because of her foot problem. Her feet were swollen like steamed bread in the morning. Better." Before Jin'er could answer, Manman spoke first, as hot as ever, as if he had eaten gunpowder, stunned Lin Tianwen to the town.

When did he get bullied like this, and what they said was quite reasonable.

"Uh..." It's embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, Sister Manman has this personality. In fact, she's a very nice person. My feet are fine, but it's a little inconvenient." Jin'er said softly.

"Jin'er, you're just too talkative. Hurry up and go inside. We'll finish it early. We have to rush back to school. It will take two hours to come here," said Manman.

"Then let's go in quickly." Before Manman could react, Lin Tianwen pushed Jin'er's wheelchair away.

"Hey, let go of Jin'er." Manman reacted and shouted immediately.

As soon as Lin Tianwen heard her shout, he pushed faster, causing Jin'er to cover her mouth and laugh all the way.

The quick processing center, there are traffic police and insurance companies, it will be handled quickly.

"Which school are you from? I'll send you back to save you from taking a taxi." Lin Tianwen said.

"Didn't your car be driven away?" Manman said. She saw a man in a black suit drive away the Land Rover.

"There is a car. Let's go, I'll take you back." Lin Tianwen pushed Jin'er towards the parking lot.

The three came to Cullinan's side.

"Get in the car." He bent over and was about to carry Jin'er into the car.

Manman, who was on the side, was about to open fire. She saw Jin'er's eyes and held back.

Focus on color over friends.

Cullinan has only four seats, Lin Tianwen and Jin'er sat in the back seat, and Manman could only sit in the passenger seat.

"Where will you be sent?" he asked again.

"Send us to the Handan campus of Fudan University." Jin'er said softly.

Sitting in the driver's seat was another S-class bodyguard from the security team, even colder than Liu Chaohua.

Liu Chaohua drove him a lot, and now he has more smiles.

None of the four people in the car said a word. Man Man, who was sitting in the passenger seat, kept looking back secretly. Seeing that the two people in the back seat didn't move, he turned his head in satisfaction.

Jin'er, who was sitting next to Lin Tianwen, kept peeking at Lin Tianwen from the corner of her eye.

No way, a mature, stable, successful, handsome man like him is the most attractive to girls on campus.

Taking advantage of Manman in front of her not paying attention, she secretly took out her mobile phone and showed Lin Tianwen her WeChat QR code.

Lin Tianwen didn't pay attention at first, until he saw Jin'er secretly pointing at the phone, and then he realized it.

She took out her phone and scanned it, and added her friends.

After becoming friends on WeChat, the two began to communicate on mobile phones.

It made Man Man in front think he had read it wrong. It was clear that Jin'er was enjoying it in the parking lot just now.

How come the two of them didn't speak a word.

Needless to say, the two of them were busy chatting on WeChat.

Lin Tianwen and Jin'er didn't say a word until Cullinan arrived at Fudan University's Handan campus, but their familiarity increased with the times.

Because Cullinan did not have a pass, he was stopped by the security guard at the school gate.

Lin Tianwen got out of the car, took out the wheelchair from the trunk, and carried Situ Jin from the back seat to the Situ Jin is Jin'er's name, she is from Jiyang, Jiangsu Province.

With the surname Situ, there are only tens of thousands of people in the whole country.

In a population of more than one billion, the chance of encountering a Situ surname is about 3 in 100,000.

Manman got off the co-pilot and quietly watched his friend being hugged by Lin Tianwen.

As a qualified roommate, and after being warned by the eyes in the parking lot just now, she watched Situ Jin play freely.

Lin Tianwen pushed Situ Jin in a wheelchair and sent him to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

"There's no need to send it up, there is an elevator in our building." Manman finally found a chance to speak.

Take another step forward, and the dormitory aunt at the door is about to rush out.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Lin Tianwen also knew that the girls' dormitory was not easy to enter, so he gave her the handle of the wheelchair.

"Thank you for today." Situ Jin said in a low voice.

Manman glanced at Lin Tianwen, pushed Situ Jin and walked into the building.

Situ Jin lowered his right hand and made a gesture.

Lin Tianwen understood.



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