Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1212 Creation of the universe experiment, the truth of the eleventh order!


A miniature universe in the palm of his hand was shattered again.

"Still unable to give birth to creatures, what is going on?"

He has entered the state of the Great Cosmic Battle Body, and his strength is several geometric multiples higher than that of Medusa. He has almost omniscient knowledge of the universe, and the rules of the universe that allow him to reverse flow are perfect.

Now I have accumulated a lot of beads, piled up glass bottles, and spent several years of hard work. Now that I have opened more than half of them at one time, there is still no universe that survives.

Xu Zhi watched helplessly as they turned into colorful cosmic bubbles, shattered and disappeared.

He was already feeling a little upset.

It's like playing a card game, hoarding goods hard, and finally drew tens of thousands of cards, not to mention powerful ones, not even a basic S.

His face was so dark that it could no longer be explained by common sense.

"Is there even a one-in-ten-thousandth chance of a living creature appearing in a living universe?"

Xu Zhi felt that the probability couldn't be so low, and murmured, "There must be something wrong with the Genesis Taoism, or something went wrong somewhere!"

Creation God's work encountered a bottleneck from the very beginning.

"It shouldn't be a matter of reincarnation."

"My Six Paths of Reincarnation is also an alternative Cthulhu evil god. Although it is not as powerful as the new version of Medusa's evil god, it still has the functions that the old version should have. If you don't fight, it must be used as a tool to evolve the law. Enough."

The principle of this Genesis spell is:

Using the countless rules they cultivated, they reversed the rules of the current universe, returned to Hunyuan, and then re-exploded to create a new universe.

This is how the present universe was created.

"How did it work before, but not now?"

Xu Zhi thought for a long time, sat in front of the test bench, fiddled with bottles and jars, scratched his head, "Could it be that there is something wrong with the backflow rules? After all, my backflow rules are only about seven layers of the universe rules, and they are all The most common basic rules are incomplete rules, which lead to not being the real "singularity" of the avenue, and thus lead to the stillbirth of the universe?"

"Then since it is an incomplete singularity, how could this living universe appear in front of us?"

He vaguely felt that he had caught something, "Is it possible that it survived because it is similar to the big universe?"

Xu Zhi began to try to re-evolve the glass balls, this time not letting them let the big bang happen naturally.

Instead, like the first creation of the universe before, use the divine mind to consciously guide the split map of the universe, and split toward the current bloodline rule universe.

After dozens of attempts, Xu Zhi finally created another universe, similar to the current rules of the blood universe, full of vitality.

"Sure enough, the probability of another occurrence is low, but not too low."

Xu Zhi's face was full of joy.

He gently put the rotten disk galaxy of the big bang into a transparent glass bottle and watched it. Even he had to admit that this is the most beautiful scenery in the universe, everything that countless seekers pursue,

"Finally, a universe that can produce living things has appeared!"

He held up the glass bottle high and looked at the disk nebula cluster that exploded inside, colorful and beautiful.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, because this 'Tao' is incomplete. It is impossible to evolve other completely different universes for the big bang! Only by evolving the bloodline universe similar to the one in front of us can it survive!"

Xu Zhi suddenly felt enlightened.

Only the real "Dao Yi" and "Universal Singularity" are the non-attributed "Hunyuan", which can explode into countless possibilities.

But right now, this incomplete singularity has attributes, it is the incomplete singularity of the bloodline universe, the big bang can only survive the bloodline universe!

Because it is not the real avenue "singularity".

"It means, I want to create a century. If the beads in front of me can only survive a universe similar to blood? The framework of Genesis is limited."

Xu Zhi grasped the problem thoroughly.

My own Genesis was originally disabled.

"If I want to create a real other universe, I must reverse all the rules of the real universe and realize the real big collapse of the universe, so that the real big singularity will appear"

"But this is easier said than done? If you really want to reverse the flow perfectly and form chaos, you must know the complete avenue map of the universe."

Xu Zhi looked at the bustling avenue tree,

"The current rules of the universe are not complete. The universe has not been completed into a perfect porcelain. Even if I use all the rules to reverse the flow, the real big singularity will not appear."

Because even in the big universe outside, the rules are still incomplete, and a saint of the age is needed to make up for it.

"Only when the universe is truly perfect and mature, the gate of the avenue is closed, and this tree is perfect, can all the rules be reversed and a real singularity appear?"

"But how easy is it?"

Xu Zhi smiled while shaking his head and said, "Only by living from the very beginning of the universe to the end of the universe and witnessing its growth, branches splitting, saints of each era, and the order of enlightenment, can we know the order of this big tree?" Only by using the sequence code of its growth can it reverse its growth, return to all laws, and reach Hunyuan."

The more Xu Zhi spoke, the brighter his eyes became, as if he had grasped something completely, and remembered the words Yimang said before he died.

There is only the Dharma-ending moment when the universe is completed.

Only live the same life as the sky, from the birth of the universe to the aging of the universe.

"Level 11!!!"

Xu Zhi suddenly wanted to laugh out loud, heartily and heartily,

"So it is! So it is!"

He put the glass bottles one by one on the shelf next to him, and said with a smile: "Yimang is really a terrifying strange person! I have deduced and split the creation of the universe countless times before I can grasp this point and see that there is no such thing as this era of the universe. The road. And he, just by deduction in his mind, saw this step!"

Eleventh order.

It should be that I rewind all the rules, including all the rules of the saints of the past generations, and become the "singularity of the universe" and the "Tao" itself!

Before the tenth level, those who cultivated were false ways!

What they are practicing now is the big bang of the "big singularity", the rules that are constantly splitting. The real "truth" is the "Dao One" that splits everything from beginning to end.

"The eleventh level is really a creation god"

Xu Zhi took a deep breath and said: "Become 'Dao Yi' and completely jump out of the shackles of the universe. He even controls the universe itself. This kind of existence, the universe is already his back garden. He has perfectly mastered the wonder of the universe. The power of one point—chaos, can easily split and create countless universes, and it can also easily collapse and destroy countless universes. The ultimate creature of this dimension, there should not be a single existence that can achieve it.”

This is the eleventh level of the final realm, and it has not yet reached the opened universe era.

As Emang said, this realm itself is a kind of paradox.

No saint can still live in the age of doom, and there is no one who can live long enough to live from the beginning of the universe to the end of the universe, and record the code of the entire Dao map.

"It's difficult, it's just a theoretical realm."

Xu Zhi saw the vastness of the long river of civilization in the entire universe, and perhaps there were countless geniuses in the past. After seeing this road, he was powerless and could only die in depression.

"Nature is really powerless and awe-inspiring. No matter how powerful a genius faces it, he feels that he was born at the wrong time, and he will die with hatred, just like Yiman."

"But no one can be born at the right time. It is almost a paradox."

Xu Zhi said calmly:

"I was also born at the wrong time. Only by knowing the sequence code of the map of the Great Dao of the Universe, can I obtain the key and open the final door, but I don't know the map of the Great Dao of the Universe."

He closed his eyes, "I have so many maps of the false Dao universe in my hand, and I can even grasp more numbers at any time, but I can't know the code sequence of the Dao universe in the real big universe outside!"

When he saw the truth of all this, Xu Zhi also felt unwilling.

He was not born at the same age as the sky, so he has no way of knowing the true evolution sequence of the Dao Map, but what he can see from the Dao Map is very vague, as if he doesn't even know where the three great masters, Lan Tianzun, are in the map, only The area that can branch in time.

To know all the positions in detail, there is only one existence, with the same life span as the sky, who observed secretly in the early ages, and every sage observed the changes of the universe when he proved his way, and recorded it until the Dharma-ending era.

"I was born in a later life, and I no longer have the conditions. So, can I deduce the previous map of the universe?"

Xu Zhi was silent for a moment, "I can't do it either, because the map of each universe is unique, even if I evolve an extremely similar, or even the same universe, it's impossible to let the order of the saints of each era to testify. , are the same. Like no two leaves are exactly alike."

This is like a string of trillions of digital sequence passwords, only by knowing it can you lead to the final door.

"The map of the great road is the key to the breakthrough of the eleventh order!" Xu Zhi directly used the big universe battle body to perform the deduction.


A lot of information flow is surging.

He saw the way of the eleventh-order breakthrough in the distant future.

In a perfect and mature universe, only mastering the avenue map of the universe, as a branch of it, collects all the rules one by one in order, merges them in order, keeps going against the current, becomes a branch, becomes the backbone, and finally arrives at the origin.

This is probably the means to break through to the eleventh level.

After all, the fundamentals have been deduced, and this method is easy to see.

"According to this theory, I, the Dao One of the false Dao universe, is originally incomplete and congenitally deficient, so no matter how the saints of this universe make up for it, it is impossible to be perfect! Therefore, it is impossible for this universe to even reach the eleventh level. Show up." Xu Zhi shook his head, feeling unwilling.

Xu Zhi felt a headache.

He doesn't have the code of the Dao map of the big universe, let alone how to live into the distant future, he has lost the possibility of breakthrough from the very beginning.

He thought about it carefully, is it possible for him to bypass that threshold?

After all, it is man-made.

Xu Zhi looked at the universe in front of him, and said softly: "Can you find a way to make up for the singularity of this hypothetical universe? Let this universe be complete. When the time comes, when the door of the tenth stage is closed, there will be an eleventh stage of enlightenment here." possibility?"

The development map of this universe is naturally held in one's own hands.

"However, how to complete the foundation? In the beginning, it was inherently deficient"

Xu Zhi found this point very tricky.

To have a perfect foundation, it must be a truly complete Dao singular point explosion. If you can handle this yourself, you will already be the ultimate existence of the eleventh order.


But Xu Zhi felt that this was the most likely way.

Find a way to complete this universe, use this universe, do not leave your own dojo, and just prove the Tao in your own home, and become a real eleventh-level creation god!

After all, there is a saying among the players: You think you can't do it, it's just that you don't have enough hairline liver.

"It's not impossible for me to continue to evolve the universe, break and recombine the small beads one by one, and find more knowledge about the great singularity." Xu Zhi secretly said:

"It seems that in the future, the job of the God of Destruction will be to create and destroy universes here."

This is the first way.

And the second method is very simple. Yimang said that if he was an ancient existence, if he had known the truth and even had the means, he might have started to build a long-lived ship a long time ago. In the distant future, the era of Hunyuan can be proved.

"If there is such a group of people, then they must hold the code of the universe map. I just need to kill them, wouldn't it?" Xu Zhi suddenly had goosebumps.

The mother queen of the Zerg clan of the previous generation wanted to kill the other party and snatch the code of the avenue, but she was killed in reverse, right?

His face suddenly became solemn and solemn, "This road is obviously not feasible. The mother queen of the previous generation of Zerg race is iron and simple. Judging from the clues, it is incomparably turbulent. It may really provoke others. If they can live from the old age To this day, it must have monopolized each era like Diqi back then, and it is difficult to overthrow. If there are such a group of people, will I head-to-head with them?

I'm courting death! I don’t know how many ancient existences in the dark have lived to this day, and will live into the distant future, preparing to compete for the seat of the eleventh rank, replace the universe, and become the god of creation. I will kill them behind my back and bypass the code of the avenue This level! Make a fake come true! "

And the third method is the Great Cosmic Technique.

It has to be said that this Great Cosmic Cultivation Technique is the best way to perfectly bypass the Dao code and achieve the eleventh order.

As long as it continues like this, after tens of billions of years, when I continue to pump in and out matter and replace the current parallel universe, the universe will be itself.

At that time, he didn't need to know the Dao code, as long as the universe died naturally, he would undergo a big collapse, and the singularity would return, and he could become Dao One himself.

"But this method is very risky, because the speed of breakthrough is the slowest, at the end of the universe." Xu Zhi said softly: "And if there are really ancient existences, hiding in the future, they can prove ten times as long as they are in the Dharma-ending era." The first level, once someone breaks through, I will die, and I can't wait for the universe to finally die and return."


Xu Zhi sat on the chair, rubbed his temples, and smiled, "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I already know the way to break through to the eleventh level. I can understand it in Yimang's words. If you have a goal, just care about what is hidden outside him? I I will kill them at home, I will continue to evolve the universe, create and destroy the universe, and sooner or later I will find a way to bypass the code of the universe map!"

next ten o'clock

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