Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 117 The guilt of the black fans

The detailed analysis of this passage is posted, and it is well-founded. It digs every level deeply. After reading it, everyone is hooked.

On the Internet, everyone often likes this kind of technical post, various analyses, and the potential truth is repeatedly revealed.

Everyone could not help being called the Reasoning Emperor, giving a thumbs up and saying it was awesome.

Bai Xiaojun: "Continue to add one more thing, I believe everyone has seen it, the entire game sandbox is still in a semi-constructed state during this ten-minute experience, and many are not perfected, it is just a preliminary test.

According to my personal guess, the time ratio in the early stage of the game has not been adjusted!

At that time, this real game time cannot be as big as the wizarding world's "one day in the sky, one hundred years underground", and it will definitely be shortened.

Not only the time flow rate will be shortened, but it is estimated that the online game time of each person is fixed. It is conservatively estimated that in order to prevent indulging in the game, each person will not exceed three hours of game time, so they must be forced to go offline and let another person go online.

In a few minutes in reality every day, three hours in the game are spent in the game, "meditation", soothing the spirit, socializing with everyone, and entertaining. This game flow rate will completely change our health and completely subvert our life. work and rest.

This is the second life across the ages. Playing this game, we have extended our lifespan by three hours a day, which is equivalent to twenty-seven hours a day! "

Life extension in a sense!

Countless people were short of breath.

In this analysis, everyone could not help but secretly ponder the terrifying meaning in it.

Most office workers have a very tight schedule.

I go to work at seven in the morning, and come back from get off work at six in the evening to cook. It is seven or eight o’clock after I finish eating.

The day is basically full of robots, running around for life and having little time to do what I like.

And those high school students have no time to rest a day.

I got up at 6:30 in the morning and came back from self-study in the evening, it was past ten o'clock,

This kind of life is too boring. If you can log in for a few minutes every day, it is equivalent to giving people three hours of extra social relaxation time, meditating, self-cultivation, relieving stress, and relaxing games. You will indeed be much happier and happier.

A game across the ages!

A real second life!

Countless people are not breathing calmly, their eyes are hot, and their heartbeats are starting to speed up, knowing what this means.

"I finally understand that this game is for our own good from beginning to end! Let us love learning, biological evolution, pharmacy, linguistics, chemistry, physics and now, it directly allows us to ease the spirit of reality pressure."

"Indeed, such a good social commentary will not be fake."

"As expected of the game my mother made me play, it's too conscientious! (tears)"

"No, in the future this will not be limited to the limitation of 'learning leisure software', I am afraid that many office workers, student parties, all like it, a very loving leisure community, usually log in to relax, very leisurely entertainment Way."

Many people are speaking, and they are very emotional. It is indeed a phenomenon-level game that crosses the era, changing people's boring lives.

In addition, countless people secretly blamed themselves, and when they didn't figure out anything, because they were angry and maliciously scored, they couldn't help but spontaneously organize and score again.

Soon, driven by the water army of "Tap Water", it quickly rose from a low score to a game expectation score of 8.7.

"What's the situation?!"

Immediately, this rapid change in game ratings stunned many well-known celebrities on game sites.

"I understand now, this "Spore Evolution" game is really not bad."

"A lot of black technology, crazy investment of a lot of R\u0026D capital, and, not wanting us to report a penny, and giving all kinds of benefits to civilians crazily, this will not be released by the state? For the physical and mental health of the whole people!"

Immediately, more and more people were actively discussing it, and at the same time, some people began to dig deep in this aspect and in the direction of gameplay.

"Also, the big guy's speculation is not comprehensive. According to this speculation, I can come up with many, many ways to play! For example, I think 'pinch your face' is also meaningful."

"What's the meaning?"

"The gathering of fans! Fans, you can choose your character freely! For example, there are many people who like 'Uchiha Itachi', this character, there must be fans who want to enter this character number, hundreds of thousands of fans, alternately meditate and cultivate him together , raise his rank,

In addition, in the PVP arena, we control Uchiha Itachi, and we will definitely find a way to study similar fire elements and spiritual sorcery, so that this character can master the art of fire escape and high fire ball, beside the gods, and read the moon.

When the time comes, it will definitely be exciting!

If it is a tower push game, it will definitely be more handsome, please choose the hero - Uchiha Itachi, then three skills, and a big move! "

Everyone suddenly realized that the more they dig, the more interesting they find it. The playability is simply incredible, and I am really looking forward to it! It can also add the influence of fan cultivation, so that a group of people can cultivate a character, practice level, and improve skills.

Everyone chats more and more.

"In there, some people pinched the characters of Thanos and Huoyun Evil God, and it is estimated that there are many people who like it!"

"Hahaha! If we make the tower pushing game "Wizard Glory" together, it must be a 500 hero fight, then I will choose a Li Bai hero to settle in, and study wizard skills together with Li Bai's hundreds of thousands of fans , Xia Ke Xing, General Jinjiu, The Pen of God, Qinglian Sword Song! Restore everything in the game!"

"If I could do it all over again, I would choose Li Bai. There are not many people who guessed how well he did it hundreds of years ago!"

"Above, why can you bring your own sound effects, I can't help but sing it! (Damn)"

"You hateful glory dogs! Then I will be a dota shadow demon, restore its skills, and eat my soul dirge! (excited)"

"Then what about my Kun Kun? I'm in a hurry! Who the hell pinched him, damn it!! How should I choose the four skills of this original hero? When he is in the arena, are his skills handsome or not? (Confused? )”

The surroundings were getting more and more excited.

After all, the previous sand table of "Spore Evolution" had too high a threshold and too small a niche, but this sand table seems to be a complete big action, a casual large-scale community game for the whole society.

Five hundred wizard heroes!

More casual and mass-oriented.

At present, there are 500 hero characters, assuming that each character is alternately logged in by 1,000 people, that is 500,000 people!

"If this is the case, the total number of registered accounts is 500,000! The number of simultaneous online logins is 500. It is a special game for the niche, but I still blow it up!"

Countless people became more and more excited and continued to explore various possibilities.

"There are infinite possibilities. The game scenes are all built by ourselves. We can not only build maps such as arena and summoner's canyon, but also other places."

They are discussing more and more.

When Xu Zhi slept for more than an hour and woke up in a daze, he planned to study and carve a few more Rubik's cubes, and then take a look at the progress of the big sand table, and found that the sky had changed.

He looked at the large number of explosive posts in the forum, and became speechless, "I guess these posts are all here to scold me, open the ten-minute experience, and call this game too boring and boring."

Who knew that when Xu Zhi opened at 1 o'clock, all of them were made by the game production team, and they apologized wildly, please hurry up for the public beta! Can't wait for my own meditation! I'm going to meditate on him for a hundred hours in one breath! I have a thousand hours, no one will stop me!

? ? ?

Xu Zhi was immediately stunned, his whole face full of question marks.

I crossed?

People in this parallel world are all fools, the more abused they are, the happier they are?

After ten minutes of delay, Xu Zhi took a long sigh after reading the forum, "Actually, I just gave you a free space for you to practice cross-legged and meditate."

"All right."

Xu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and silently admitted, "It seems that my intentions are well-intentioned, and the meticulous plan of the 'National Meditation Room' that is hidden so deeply has been deeply excavated by you. I should be thoughtful, I'm so tired!"


He took a sip of tea and read the post carefully, "However, this is indeed a very good idea, I just laid a meditation sand table, and this netizen has added all the settings. Netizens are indeed omnipotent. "

This is indeed a pleasant surprise.

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