Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1236 Building a Dimensional Yard That Creates the Universe

In the tea garden, the brilliance is bright red, shaking a beautiful halo of a big explosion.

This is the scene of the most primitive core of the universe. It is a dream beyond the reach of all enlightened people and even saints, but it is commonplace here.

"How?" The figure of the Creator God came out of nothingness.

The two bowed slightly.

Nvyi said seriously: "So far, there have been seven stillborn babies in the universe. Not long after they were born, they collapsed, but the speed is getting faster and faster, and the survival rate is getting higher and higher. The route of our evolution has begun to become clear. What comes down is experience summarization and running-in.”

Mengmei also quickly said, "Don't worry, we will make the mature universe retain complete self-awareness. Even if you return, the consciousness will not be dissipated by the big universe, covered, and lose yourself. It will be a constant existence, with The seven emotions and six desires of living beings, love and hatred."

"So best."

Chuang Shishen is very humane, becoming more and more human, and said with a gentle smile: "Perhaps, having self-awareness is also the greatest opportunity for me, allowing me to transcend."

"Everything is due to this girl." Nuyi said with a smile: "She has respected you for a long time. She doesn't want you to lose yourself after returning to the universe. She hopes that you can live like an ordinary creature."

Xu Zhi cast a glance at Mengmei.

The cute girl lowered her head shyly.

Female B: "."

The second woman is in a bad mood in an instant, but you should say something, strike while the iron is hot?

Xu Zhi cast a glance at Mengmei, and just smiled, knowing that this guy was really shy and didn't dare to say anything.

This guy has always been bold and bold to the inside, and at the critical moment, he is cowardly, stage fright, and in some places his face is very thin, cute and cute.

In fact, Xu Zhi was also emotional.

There is really nothing to say about Mengmei's interpersonal relationship. She can become good friends with anyone. She was with Caroline before, and Caroline is also helping her research the God of Creation, and even helping her research the way to break through the saint. Now , Nvyi is also helping her cover up, helping her find a way to win the favor of the Creator God

This is probably the personality charm of the mother of the earth.

"This is the sequence of evolution." Female Yi didn't bother to talk, and directly talked about the business. After all, the completion of the rules of the universe is the most important business.

In fact, it is also what Nvyi wants to see when the God of Creation loses his authority this time to give birth to consciousness, thereby giving birth to consciousness completely.

After all, she also has selfish motives.

If the new universe successfully defeats the prehistoric universe at that time, then the God of Creation will have fulfilled his mission and possessed the authority of the universe. He will be washed away by the huge cosmic rules and the torrent of will, and return to the cold and ruthless Dao consciousness. Not what she wanted to see.

Even though, after helping the universe to return, I am afraid that I am also the top existence of the entire universe, and I am favored by the heavens, but such an opportunity is far less than having a conscious Creator God to take care of myself. Having the entire Creation God Passport, the whole universe favors me, so why not see the eleventh order?

As for the universe becoming selfish, what are the future rules and patterns of the universe?

Will the living beings complain about injustice?

She doesn't know, but she only knows that it's selfish and it's enough for her.

And Xu Zhi thought so too!

The universe is vast, fair, and unconscious. In fact, he himself knows best that there is no such thing as a creator god! And let the universe give birth to consciousness and become selfish? Not only does the real God of Creation appear, but even this God of Creation still has feelings for himself? What kind of terrifying pattern will it turn into?

Obsessed with interests? decay? fester? collapse?

Xu Zhi doesn't care about this, because this selfishness is himself, and he can also take the opportunity to completely occupy the magpie's nest and become the biggest next-door old king in the universe! !

Steal the true authority of the entire universe!

The minds of Nv Yi and Xu Zhi actually stood on the same front with a tacit understanding, and if they want to do it, they will do it the biggest, so who cares about the flood after it is done?

Just make your own money.

It's like an earth, everyone is a creature living on it, and I want to be bold enough to snatch the earth secretly, what huge waves will happen in the rest, how pessimistic the human beings on the earth will be, what actions will happen, it's up to me thing?

"Evolution sequence?"

Xu Zhi took the evolution sequence and observed it slightly.

This is a life evolution path summed up by the two, but it belongs to the universe.

This life path may not be suitable for the birth life of other infinite universes, but for the bloodline universe, it is extremely suitable, and the life consciousness of the bloodline universe can appear.

"I didn't expect you to progress so fast."

Xu Zhi pondered for a while, took a rough look, and said, "It's just that real consciousness has not yet been born. Have you ever thought about treating the universe as real life and evolving it in batches?"

Seeing that God of Creation was discussing with herself like a living being, Mengmei was shocked and excited. She had been looking forward to this moment for an unknown amount of time.

But female second is already full of human nature to the Creator God, so she is not surprised, she just regards it as an ancient life that is more respectable than Shizun Yimang, and asked seriously: "Do you think the universe evolves as a real living being?"

She was a little puzzled, but Mengmei had already reacted, "You want, the yard of the dimension of the Creator God? Use that creature to escape?"

"The one who escaped?" asked female second.

Mengmei seriously explained: "Tianyan Sijiu, human beings escape one of them. The universe naturally evolved most of the creatures in the universe, but there is the escaped 'one' as the vitality, the variable, and this variable is the creatures themselves evolving creatures! "

"The universe naturally evolves creatures, but there is one who escapes, let the creatures evolve themselves?"

As soon as the words fell, it was as if a door suddenly opened in Nuyi's heart.

Tianyan fourty-nine, people escape one of them! ! !

Her mind was buzzing.

Before, she completed the life rules of the universe, and in fact, taking advantage of Yimang's inattention, she also secretly left this "one" secret door, so that creatures may have a trace of the universe's authority over the evolution of life

"Tianyan Sijiu, Ren Dunqi always feels that I have realized a certain idea I once had. Is this also an inevitable destiny? As expected of the God of Creation, all fates have already been similar." After all, she was a little inexplicably shocked. This sentence actually coincided with a certain thought in her heart before, but she didn't think too much about it.

"Since it is the only variable that people escape, then this variable is also the best choice to save the huge catastrophe of the destruction of the universe." Xu Zhi looked at the two of them and gently stretched out his hand.

There was a crash.

The entire tea garden has come to the outside of the chaos of the universe.

And farther away, there is a dimension yard that is quickly drawn closer, which is the dimension yard of the God of Destruction.

Nethera is still producing compound spores.

After all, Nessera's bloodline is imprisoned in level, so that the offspring of the spores will appear at a fixed level.

Extraordinary spores that can appear at birth of sixth and seventh ranks have more potential than the non-attribute spores of the Zerg mother queen, and have the spore characteristics of high-level compound blood.

After all, is Nessera's talent strong?

Even the cute girl may not be able to compare with her. Xu Zhi can recruit her because of her body. Her bloodline is terrible, and she is very talented in childbirth.

"Now, I have been able to integrate the blood of this big spider into the sub-brain of the Zerg, but it is not easy to integrate another one."

Xu Zhi shook his head and sighed, looking at the conscientiously evolving spider queen, "I can't integrate, I can only let Nessera, like it's her turn, become part of the Zerg queen's external equipment!"

Xu Zhi didn't even know how many external devices he got for the Zerg sub-brain. It was like a microphone, which was directly paired with a violin and guitarist to form a band.

After all, the original spore function of the Zerg Queen has been improved to this extent by himself.

Compound spores, and even cosmic spores.


"Ugly is ugly, but it's enough to be together, hold hands with each other, and have functions." Xu Zhi secretly said, now that he has the ability to modify the blood of his own family, sooner or later, all these bloods will be squeezed in. Now it's all miscellaneous It is inconvenient to use and somewhat ugly.

at this time.

Female B watched this scene, and was shocked by the vicissitudes of life.

"This woman, named Nessera, is in charge of evolving creatures in this era. You can let Nessera evolve biological spores and combine them with cosmic singularity spores. The two are compatible. In the courtyard gate of the God of Destruction, open another A small cosmic evolution yard dimension."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, tap lightly.


Inside the door of the house in the entire dimension yard, a small living room land was also opened up, only about ten square meters in radius.

I saw that these primitive life spores, combined with the great singularity point, started to reproduce and breed according to the evolutionary sequence of the two people's previous evolution.

Among the mountains, rivers, and vegetation, one after another, the great singularities began to explode and gestate.

The "universes" began to have life, like small bright red nebula swirl balls, rolling on the ground, but died soon.

The survival rate is extremely low, only three or four.

And these three or four universes were just born for a while, and then fell directly.

"The same parameters as our evolution!"

Female B took a deep breath, and looked at the rough-dimensional courtyard in the prototype, "It's just that this is a large-scale self-evolution, and we don't need to do it anymore, saving a lot of tedious time to evolve one by one!"

"My God! As expected of the God of Creation, omnipotent!! Cosmic Yard, Cosmic Yard! Can this work?" The cute girl was completely excited, looking at these creatures crawling out of the sea, "This sea area, we must Turn into a sea of ​​chaos, one by one 'universes' creep out from the sea of ​​chaos, the place where life originated!"

The cute girl was completely intoxicated, as if she saw the most prehistoric and fantastically beautiful scene, a bloody embryonic creature crawling out of the universe. This dimensional courtyard is so terrifying that it is unimaginable.

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