"Expedited delivery, probably tomorrow, it should be able to come over."

During the period of time that Xu Zhi went shopping in the supermarket in the county town, just two hours passed, which was equivalent to about eight years.

Now most of those with insufficient ability have been eliminated, leaving only a dozen or so people.

Moreover, in the past eight years, the murderers in the thirteen round table meetings have also been completely exposed.

"Bell at the top of the food chain."

"A sword and turtle breath."

"Long Wuming."

The red name IDs of the seven names were denounced by everyone, and they were madly scolded.

"It turns out that there were seven people who murdered in secret!"

"It's too miserable! The remaining six muscle players were killed by the seven of them, and only two were left. Only the big guys 'Xue Bai Xue' and 'Qiu Mingshan Speed' are lingering."

Countless people discussed it.

"Though these two big muscle players escaped the pursuit, but the rest of the ordinary organ players also broke out a lot of unpopularity."

"The most annoying thing is that before they were caught, they were still copying books, music, and brewing, which led to the emergence of a rotten bar culture in the wizarding world. Now many bars are emerging, playing music, drinking ale, listening to Bard speaks 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'! (terrifying)"

"On the importance of copyright! They are infringing the copyrights of other authors, copying music and books everywhere, and they were arrested by red-name players! (Funny)"

"The plagiarism dog also has today! (Gritting his teeth)"

Countless people are quite excited.

Although it is impossible to do it, it is equivalent to a vacation for a year or two in it, and I am satisfied. It promotes the poor spiritual civilization in the wizarding world and entertains the lives of ordinary people in other worlds. It is really beautiful and has a sense of accomplishment.

"Two hours have passed, and we are almost eliminated. There are more than 20 people left." Xu Zhi carried the rice bag and put it down in the kitchen. "In eight years, these people can really hide and hide. There are more than expected."

Chen Xi also quit the game long ago.

Just as Xu Zhi guessed, after more than three months inside, he was found.

At that time, as a hair wizard, she controlled other people with her mental power. She hid in that person's hair and was telling a story. In the wizard's bar, she talked about the 27th episode of "Journey to the West" "Three Demons of the Corpse in Tang Sanzang, the Holy Monk Hates Chasing the Beautiful Monkey King" "It is the wonderful part of the three dozen white bone spirits, and countless businessmen and craftsmen have applauded and tried their best to reward them.

As a result, she was attacked by a terrifying beast at the bar and forced to quit the game. She had just called Xu Zhi to complain, and Xu Zhi also comforted her, saying that it would be just a three-month trip to another world.

At this moment, eight years later, the seven muscle players are basically third-level wizards, and even three of them are already fourth-level wizards.

Xu Zhi frowned slightly, "So terrifying? Li Shengjiang back then only reached the fourth-level wizard in the twentieth year."

The Wisdom Vice Brain whispered: "Behind them, there is the best response plan provided by their own research. As a muscle player, they control the various parts collected, and they have developed various special abilities."

"Oh?" Xu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became interested, came to the chair leisurely, and silently called out the picture.

A wooded place.


The earth is shaking.

A huge twisted and stitched giant beast of more than 70 meters is trampling on the green giant trees.

It is covered with countless kinds of fragmented and rotten limbs of giant beasts, pulled together by muscles, like the stench of abomination in Western legends, with a meat hook in one hand and a sickle in the other, showing a hideous bloody smile.

"Damn, I've been hiding for so long, but I was discovered by a red-named player. It's the most terrifying Bell!"

In front, a giant beast with countless bones hanging like an armor, fled madly, and his voice was terrifying, "Butcher Bell, the man who is known as the top of the food chain in another world! He eats all the giant beasts, and integrates all the giant beasts into him. in the body."

Bell, already one of the notorious Cthulhu evil gods, was called "Crawling Chaos" Nyarlathotep by the witches.

"Want to go?"

Bell sneered, the rotten and clumsy huge stitched body suddenly waved the meat hook.


A bone hook stained with terrifying blood, accompanied by a straight chain of bright red muscles, was thrown more than ten meters away.


The giant beast covered with bones was quickly hooked back, and the giant beast struggled hard, trying to escape.


He laughed.

Immediately, the countless piles of rotten flesh on his body filled a large area of ​​acid mist, forming a terrifying spiritual force that eroded the body of the bone behemoth, making him unable to move very quickly.


He lowered his head, waved the scythe in the other hand, and quickly dismembered the white-boned beast, turning it into pieces of meat. He bit down hard and chewed, "Well, it tastes good, and the protein is beef. eight times."


Suddenly, the sky flickered with an electric light.

Thunder roared, and the entire body of disgust was instantly dismembered and blackened by electricity.

A legendary sorcerer descended from the sky, looking at the abominable corpse, "Damn! Is he alive or dead?"

Somewhere in the ground, a bright red muscle like an earthworm showed a sneer, "Fortunately, I'm controlling my clan not far away, but I got the thing, and I killed another one, it's time to go, I'll wait until later. Come back for revenge. The three kingdoms of witches will rule your day, not too far."

the other side.

"Why don't you let me use the individual sword-wielding style? I'm obviously a traditional swordsman." Yamada scolded, also a small behemoth, with a huge animal skin package on his back, "Those damn members of the research institute, the research route, It's a portable cemetery, I don't feel it at all."

At this time, suddenly there was a wave in the distance.

"Damn, I'm surrounded again." He scolded, and suddenly put down the animal skin wrapping behind him, which was a pile of large bright red meat.


Then, the flesh and blood began to wriggle and gradually piled up, turning into a three-meter-high black tombstone.

The flesh and blood tombstone is like a huge mother's nest. The flesh and blood wriggled, falling one by one sarcoid on the ground, turning into one by one puppy-sized creature ghouls walked out,

"Go loot and feed the tombstones with mass-produced nutrients! Produce more of your kind."

"Reproduction is art."


In less than a short time, the entire forest was covered by a gloomy sky, and countless puppy-like creatures swept everywhere, turning the entire land into a dead place in the depths of hell. .

In less than half a day, the strange-shaped carrion zombie beasts in the tombstone, controlled by the muscles in their bodies, walked out step by step, filled the entire mountain range, and rushed to the various witches who entered the forest.

The faces of witches from various colleges and sects changed dramatically, "It's the army of giant beast zombies, who turned the giant beasts into an undead army. Although they are not the most powerful, they are one of the most disgusting evil gods of Cthulhu. "Shabu Nicholas, the black goat of the forest that gave birth to thousands of descendants."

They silently looked up at the large black tombstone towering into the clouds, piled up by countless corpses, like a dark and majestic mountain from hell.

"These monsters are all composed of organs scattered by the evil god Cthulhu. This monster is so capable of breeding, giving birth to thousands of offspring, and saying 'reproduction is art' all day long. Could it be the horror that evolved from the scattered organization in that place? Magical creatures." Their throats were thirsty, and nameless terror flashed.

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