The map was perfect, but Lin Nan did not act immediately. Although the map looked perfect, he was not a careless person. He had to look at it carefully before taking action. This matter was too important. Even if he could not make perfect preparations, he had to be at least 90% sure, otherwise Lin Nan would not take action. After all, if he failed, he would attract the attention of the other party. At that time, it would be more difficult to succeed than to ascend to heaven. After coming out of the space, Lin Nan sent a message to Li Shuangjie and left first. Lin Nan did not intend to let Li Shuangjie follow him to find out information. It would be more convenient for him to go by himself. The Akita family's genetic technology research institute is not in the city, but on an isolated island. Logically speaking, it is not so easy to find out the situation here.

Fortunately, Lin Nan's intelligence team is strong, so they found out the truth.

It is difficult for others to get in, but for Lin Nan, the difficulty is much lower.

With Bai Ze, Lin Nan can easily fly into the isolated island without being discovered by anyone.

The isolated island is very large, but there is not much life inside. It looks like a ghost island, very gloomy.

Lin Nan has to admire that the islanders can really endure. Such an environment can make those scientists willing to work here.

He did not get off, but rode Bai Ze and kept observing the situation here.

After observing for a long time, Lin Nan also filled in the places that he had not noticed on the map before.


Lin Nan was about to leave when he saw a situation and was immediately surprised.

Then, he directed Bai Ze to follow.

Seeing that person walk into the underground, Lin Nan immediately smiled.

It seems that the real secret is still underground!

This is not surprising. Although there is no annotation on the map, Lin Nan has long suspected that this is the case.

Any secret base will not expose itself on the ground. If so, it is too unsafe.

And now, Lin Nan dares to conclude that the other party’s real secret is underground.

To enter, you must need a password, or even another way, but Lin Nan is not worried.

As long as someone goes in, he can follow in without anyone noticing.

He did not leave, but stayed there and watched until the second group of people went in, and Lin Nan finally saw it clearly.

Sure enough, it is impossible to go in by yourself. This door needs to be verified by the retina before you can enter.

So, if you want to go in by yourself, you really need someone to lead you, otherwise it will trigger an alarm.

It was not until the next morning that Lin Nan left.

He didn't stay in a hotel, after all, it wasn't a fair way to come here. Anyway, there was a space, so he found a hilltop and went directly into the space to rest.

When he came out again, it was already past ten in the morning.

It was time to go shopping. Who knows, he could really hire a maid or something.

Lin Nan always remembered the joke he made with Lu Wei before, and he heard that the maids in the island country were very docile. As a master, he had the right to ask the maids to do many things.

Including some unspeakable things.

When he called Li Shuangjie, he seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and he looked confused: "Boss, good morning!"

"It's still early? I say, you didn't really pick up a young woman, did you?"

Lin Nan smiled evilly.

"This... Brother Jie's move is always successful."

Li Shuangjie said proudly.

At this moment, Lin Nan heard a delicate voice from his side: "Li Sang, I still want it..."


Lin Nan hurriedly said, "You continue, I'll go play by myself."

Then, he hung up the phone without waiting for Li Shuangjie to say anything.

It seems that this guy is really a love expert!

Li Shuangjie didn't follow, Lin Nan didn't care, walking alone on the streets of Kyoto, looking at the customs and people around him, he felt something.

There are really a lot of Chinese people who come here to play.

To be honest, Lin Nan is not an angry young man, at least he is still a very rational person.

However, there have been many disputes between the two countries in recent years, especially the many unreasonable behaviors of the island country, which have angered most Chinese people, and the boycott trend has continued.

Under such circumstances, there are still so many people coming here to travel, which really makes Lin Nan feel unhappy.

It's okay to come here to make money from the island country, but this is obviously coming here to give money, then

It is extremely unwise and even very embarrassing.

One side is shouting about boycott, while the other side is traveling to other people's places. What a irony!

Perhaps, it really takes some special things to make these people who say they are boycotting on the surface, but are actually doing things that make others laugh.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan's mood suddenly became unhappy.

It seems that he must make more money from the island country to relieve his hatred.

Thinking of this, he cast his eyes on a large hotel not far away.

According to the information he had previously obtained, the underground of this hotel is actually a very large underground amusement park.

The so-called underground amusement park is actually a casino, because gambling is illegal in the laws of the island country.

Although it is illegal, if the background is strong enough, there is naturally no need to worry.

And the financial backer behind this amusement park happens to be the Yamaguchi family, the largest family in the island country.

In the island country, the power of the family is absolutely terrifying. They control the economy and power. It can even be said that they indirectly control the lifeblood of the island country.

The Yamaguchi family is the largest family power among them. The power and wealth they hold are extremely amazing.

"You are the ones!"

Lin Nan smiled evilly and walked into the hotel.

To play in such a place, you need to be accompanied by someone, but this is not a problem for him. He easily obtained the qualification to enter.

As soon as he stepped into the amusement park, he heard various mechanical sounds and screams coming from inside.

There are so many people!

Looking at the tourists inside and the various machines, Lin Nan showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The better the business, the thicker their foundation is, and the greater the chance of winning big money.

It is rare to come to the island country. In addition to getting the genetic technology of the Akita family, the most arrogant force of the Yamaguchi family must be hit more.

The most direct way is to empty their wallets.

Of course, it is impossible to really empty the place. People must have accumulated a lot of wealth. Emptying the wealth of an amusement park is probably just a drop in the bucket.

But Lin Nan doesn't care. He will take as much as he can. He will take some this time and take more next time. Slowly, he will be able to take almost all of them.

He deliberately pretended to be a rich and stupid dandy young master, and soon attracted the attention of the person in charge.

"Attention, all units, there is a rich man here, we must bring him in!"

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