After a while, Lin Nan's eyes widened.

No way, this can't be a zoo, why are there so many beasts?

Looking at the thousands of animals flying in the sky and running on the ground, Lin Nan was a little dumbfounded.

Then, he grinned.

It would be embarrassing not to accept such a big gift.

"Bai Ze, Xiao Long, come out!"

Lin Nan laughed and called Bai Ze out.

Bai Ze is the leader of the beasts. When it appeared, the beasts were stunned.

And the dragon is one of the four sacred beasts. Its appearance made the animals kneel down instantly.

Xiaolong was very proud. He flew in the air and shouted at the animals, "Are you so brave that you dare to attack my father?"

"Excuse me, Lord Shenlong, who is your father?"

The giant animal asked tremblingly.

"Are you blind? My father is naturally Lord Lin Nan."

Xiaolong said aggressively.

"Lord Lin Nan?"

The animals were puzzled.

"It's him!"

Xiaolong was furious and shouted loudly.

A group of animals looked at Lin Nan and then froze.

How could a mortal be the father of Lord Shenlong?

This kind of thing that goes against common sense made these animals with not very good brains confused.

"Okay, you don't have to think so much. I came here today to subdue you. If you don't want any discord, you'd better not resist. Otherwise, maybe I will be angry."

Lin Nan waved his hand and said.

The animals were in an uproar.

"Why are you yelling? My dad doesn't want to bully you. Otherwise, with his ability, it would be in vain to kill you all!"

The little dragon was furious and shouted loudly.

Bai Ze also exuded his divine power to intimidate the animals.

As a result, there was no sound on the entire isolated island. The animals were terrified, fearing that they would be the first to die.

"Okay, I won't do anything to you. I just want to be the master here. I just used my mental power to observe that there is no human breath here, which means that this has become an ownerless island, and I am fortunate to open the formation, so it is natural to inherit the legacy here."

Lin Nan said lightly.

"Sir, will you kill us?"

A small animal came out and looked at Lin Nan and asked.

Lin Nan looked at it in surprise. Such a small animal exudes the aura of a king. Could it be the king of the isolated island?

"Why would I kill you casually? Unless you don't listen to me."

Lin Nan shook his head and said.

"Then there is no problem. We originally followed the words of the old master and waited for the new master to arrive here. You were able to break through the formation and come in. This is a kind of fate in itself."

It paused for a moment and said, "Besides, you can get the help of the two great beasts, which shows that you are also a god, so our submission to you is also a blessing!"

After that, it turned around, looked at the animals around, and said loudly: "We all pay our respects to the new master!"

It was the first to kneel down and kowtow to Lin Nan.

Then, an extremely spectacular scene appeared.

Thousands of animals knelt down in unison, even the flying island in the sky did the same, flying on the branches and saluting Lin Nan.

"You have to read it like this!"

Bai Ze read the oath loudly.

Then, it was a large-scale oath scene.

Lin Nan continued to accept the blood essence of the beasts. After all the oaths were completed, he felt that his realm had suddenly reached the middle of the sixth level from the early sixth level!

Unexpectedly, the surrender of these ancient beasts can also bring such great benefits to oneself!

It seems that the stronger the strength, the more benefits the essence and blood bring.

This time, it should be the replenishment of a large number of strong essence and blood that can bring such great benefits.

"Except for the heads of each tribe, the others should disperse and do what they should do!"

Lin Nan waved his hand and drove away most of the animals.

Then, he looked at the king of the isolated island: "Fuzhu, you lead the way."

Fuzhu looks like a white deer with four horns on his head. It doesn't look powerful, but it is a real beast. Its ability is to attract floods. When fighting, it can attract floods and drown the opponent.

This terrifying ability also makes it the king of the isolated island. No one can stop it.

What animal dares not to listen to it.

Of course, in front of Xiaolong and Bai Ze, it is like a child and can't play any role at all.

That's why it will admit defeat obediently.

Fu Zhu nodded respectfully: "Yes, young master!"

Lin Nan doesn't like others calling him master, but the two titles of young master or young master sound the most comfortable.

Under the leadership of Fu Zhu, Lin Nan came to the central area of ​​the isolated island, which is also a high ground representing the center of power.

This place actually has a huge palace. Although it looks a bit old, the momentum still makes people feel like worshiping.

Lin Nan stood in front of the palace and looked at it for a long time, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Not bad, this is tailor-made for me."

He walked in, then walked to the top of the hall and sat on the golden chair.

"Greetings, young master!"

When Fu Zhu saw that he could sit very steadily without any problems, he felt a sense of submission and bowed his head.

The leaders of the other tribes also bowed down, calling him young master.

The one who could sit steadily on this chair was their recognized master.

Lin Nan waved his hand and said lightly: "Get up, there is no need to be so polite in front of me."

Despite saying this, the beasts still bowed a few times before standing up.

At this moment, the eyes they looked at Lin Nan were full of respect, and there was no more grievance before.

Lin Nan looked at them and smiled: "You don't have to be restrained. You can ask Bai Ze if I am usually very relaxed. There is no need for so many restraints when we get along with each other, otherwise life will not be fun."

Hearing his repeated emphasis, the beasts felt a little relieved. It seems that they don't have to worry too much about getting along with this new master in the future.

"Fuzhu, tell me, what kind of person was your former master? Where did he go now?"

Lin Nan took out the tea set from the space and asked while making tea.

Seeing his magical skills, the beasts admired him more and more. Isn't this ability the same as the former master's magical power?

Fuzhu was also excited and said: "Young master, speaking of the former master, he was a real powerful man. He knew too many skills... I'm not saying that you are not powerful, but the former master practiced for a long time, and you don't look that great, so it's normal that you are not that powerful for the time being."

Listening to its hesitant words, Lin Nan laughed immediately: "Don't worry that I will be angry. It's normal that I am not as good as him for the time being. I won't be discouraged. After all, I am still young and I still have plenty of time to catch up."

"Young master is wise!"

Fuzhu was overjoyed. He didn't expect him to be so open-minded. His life will be better in the future.

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