The two of them were so cute.

Just when Lin Nan was in trouble and Ye Huixian was angry, An An finally arrived.

"Huixian, you are here!"

An An, dressed in a fashionable outfit, cheered and rushed over.

"Yeah, wow! An An, you are so sexy, even I am fascinated."

Ye Huixian looked at her and exclaimed.

"Really? Isn't it charming?"

An An laughed, then leaned over and whispered: "I'm telling you, I'm doing this for you. I want to help you test your boyfriend to see if he is loyal to you."

Ye Huixian's eyes widened!

What kind of test is this? With Lin Nan's character, it would be strange if he doesn't eat you up!

It's over, this is a delivery to your door!

"Hey, where's your boyfriend? You won't say you didn't bring him?"

An An asked in surprise.

Ye Huixian pouted: "There, surrounded by a group of crazy people."

An An saw it and immediately got angry: "Too shameless, are they trying to steal your man? No, I'll go save him!"

After saying that, without waiting for Ye Huixian to say anything, he rushed over and pushed those women away very fiercely: "I say, what are you doing? Lin Nan is Huixian's boyfriend, what do you mean by this?"

"An An, you are too domineering, aren't you? Boyfriend, not husband! Besides, even if it's a husband, he will be pried away."

A girl said.

"That's right, why?"

Several women looked at An An at the same time and said very unhappily.

"Because I'm Huixian's best friend! Because I can't stand you!"

An'an put her hands on her hips and sneered.


Several women were furious.

An'an was very tough when she was in school. She was the sports commissioner of the class, good at running and jumping, and a member of the school basketball and martial arts teams. She was very active.

The most important thing is that she has a generous personality and often stands up for the weak. Those bad students in the school are scared to death of her.

There's no way, they can't beat her!

Boys can't afford to mess with her, let alone girls.

"Lin Nan, ignore these crazy people, let's go."

An'an pulled Lin Nan very domineeringly and walked out of the encirclement with his head held high.

"Thank you!"

Lin Nan said politely, and his favorability towards An'an also increased a lot.

"Don't thank me, I'm Huixian's best friend. "

An An stuck out her tongue and smiled.

Although she has a bold personality, her figure is really a devil. It may be related to her regular exercise. Even after entering the society, she can still maintain a figure that makes men bleed.

Lin Nan was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that she was so charming, but her personality was so tough. This is really a contradiction!

"Hui Xian, I saved you."

An An laughed and brought Lin Nan back to Ye Hui Xian.

Ye Hui Xian looked at her hand with a smile, and she was still holding Lin Nan!

"Ahem... I forgot for a moment. But your man is handsome."

An An realized it later, let go of her hand, and then laughed awkwardly.

"That's right, I'm not blind."

Ye Hui Xian said proudly.

"Well, I said you are fat, and you are still panting? ”

An An rolled her eyes and snorted: "Also, you have to consider the feelings of singles and can't show off in front of me!"

"I love to show off, you bite me?"

Ye Huixian said with a smile.

"If you dare to grab it, I dare to grab it!"

An An said fiercely.

"...Can you be more reserved as a woman?"

Ye Huixian looked at her with a smile and was really speechless.

"Hehe...Who made your man so cute? I suddenly have a desire to protect him."

An An said with a smile.


Lin Nan rolled his eyes and was completely speechless.

How can I make a woman want to protect me when I look so masculine?

This is definitely an illusion!

"Stop talking nonsense, it's almost time, let's go in! "

An An looked at her watch, then took Ye Huixian's hand and said with a smile.

Lin Nan was about to walk to the other side, but he didn't expect that An An actually dragged his hand over: "Come on, give me a little comfort as a single dog, and I will treat it as having a boyfriend."

"... An An, don't make trouble, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

Ye Huixian was a little helpless, this woman was still so bold.

"Who dares to laugh?"

An An was domineering: "I am An An,

"An An who is fearless!"

Ye Huixian sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, do whatever you want!"

"...I said, you are selling me now?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

"Sold, it's not worth much anyway."

Ye Huixian snorted.

An An's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Nan and said: "Did you hear that? Your woman sold you to me, you have to sleep with me tonight!"

"You two are really...Okay, I admit that you have a good relationship, but such a topic...Aren't you afraid of scaring me away?"

Lin Nan sighed.

"You dare?"

An An glared at him and pressed his body towards him.

Lin Nan's heart was shaken!

This woman has a really good figure, both front and back, and they are all top-notch!

"Damn An An, if you do this again, he will really take you in! "

Ye Huixian, who was standing next to him, saw it clearly and spat.

An An's face turned red, but she was still very tough: "If you want to take it, then take it. Why would I be afraid of him?"

Lin Nan rolled his eyes. Does this woman really think that this young master is a eunuch?

"Okay, if you have the guts, come to the hotel at night and I'll let you call me sister!"

Ye Huixian said angrily.

"Why should I call you sister?"

"Because you are his concubine, what am I if not your sister?"

"You wish, I am older than you, so I am the sister!"

"I entered first, so I must be the sister!"

Listening to the two women bickering, Lin Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I say, do you not take me seriously?"

"Men, go away!"

The two women said in unison.

"...Okay, I'll go away, you go by yourself. "

Lin Nan said, and then he broke free from An An's arm and walked to the side.

An An was startled, and just as she was about to pull back, she saw a few people coming over from the opposite side, and immediately understood that Lin Nan did this on purpose.

"Hui Xian, An An, the two goddesses of our class are here!"

It was Wei Yang who came. He brought a few male classmates to welcome the guests. He saw the three people from a distance and came over immediately.

"Class monitor Wei, you are still so sweet!"

An An said with a smile.

"Goddess An An is too kind. I, as the class monitor, serve all of you."

Wei Yang said with a smile, not caring about her sarcasm at all.

Then, he looked at Ye Huixian again: "Hui Xian, I finally waited for you! Please come in quickly, Mr. Chen is waiting for you inside!"

"Class monitor Wei, I don't deserve it. I am just an ordinary classmate and I don't deserve Mr. Chen's waiting. "

Ye Huixian said calmly.

"How could it be, everyone knows that Master Chen only has you in his heart!"

Wei Yang said with a smile.

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