After the two of them left, they were separated.

Lin Nan followed Lu Wei back to the hotel.

The phone call just now made Lu Wei's expression change drastically. Lin Nan knew that she was in trouble, so he took the initiative to follow her out.

"Don't talk nonsense for a while, I'll handle it myself."

Lu Wei reminded him when she went down.

Lin Nan nodded, and he followed her just to protect her.

The two went down a secret passage, and soon they saw an elevator. Lu Wei entered the password and the elevator door opened.

Lin Nan was secretly surprised. Why did Tianguangxu, such a lawless place, have to be so mysterious?

Is it because they are afraid that once the higher-ups get serious, they will find out about this?

It seems that although Lu Wei seems carefree on the surface, she is actually very careful.

After a while, the elevator arrived and the two came out.

There was a noise, Lin Nan looked over in surprise, and then he understood.

It turned out that there was an underground gambling house underneath!

"Someone is cheating here, but my men can't see it, and now they have lost a lot."

Lu Wei glanced at him and explained.

"How much did you lose?"

Lin Nan was curious.

"Almost 10 million. Although my gambling house usually makes a lot of money, if I continue to lose like this, I guess it will be closed soon."

Lu Wei said helplessly, and the anxiety in her eyes was clearly visible.

"Is there no way?"

Lin Nan frowned and said.

Lu Wei shook her head and took him to the monitoring room.

There were several people in the monitoring room, staring at the screen nervously.

"Let me take a look."

Lu Wei walked over and said coldly.


Seeing her coming, the men breathed a sigh of relief and quickly made way.

Lu Wei sat down, her eyes fixed on the table that appeared on the screen.

This was a table for betting on dice points. At this moment, the beautiful dealer was sweating and her hands were shaking a little.

"It's this Meng Wei. Since he sat down, he has been winning money continuously. He guessed very accurately and could win no matter what."

Someone next to him said.

Lu Wei didn't say anything, but stared at the young man closely.

However, after watching two rounds in a row, she couldn't see anything.

Lu Wei's face gradually turned pale. If this continued, the gambling house would have to lose everything!

Moreover, usually in this situation, you can't stop others from gambling, otherwise your reputation will be in trouble in the future.

Lin Nan was a little surprised. Are they so civilized here that they won't chase people away?

Even if they don't chase them away publicly, they can chase them away in a subtle way, right?

"This is the first time Meng Wei has come back since he left here two years ago. It seems that he is well prepared."

At this time, Lu Wei spoke.

"There is that person standing behind him. We can't use force on him, so this is a difficult situation!"

Lin Nan understood that it was not that he couldn't use force, but that the other party's identity was not simple, so he couldn't do that.

"Boss, are we just going to watch him being so arrogant?"

"It seems that we can only make an appointment with that person to have a chat, otherwise, we will go bankrupt sooner or later if we continue like this."

Lu Wei gritted her teeth and said with great difficulty.

"Boss, you can't do this, that person will do you..."

Before the man finished speaking, Lu Wei waved to stop him: "For the sake of the brothers, it's okay for me to bow my head temporarily."

"But boss, he doesn't just want you to bow your head, but wants to force you to marry him!"

The subordinate said painfully.

Lu Wei sighed: "This is impossible, I will find a way."

Several subordinates bowed their heads in pain, and could only blame themselves for their incompetence, otherwise the boss wouldn't have to sacrifice so much.

"Maybe, I have a way to deal with him."

At this time, Lin Nan suddenly spoke.

Lu Wei looked up in shock and looked at him in disbelief: "You can play too?"

Lin Nan nodded: "This is not difficult. With my strength, I should be able to beat him."

"Are you sure?"

Lu Wei asked him in surprise.

"Let's go. If you are late, you will really go bankrupt."

Lin Nan smiled and turned to go down.

Although Lu Wei was a little skeptical, she still followed.

When they arrived at the place, Meng Wei was proudly taking a pile of chips back in front of him, and said proudly: "I said, I will win until you go bankrupt today!"

And the dealer was almost unable to support it at this moment, and his hands were shaking.

"Let me do it!"

Lin Nan patted her shoulder lightly and smiled.

The dealer glanced at him and was about to speak when he saw

Lu Wei nodded at her, and although she was puzzled, she was relieved.

She really couldn't stand it anymore, and it would be great if someone replaced her.

Meng Wei looked at Lin Nan in surprise, a strange face.

"Just now I heard you say that you want to bankrupt us?"

Lin Nan asked calmly.

"Yes, you can change people, I have the confidence to bankrupt you!"

Meng Wei looked at him with disdain.

"Okay, let's continue, I hope you don't get stage fright!"

Lin Nan said, and shook the dice.

Meng Wei stopped talking, but pricked up his ears to listen.

However, to his surprise, Lin Nan just shook it twice and put it down, and then said calmly: "You can place your bets."

The other gamblers looked at Meng Wei, waiting for him to place his bets so that they could follow suit.

Meng Wei opened his eyes, and then laughed wildly: "Boy, seeing that you are so arrogant, I will teach you a lesson! Three points, all bets!"

Lin Nan looked at the other party calmly, thinking that this boy was quite capable, and he could actually flip the points he had shaken.

Originally, he shook out twelve points, but Meng Wei could actually use his internal strength to forcibly change the points.

However, he wanted to fight with me with such a small trick?

"Hurry up and place your bets, and you have to let go of your hands after you place your bets!"

Lin Nan put his hands on the table and looked at the gamblers.

Those gamblers immediately made their moves and placed their chips on them. Some followed and bet on three points to win alone, while others bet on small points, and no one bet on big points.

"Have you bet?"

Lin Nan put his hand on the lid and said calmly.

"Of course I have, open it!"

Meng Wei said triumphantly.

Lin Nan smiled and slowly lifted it up.

Meng Wei's smile disappeared instantly, and he looked at the three dice in disbelief.

How could this happen?

I had clearly turned over all the numbers, why was it still twelve?

"345, sorry, twelve, the dealer wins!"

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Great! Lin Nan, you are really great!"

Lu Wei jumped up, her face flushed, and she looked extremely excited.

She had no hope at first, especially when Meng Wei bet everything on her, she was extremely nervous.

After all, it was more than 10 million bets, and the other party bet on three points to win. If it really won, it would cost hundreds of millions.

I couldn't afford to pay hundreds of millions, and the final outcome would be bankruptcy.

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