The Ye family is a big family in the county.

"Our headquarters is not in the county, but everyone is used to living here. The most important thing is that grandpa likes the environment here, so there are not many people living in the real headquarters."

On the way, Ye Huixian talked to Lin Nan.

"So, this time we are going to the county?"

Lin Nan asked.

"Yes, it's in the county, and you will see how big our family is in a while."

Ye Huixian said proudly.

Lin Nan didn't ask her how big it was, but when he saw the Ye family's territory, he was indeed a little shocked.

It's really big!

The houses on half of the mountain are all Ye's.

"Do you have so many people?"

Lin Nan asked in surprise.

"Yes, I've said it before. Our Ye family is a big family. The people living here are mainly our direct descendants. The collaterals are distributed in other places!"

Ye Huixian said proudly.

Lin Nan understood.

No wonder the struggle for power is so fierce. It is abnormal for such a big family to have no internal struggle.

Since ancient times, China has had such a tradition. Whether it is an official or a commoner, as long as the interests are large enough, such a situation will inevitably occur.

This is a kind of sadness, but at the same time, it is also human nature.

In fact, whether it is China or a foreign country, this situation is too normal.

The car drove in and went up the mountain.

The more Lin Nan looked, the more he felt the extraordinaryness of the Ye family.

This house built on the mountain has its own characteristics. It is a completely ancient Chinese style building, which makes people feel amazing.

"Our Ye family has always been very traditional. Do you feel it?"

Ye Huixian glanced at Lin Nan and said.

"I felt it, but now you broke it."

Lin Nan laughed.

Ye Huixian blushed and reached out to hit him: "I didn't tell you that, I was talking about the attitude towards life."

"Is that so? I thought everyone in your Ye family was very antique, and you were a special case!"

Lin Nan patted his head and said.

"Your family is antique!"

Ye Huixian said angrily.

After driving for a while, they finally drove to the main house. Ye Huixian stopped the car, opened the trunk, and walked towards the main house with Lin Nan, carrying a few boxes of things.

Before entering, a young man came towards them.

"Ye Huixian, you still know how to come back!"

The harsh voice sounded, making people very uncomfortable.

Lin Nan frowned secretly. It seemed that Ye Huixian's status in the family was really a bit problematic.

She was obviously the person in power, but the people in their family didn't respect her at all.

"Ye Fei, what do you mean? I have been running the business outside, running the family business. How can I stay at home every day like you?" Ye Huixian said lightly. Lin Nan secretly praised him! Such a counterattack reminded him that Ye Huixian was actually a very shrewd businessman, and her personality was also very strong. "Yes, you are a strong woman in the business world, but you seem to have brought more troubles to the family over the years." Ye Fei sneered. "Whatever trouble I had, I solved it myself. It seems that I didn't ask my family to help, right? Ye Fei, I'm too lazy to tell you so much. I want to go see my grandfather." Ye Huixian sneered and walked forward. "Wait a minute!"

Ye Fei suddenly blocked Lin Nan's way, with a sneer on his face: "Who is this person? Our Ye family is not an ordinary family, how can you bring someone in casually?"

Ye Huixian frowned and scolded: "Ye Fei, don't go too far! Lin Nan is my friend and also my grandfather's savior. You dare to treat him like this, do you want to be punished?"

"Grandpa's savior? Ye Huixian, don't try to lie to me. If he is my grandfather's savior, how can I not know him?"

Ye Fei said disdainfully.

"Do you know who the wild ginseng belonged to last time? It was Lin Nan's! Without his wild ginseng, can Grandpa's illness be cured?"

Ye Huixian said, pulling Lin Nan in.

Ye Fei did not stop him again. His original intention was to find out Lin Nan's identity. Now that he knew, he immediately thought of a countermeasure.

No one stopped him anymore, and Ye Huixian also took Lin Nan into the main house.

"Grandpa lives on the second floor, let's go up!"

Not seeing anyone in the hall, Ye Huixian didn't think too much and took Lin Nan upstairs directly.

On the second floor, a strong smell of medicine emanated,

Lin Nan sniffed and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Huixian was shocked. She knew Lin Nan's medical skills. Is there something wrong?

Lin Nan shook his head: "It's not clear yet. Let's see your grandfather first!"

Ye Huixian was suspicious, but Lin Nan didn't say anything, so she could only take him to the door of the room.

The door was open, and there were several people standing inside. After seeing Ye Huixian, their faces sank.

"Second uncle, third uncle, you are all here!"

Ye Huixian took the initiative to greet them.

"Huixian, I'm glad you're back."

It is said that you should not hit a smiling person. The few people who wanted to scold her were embarrassed for a while and let her go in.

"What's wrong with grandpa?"

Looking at the pale old man lying on the bed, tears flowed from Ye Huixian's eyes.

"I don't know, it just happened suddenly."

Ye Weiguang, the second master of the Ye family, shook his head and said.

"Didn't you recover from the disease before? Why did it suddenly get worse again?"

Ye Huixian asked with tears.

"Who knows? I was just about to ask you if there is something wrong with your wild ginseng?"

Ye Weiguang said coldly.

Ye Huixian was stunned.

"Uncle, there is nothing wrong with the wild ginseng. Uncle Mo also checked it last time and confirmed that it is authentic wild ginseng... Uncle, you don't suspect that it is a problem with the wild ginseng, right?"

Ye Huixian said in a deep voice.

"Doctor Mo has resigned. If he didn't have something to hide, how could he be willing to give up this job? Huixian, it's not that we doubt you, it's just that this matter is too strange."

Ye Weiguang said lightly.

Ye Huixian's heart sank!

She didn't doubt that there was something wrong with the wild ginseng, but why did Uncle Mo leave?

What conspiracy is there?

"Lin Nan, help Grandpa!"

She suddenly remembered that Lin Nan was by her side, and immediately became a backbone, turned around and said.

Lin Nan nodded and was about to make a move when Ye Weiguang stopped him and said coldly: "Who are you? You are just a young boy, why are you pretending?"

"Uncle, Lin Nan's medical skills are very strong. Let him help grandpa."

Ye Huixian said anxiously.

"Strong medical skills? Then may I ask, what school did this strong doctor graduate from, how long has he been in the industry, and what honors do he have?"

Ye Weiguang sneered.


Ye Huixian was speechless for a moment.

Lin Nan didn't seem to have any of these.

"You can't show it, right? I know you have bad intentions and want to collude with outsiders to kill your grandfather so that you can take our family's property!"

Ye Weiguang shouted.

"I didn't!"

Ye Huixian blushed and argued.

"No? You still want to quibble. It seems that you are not going to give up until you reach the Yellow River! Come on, drive them out!"

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