On the ground, the two of them stared at each other, their lips pressed tightly together.

Lin Nan swore that he definitely didn't mean it.

This was definitely God's will, otherwise how could it be so coincidental that he actually stepped into the pit!

Zhao Yingying finally reacted, blushing and pushing Lin Nan away, trying to get up.

However, for some reason, she found that she didn't know where her strength went, and she couldn't push it several times, and then fell on Lin Nan again.

Lin Nan was so sour!

He suspected that Zhao Yingying was deliberately torturing him, otherwise why didn't she roll to the side?

Now he found a serious problem. During Zhao Yingying's repeated lifting and falling, he actually showed a shameful change!

Lin Nan panicked. If she found out, wouldn't it further solidify his reputation as a hooligan?

Also, Lin Wan seemed to be still nearby. What would she think if she saw him?

Hey, that girl is gone!

Sure enough, she was smart. She knew it was not appropriate to stay in such an occasion!

Lin Nan secretly praised her, but before he could be happy, he heard Zhao Yingying whispering, "Hooligan!"

It's over!

She was still discovered!

Zhao Yingying was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to die. She hated herself for not having the strength at this time, otherwise this extremely embarrassing thing would not have happened.

"You... you help me up!"

She stared at Lin Nan and said angrily.

Lin Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This woman was really angry and confused. She didn't know how to go to the side, but she blamed me?

He could only admit that he was unlucky. He propped her up and then sat up himself.

Lin Nan's wrist hurt just after he helped her sit on the ground.

"You... are you a dog?"

Lin Nan cried out in pain after Zhao Yingying bit his wrist. This woman is so cruel!

He wanted to use his power to break free, but he was afraid of hurting her teeth. Lin Nan could only endure the pain, but he still hissed inhaled in his mouth. It really hurt!

After a long time, Zhao Yingying seemed to be relieved. She opened her mouth and stared at Lin Nan and said, "You scumbag, if you dare to tell others about what happened just now, I will... bite you to death!"

Looking at her threatening look, Lin Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, I won't tell anyone. How could the things between us be known by outsiders?"

"That's more like it... No, what do you mean by things between the two of us? Lin Nan, I have nothing to do with you!"

Zhao Yingying reacted and said angrily and embarrassedly, and opened her mouth again, looking like she was going to bite someone.

Lin Nan stepped back subconsciously: "No, I'm afraid of you, isn't it? Really, are you born in the year of the dog?"

"I am born in the year of the dog, are you going to bite me?"

Seeing that he was afraid, Zhao Yingying was proud and snorted.

Lin Nan rolled his eyes and was too lazy to talk to her. It was useless to reason with a woman.

He began to think. The fruit was ready, but where could he sell it to get a good price?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a good way.

Such a good fruit must not be sold casually, and ordinary people can't afford it.

So, where would people be willing to pay a high price to eat this kind of fairy fruit?

After a long time of thinking, Lin Nan simply took out his mobile phone and watched the local news boredly.

Suddenly, he saw a piece of news: A big thing happened in the famous Tianguang Market...

Lin Nan's eyes lit up.

Yes, isn't Tianguang Market the best place?

This Tianguang Market is located in a no-man's land. The reason why it is called Tianguang Market is that various transactions will begin to appear here in the early morning, and they are transactions that do not require any taxes, so it attracts people from all walks of life to come here.

However, Tianguang Market is most famous not for the transactions before dawn, but for the fact that this place is a real no-man's land. It belongs to the urban-rural junction area, and various forces are everywhere. It is not that the upper level has not come to govern, but in the end, they all come with excitement and leave in disappointment.

And the people in this place have very high consumption because they make money quickly. As long as it is a good thing, there is no worry about not being able to sell it.

Of course, high profits also mean high risks. If you want to gain a foothold in such a place where dragons and snakes are mixed, it is impossible to do it without some skills.

Although Lin Nan was also worried, he thought of the things he learned from the inheritance, and his heart was settled.

He is a person with great luck. If he can't even beat those ruffians, how can he face the master he has never met?

That's it!

Lin Nan excitedly

He jumped up from the ground and started picking pears.

He did not tell Lin Wan about his decision, fearing that she would worry, so after picking the pears, he rode his motorcycle with two large baskets of pears and headed towards Tianguang Market excitedly.

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