The two girls were sleeping soundly.

Lin Nan didn't know that he was the reason for the two girls' insomnia.

He got up before dawn and rode his motorcycle back to the village.

When he arrived at the orchard, the sky was just getting light.

When he heard no movement, Lin Nan went to knock on the door: "Two lazy bugs, it's time to get up and practice!"

"Hateful brother, I'm so sleepy!"

Lin Wan's dazed voice came from inside, as if she was very reluctant.

"If you don't get up, I won't teach you anymore."

Lin Nan snorted.

After that, he went out by himself, picked the fairy pears first, and after teaching them to practice, he could set off.

Sure enough, he was right. The two girls didn't come until he had filled both baskets with fairy pears.

As he walked, he yawned.

Lin Nan frowned: "What's your attitude? You want to learn something, but you don't want to get up early?"

"Brother, I'm not used to getting up so early."

Lin Wan pouted.

"Look at what time it is? I don't ask you to get up at four or five like me, but it's six o'clock now. Don't you have to get up and exercise at school?"

Lin Nan said sternly.

Lin Wan was stunned. She didn't expect him to get angry suddenly. Her face twisted and tears dripped down.

"Lin Nan, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Yingying quickly hugged her, whispered to comfort her, and at the same time reprimanded Lin Nan with dissatisfaction.

"I'm not crazy, I'm talking about reason! Yes, now that our family is starting to have money, we don't need to work so hard. But she herself said before that she wanted to learn martial arts and protect me in the future! I don't ask her to protect me, I just want her to have the ability to protect herself, that's enough!"

"But with such an attitude, it's impossible to learn it in a short time, even if you give me a hundred years!"

"I know the reason, but can't you talk properly? You got angry so early in the morning, are you angry?"

Zhao Yingying snorted.

"I will never compromise on matters of principle. From tomorrow, if you don't get up early, you don't have to learn."

Lin Nan didn't give her face and said with a stern face.

Zhao Yingying was also scared by him and didn't know what to say for a while.

"I can do it!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Wan wiped her tears and said loudly.

"What if you can't do it?"

"If you can't do it, I will punish myself and face the wall for three days!"

Lin Wan said loudly without hesitation.

She actually wanted to get up early, but she hadn't adapted to it yet. She was just dazed and said those words.

Now, after being scolded by Lin Nan, her grievance disappeared, and was replaced by deep guilt.

She was not a child anymore. Of course, she understood how much her brother had sacrificed for her. Now he took the risk to develop in Tianguangxu. If she didn't know how to cherish him, she would be a jerk.

"That's better! Come on, from now on, I will teach you the most basic entry-level exercises!"

Lin Nan smiled, and he knew that Lin Wan would understand his painstaking efforts.

The best age for martial arts training is five years old.

Obviously, Lin Wan and Zhao Yingying have passed the best age. It is not so easy to succeed if they start practicing at their current age.

After practicing for an hour, the two were exhausted, just like running a marathon.

Lin Nan also frowned a little. It seems that this kind of training is not very effective.

Is there any way to make them get started faster and easier to practice in the future?

He began to flip through the inheritance. Since it was an immortal inheritance, there should be some quick methods in it, right?

Got it!

Half an hour later, Lin Nan showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Sure enough, there is a way.

However, it is not a quick method, but a medicinal bath to improve their physical fitness and let them reach the best state.

"Okay, you two stop for a while, that's all for today! Yingying, it's the weekend anyway, you don't have to go to work, just rest here!"

Lin Nan stopped the two of them, a little embarrassed.

Zhao Yingying lay down directly: "I'm so tired, even if there is dragon meat to eat, I won't go out."

"Breakfast is ready, you can eat it after you have rested, I'll go into the mountain."

Lin Nan said, and took the medicine and went into the mountain.

"Brother, be careful!"

Lin Wan shouted worriedly.

"It's okay, don't take risks."

Lin Nan said without looking back.

The medicinal materials needed for the medicinal bath are not particularly precious. They are all available in the mountains, so there is no need to go to that forbidden area.

In less than two hours, Lin Nan had collected

all the herbs.

Because there were no big pots and barrels at home, Lin Nan called Lu Wei before going out and asked her to buy them and send them over.

When he returned home, he saw the things being delivered.

"Brother, why did you buy these?"

Seeing Lin Nan and others carrying things up the mountain, Lin Wan asked in surprise.

Lin Nan smiled mysteriously: "Of course it works, you'll know in a while."

Under the puzzled eyes of the two girls, Lin Nan began to boil the herbs in a big pot, and after they were fully boiled, they were poured into two tall wooden barrels.

"You will soak in it later, it may be a little hot at first, you have to hold on for a while to fully absorb the medicinal power."

He called the two girls together and said seriously.

"What does this do?"

Zhao Yingying asked curiously.

"This is called a medicinal bath, using the medicinal power to improve your physical fitness and achieve the best state for martial arts practice."

Lin Nan explained.

"Can it be like this?"

Zhao Yingying looked at him in surprise. She had never heard of such a magical thing.

Lin Nan nodded: "Okay, I'm going out. You guys hurry up and don't let the medicine lose its effect... By the way, you can't wear clothes."

When these words came out, the two people's faces turned red.

But fortunately, they were in the room anyway, and they would be fine if they closed the door.

This soak lasted for half an hour, until the water temperature cooled down, Lin Nan let them get up.

"How do you feel?"

When the two came out, Lin Nan asked with expectation.

"It's so comfortable. I feel extremely relaxed all over my body now, and all the fatigue in my body is gone."

Lin Wan said excitedly.

Zhao Yingying moved her hands and feet, and her face was also excited: "I feel that my body's flexibility is better."

Lin Nan nodded. These reactions were all within his expectations.

"Today is the first time. In the next week, you can soak once a day to achieve your goal."

After all, it's not a magical medicine. If you can find a magical medicine, once is enough.

However, spiritual medicine is not so easy to find. With Lin Nan's current strength, he dare not break into the forbidden area casually, so he can only use these ordinary medicinal materials instead.

Ordinary medicinal materials are not as effective as spiritual medicine, but they are not much different. The biggest difference is that it takes longer.

"Does that mean that we can become martial arts masters?"

Zhao Yingying asked excitedly.

Lin Nan nodded: "As long as you are willing to work hard, these are not a problem."

"Great, I will become a martial arts master and a generation of female knights!"

Zhao Yingying jumped up.

Extreme joy leads to sorrow.

When she landed, she stepped on a stone. She screamed and threw herself on Lin Nan.

Lin Nan was stunned. Did happiness come so suddenly?

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