Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 113 Preliminary Test of the Second Affiliated Sand Table

In fact, this "artificial god" aggregated creature does have infinite potential, but there are too many resources to be invested, which is simply a bottomless pit.

Xu Zhi is now cultivating this one, but he doesn't know when he will be cultivating it.

"As a creator, it's really hard work, planning maps, advancing civilization with a sand table, and covering up the identity of a weak chicken."

He carved a small magic cube one by one and kept complaining, "It's just that after the carving is completed, this Rubik's cube creature is only qualified as a 'space magic box'. How to make them cultivate and expand the inner space is a problem."

This is not an ordinary wizard, but a Rubik's Cube creature. This space magic pattern is very extreme, which has caused them to be completely insulated from other witchcraft. There are wizards who can cultivate, but they can't use other witchcraft, and can only be regarded as a space magic. box.

At the beginning, Xu Zhi's alchemy and mental power re-engraving were a little slow.

It took more than ten minutes to create a super-millet cube, but after that, he slowly became proficient and completed one in about five or six minutes.

At this moment, he was like a dexterous little girl doing "needlework", spending more than an hour, and there were seven little Rubik's cubes in front of him.

"I'm dying, I'm a big man playing with embroidery needles." Xu Zhi silently put down a Rubik's cube and pressed his temple with difficulty, "In an hour, there are only seven little Rubik's Cubes, and there are 17,000 Rubik's Cube components. , at least more than a thousand."

More than a thousand, only seven in an hour!

He has a terrible headache!

Not to mention one by one control cultivation, just carving these things one by one, making them qualified, will burst their brains.

"I can't do it anymore." He was sweating profusely, exhausted from exhaustion, and planned to rest for a while. After all, he didn't have as good a "liver" as those players, and the big sand table had just dropped cancer cells, and only an hour had passed. , is still quite short, there is no major turbulence, he intends to continue to see the sand sculpture players and relax.

Who knows, in the current forum, with the spit of bitterness from the two players, countless people madly scold those red-name players.

Soon, I found a post that was pinned to the top, and more than 100,000 people were commenting.

"condemn! Seven red-named players have opened up, seriously affecting the balance of casual sandbox games, requesting GM to block it! Thousands of blood books! 》

In the post, writing about the seven red-named players simply affects the balance of this "Battle Royale" chicken-eating game.

"Report X-ray! He can find me wherever I hide, and it also has a self-aiming function!"

"Report the blood lock! The legendary wizards inside, crushing their little ants, can't kill them, they are definitely blood locked!"

"Ask for compensation! A species that has worked so hard to evolve!"

"Book of Ten Thousand Blood +2"

"Book of Ten Thousand Blood +3"

At this moment, the entire forum was full of complaints, and the accumulated resentment broke out completely.

Seeing this, Xu Zhi was just speechless, ignoring their reports at all. They are Long Aotian, who gathers the best of luck in a country and brings their own protagonist templates. How do you compare with others?

You guys are trapped in other people's BGM, can't you survive an episode? !

"Even I can only think that they are arrogant, a bunch of hooligans, they are too lazy to care about them, it is useless for you to make trouble." Xu Zhi said that he was a creator with no feelings, and ignored their grievances.

However, Xu Zhi changed his mind slightly, "Since you want compensation, then let's take advantage of the situation to give you more hard-core compensation."

Suddenly, he had a bold idea, and wanted to take the opportunity to test whether the idea of ​​the new second subsidiary small sand table was feasible.

After all, I am now developing this aggregated creature alone, more than 17,000, and cultivating one by one, it is too hard-core!

Completely desperate!

"Let me think about it and plan."

He looked at a ten-square-meter experimental field next to it. This is the usual "land of the gods", which is the habitat of his small pets in the orchard.

Soon, an announcement was made on the forum.

"According to the strong feedback from many players, this game has decided to compensate. In order to make up for the charm of the wizarding world that players cannot experience, an attached dungeon map, the wizard simulator, will be opened in advance.

1. The map is currently a trial version,

2. Only open for ten minutes,

3. The flow of time is still one day in the sky and one hundred years underground.

With the forum account, the home is equipped with the most advanced VR glasses and can participate at will. The number of people online on the server is 500 at the same time. After ten minutes, the test experience will be closed.

Wizard Simulator: An entertainment choice for casual players, allowing you to experience the real fun of cultivation in the wizarding world! "

As soon as this news came out, it was an instant sensation, and the entire forum almost fell into a state of paralysis.

Compensate for our loss?

When did this hardcore game become so kind?

"Meaning, this event experience lasts only ten minutes, and we Xianyuyun players who can only post can also go in and participate in the experience?"

"Long live the operation!"

"Experience the charm of being a wizard, can we also perform sorcery and fly away?"

"Hahaha, this hardcore game finally has a real casual game, let us experience the power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas!"

"It's time for you to see my Fire Escape, the Great Fire Explosion Technique!"

"Hahahaha! I'm so happy, I blow up the conscience production team and take back what I said before killing a programmer to sacrifice to the sky! (I feel ashamed)"

In the next second, the quota was instantly emptied.

When other netizens logged into the game, only one sentence appeared in front of them:

[The server is full, the upper limit of 500 has been reached, please wait for other players to exit before entering the game]

These bastards, so fast?

Someone was shocked,

I can't squeeze in with the speed of my 18 years of being single!

On the other side, Bai Xiaojun, whose online name is "Study Medicine to Save Another World", burst into tears when he saw the successful landing in front of him.

He was in pain and couldn't tell.

I was crazy about preparing medical papers before, but who knew that the third test was still a biological paper, and I couldn't help but vomit blood. This is simply professional discrimination!

You know, the alchemy emperor can come back, but he can rely on himself, these medical students!

But now, I didn't get a place in the internal test, and I actually grabbed the experience of this strange place. Although it only took ten minutes, I was already very happy.

"Witcher simulator?"

He took a deep breath, which boy didn't have the dream of flying to the sky?

He looked in front of him.

Two whiteboard figures slowly appeared in front of them.

These characters are naturally affected by Xu Zhi's senses of the players, otherwise they will find out that their real body is a cube.

Bai Xiaojun looked at one of the character choices.

Ordinary wizard.

Spiritual Growth: 1.2

Strength Growth: 0.1

Speed ​​Growth: 0.6

Defense Growth: 0.6

(can be transferred)

space wizard

Spiritual Growth: 1.2

Strength Growth: 0.1

Speed ​​Growth: 5.0

Defense Growth: 5.0

(Hidden occupation, currently 1/7 of the remaining places)

"Hidden occupation? Space wizard? Involving the space field, it is obviously taller! The growth of speed and defense attributes is also a lot stronger, and there is still the last place left?" Bai Xiaojun, as a game veteran, got excited, "It seems that I have come It was earlier, but I was able to grab it.”

He is not stupid and quickly grabbed the last spot.

"Please pinch your face!"

Another option pops up.

"Conscience, this closed beta experience is too conscientious! You can still pinch your face!" He took a while, and after pinching it, his eyes lit up and appeared in a flat open space.

"This place seems to be very simple. There are no creatures, just yellow soil. It really is the game sand table under test. It is a semi-open mode, but the area should be the same as that of the spore evolution sand table.

In the distance, I occasionally saw other sporadic players, looking at a huge stone tablet with handwriting, and carefully studying it.

He experienced physical strength and was extremely weak.

How is this going? The sorcerer simulator promised to fly, move mountains and fill the sea, and experience the peerless powerhouse. What about the power of wizards?

A reminder came from my ear:

"Players are invited to come to the monument and practice on their own."

Bai Xiaojun: ? ? ?

What the hell! This is so special, you have to practice on your own! !

Say goodbye to benefits! It turned out to be such a hard-core benefit. This game is as "casual" as it always has been. To experience the power of a wizard, do you have to practice from scratch?

The opening scene over there is "Please evolve your eyes".

The beginning of the scene here is, "Please start practicing."

He was silent for a while, and could only come to the Gongfa monument silently, just like the others, and practice silently, "I understand, this time, it is also a kind of love for learning!"

in the orchard.

Xu Zhi watched all this silently, frowned, and took a bite of the apple, "It's difficult, it's still too difficult! Although I had a whim, I took the opportunity to develop a small test and try it out when they abused and asked for compensation. Their endurance, and all kinds of feedback, but the outlook should not be good."

You know, to become a first-level wizard, you have to practice for at least a month!

There is no entertainment, let them control a Rubik's cube, meditate cross-legged, and a few months of boring practice are enough to dissuade anyone.

But Xu Zhi was not reconciled! Even though he knew it was basically stillborn, he still wanted to struggle.

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