Just as Xu Zhi was observing and complaining secretly.

On the other side, Zhang Tong's whole body was spinning, and his heart exploded with surprise.

"Fuck! Fuck?" She couldn't help but burst out, "What is this? It's so awesome! I love it! This is the method of the multi-dimensional sage? Help me open up a gene for nothing?"

After all, in a sense, this is indeed the case, and a gene bit is opened for nothing.

Her heart exploded.

How terrible is a gene bit?

Represents a realm.

One more gene bit means more against the sky.

She became short of breath, "It's developed, let me feel it if it's developed."

The next moment, she was so excited that she vaguely felt that this extra gene turned out to be the most mysterious time bloodline in the legend!


She was getting more and more excited.

In fact, they didn't even know that they had this zeroth bloodline all along, but it was just shielded by some infinite guy, so that they couldn't perceive it and couldn't use the power in it.

Otherwise, how could their bodies evolve for no reason?

This is an ability belonging to the bloodline of the zero Zerg.

At this time, the multidimensional saint was very satisfied when he saw Zhang Tong's scene. He just wanted this surprised attitude, which is the reaction of normal creatures, and he was completely relieved.

And Zhang Tong is really not pretending

She was really dumbfounded, and she acted in her true colors.

In Zhang Youling's body, a weak voice came from the multi-dimensional saint, "Go and manage the next content, I'm going to rest, I'm a little too tired"

Not everyone is as prolific as the mother queen of the Zerg race, giving birth casually.

This is equivalent to a real multi-dimensional saint, giving birth to an offspring with hidden blood.

For an existence of this level, how much original power would be consumed to give birth to an offspring?

Even they will enter a long period of weakness. They usually give birth to one or two, which is already a lot, but now they are still crossing dimensions. It can be seen how huge the cost is at this time.

Only the high-yielding sow bloodline of Zerg, which is professionally born, can be so indulgent and uninhibited.

"What is this?!" Zhang Tong yelled, so excited that he couldn't choose what to say, and said to Fatty Zhang: "How do I feel, there is an extra ability in my body? An extra blood? It's time, time."

"This is a special ability that allows you to have the sixth hidden blood."

Zhang Youling read the information in his mind, concealed a lot of content, picked some simple and clear things and said: "Besides, no matter how powerful an existence is, as long as you don't use it, you can't detect your blood. Because it doesn't belong to your body. , but the bloodline of the law projected down from above the cosmic dimension in the dark.”

"How bizarre?" Zhang Tong felt a little too metaphysical.

Zhang Youling simply explained: "You should know that in the universe, conscious beings are very special, they are the darlings of heaven and earth, children of the universe, and there are traces of the rules of the universe in their blood.

When we cultivate our bloodlines to the end, we will condense the rules of the universe. The sixth bloodline is already a rule. When we hang it from the universe, it will be used as a rule by us. It belongs to our family and can only use the rules of the universe. , you can understand it as our exclusive authority. "

"Our family?" Zhang Tong's pupils dilated, wanting to ask something else.

But Zhang Youling stopped talking, but said: "Try to use it, and use it on those creatures just now."

Zhang Tong thought about it, tried to use it, and found that it was cutting time.

If a person is compared to a movie, the timeline is the progress bar of the movie, and if a part of their progress bar timeline is cut away at once, the events that happened during that period of his life will not exist in his life, and they will be cut away directly.

"After using it, I felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience and was rejected by the universe." Zhang Tong suddenly became weak, "At the same time, I felt that I was hollowed out all of a sudden."

"Because this is a rule that does not belong to this universe, don't use it casually." Fatty Zhang is still speaking some incomprehensible words, he is just responsible for speaking, but it is difficult to understand because of his lack of knowledge.

Knowledge is all power.

It's like a modern person talking about airplanes and cannons to an ancient person, but the other person doesn't understand at all.

But in fact, those words seemed to be understood before, but now Zhang Tong understood, and thought to himself: "I really think that I am a country turtle. I don't belong to the rules of this universe. I must be rejected. I haven't seen our Tiandao piano. Is it? It uses rules that do not belong to this universe, of course it is rejected, and it disappears after a few seconds of existence."

"Then isn't this ability very tasteless?" Zhang Tong couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, it consumes a lot of energy. It can only be used as a hole card. Even in front of some strong players, it is best not to use it." He said.

If it wasn't for what happened in front of him, he wouldn't even know who was behind it, and he himself didn't even know about this ability before. Using it, the sage will hardly notice it.

"But it's not impossible." Zhang Youling, the little fat man, seemed to have gained a lot of memories, and he was completely frank and unfair, and calmed down a lot, "When I proved the Tao, I added this rule to this universe, and this universe has this Dao bloodline." .It can be used in this universe, and there is no corresponding repulsion."

"So that's the case!" Zhang Tong looked shocked, but secretly turned his eyes. This information seemed to reveal terrible information.

Is this the truth to be demonstrated here?

"I see. Although you said something we didn't understand, it seems that there is a great opportunity, so we are willing to follow you for this new blood in front of me." Zhang Tong said directly, extremely pious.

Fatty Zhang smiled, with his hands behind his back, "That's good."

His expression was still immature and young.

After all, he didn't get the real memory, unsealed the memory, just got some information. In essence, he is still a young man with an adventure, full of spirits.

Now, with such a group of followers and a strong bloodline, it is time for him to make preparations and open up a small world for himself to become a ninth-level enlightened person.

He thought for a while, and immediately took out a lot of treasures, "Take a look, what do you want from the God of Law Mine, special blood, avenue weapons, and elixir that are special products of some civilizations? Take a look for yourself."

"You are gamers, right? You just like to play games in front of the TV. There is no problem, and there is no danger to your life in the future. Our civilization is very suitable for playing games!"

Zhang Youling was happy in his heart, and he had already started to imagine the future, and now he directly began to spend his family money to give a meeting gift to the group of powerful "subordinates" in front of him.

Good night

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