Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1242 The spaceship in the chaotic sea, violently changed


The fine tidal waves slapped the ship. This is a huge and simple fishing boat built of mud, like a vast giant whale island, carrying a huge extraordinary world on its back.

In the chaotic sea, there is no distinction between the sun and the moon.

Everything is gray, with endless undulations of mist, giving people a sense of chaos interlaced with shadows and midnight.

"Our great master of the multiverse, the cutter of time and space, the foreigner who cares nothing, His Royal Highness Mikre, lead us to fight against the multiverse!"

In the mist, a saint spoke with a low voice on the deck.

Surrounding them are tenth-order heirs standing in a queue.

They are also saints, but they are saints who have no way to sit.

They looked complicated and excited, knowing the great existence of their own universe, they actually achieved good results in that parallel universe, subdued a civilization called "Burning Calamity", and even established a seaport base to welcome them Extradition.


This saint is addressing the tenth-order heirs,

"Pursuing the truth, thirsting for blood, the wreckage of the old universe will eventually rot into ashes, we will turn into stars and shine, ignite the universe that proves the Tao, and become the new avenue and holiness!"

This side is speaking, but all the other saints are standing on the misty deck fishing.

Here is the chaotic deep sea, usually even the saints have no chance to come here, and only the long journey across the parallel universe, they have the opportunity to touch the deep sea and go fishing.


A number of saints are chatting.

"In the depths of this chaotic sea, there are a lot of treasures, and you can see many unimaginable things. The bottom is full of decayed iron, sculptures, weapons. The wreckage of the old multi-dimensional ship, the remains of the ancient world civilization, too much too much."

"By the way, how about ocean current control?"

asked a saint.

"Fortunately, this sea area is very calm, we should be able to sail safely." Another saint smiled, "After all, we are not only fishing with a fishing rod, but also using the floating nature of the fishing rod to sense the direction of the chaotic ocean current."

A space-time ship that crosses multiple universes is built under the leadership of multidimensional saints, but it must also be built with the guidance of countless ordinary saints. It is a huge project.

A large ship is actually a false universe, which needs to be built by countless rules of the sage, self-circulating into a small universe, and forming the rules of the ecological universe, so that it can exist stably and cross the sea of ​​​​chaos.

But to cross the Chaos Sea, it is not only necessary to have a boat!

Not only do you need enough resources and power reserves, but the most important thing is that ocean currents are hard to compete with, even for saints.

No matter how powerful a saint is, if he doesn't monitor the ocean current at all times, float along the ocean current to save power, and go against the current, he will run out of power sooner or later and sink in the sea of ​​chaos.

To cross the chaotic sea, luck and chance are indispensable.

If encountering a chaotic tsunami, a huge wave of hundreds of meters emerges, no matter how powerful a multidimensional saint is, he will also suffer hatred.

"There should be no problem, not to mention, we only need to travel two-thirds of the voyage, and His Majesty will send a ship to pick up at the other end. In this way, our risk is greatly reduced." A saint laughed, and there was a response And not responding, are completely different things.

Moreover, if it is a normal smuggling, as soon as they approach the coast of the other side's universe, they will inevitably be sniped, and a big battle will break out. It is very disadvantageous to fight away from the other side.

"This is the opportunity we were waiting for. Unexpectedly, His Majesty would be able to establish a base in a different universe. We only need to descend, and we can also become saints in that multiverse."

"Of course we are, but these tenth-order heirs." Some saints smiled, "Their emotions should be excited and complicated, right?"

"It's not up to them."

A sage said coldly: "Your Majesty has made a big move this time. It is too expensive to take so many creatures across the river! We have exhausted all our resources at this time to build this big ship."

But even so, we can't take them back. We can only throw them into the sea of ​​chaos when we arrive at the destination, and we will go back by ourselves. Even if there is no response, we will not be able to go back by ourselves! "

When crossing the multiverse, the main body approaches by boat, then approaches, passes through the other's cosmic wall membrane, puts one's own avatar into it, and then returns by boat to return to one's own universe.

But these saints, although they can return after being put in, what about those thousands of disabled saints of the tenth rank?

There is simply not that much motivation to take them back.

The consequences are self-evident, once their avatars enter this multiverse, their bodies will sink in place and die in the sea of ​​chaos.

This is already planned.

"Hmph, they should be content!"

A saint said: "When their bodies die, they die. Anyway, they have no chance, and they come to this universe to rebuild. With them, as the heirs of former saints, they have a great chance to prove the Tao and become a real saint. !"

"They can only die."

Several saints just looked at each other, very indifferent.

Even among the heirs of these saints, there are also their beloved descendants.

A voice is very cold:

"This is a chance. Don't think that if you are born in the descendants of our saints, you are born holy and pampered, you can lose your blood and fighting spirit! We ourselves came from fighting, and so should they. If even this kind of ruthlessness I don’t have any momentum, and if I die, I will die, and a rotten wood can’t be carved!" Some saints just said indifferently.


While they were talking, the tide surged in the distance, and a small space ship less than one-tenth of their size came across the gray mist.

"The answer is here!"

A saint's eyes lit up.

The two ships, soon make contact.

The little TV Zhang Tong, and the game avatars of Qiu Mingshan, Che Suo and others walked out soon.

Qiu Mingshan laughed at the speed of the car, looked shocked at the vast ship, and said seriously: "All saints, I am ordered to come to meet you."

"Your Excellency, it is His Majesty's power."

The saints saw that each other was only a ninth-level enlightened person, and they knew that they were the confidantes of this universe, and their status was not even weaker than their saints and courtiers. They did not dare to neglect, and said with a smile: "You are the game clone that His Majesty said?"


Qiu Mingshan split at a high speed, and then reunited.

"Our current body is in the dojo, and those who go out are game clones, not afraid of death. Your Excellency will come to our universe to rebuild, and it will be the same!"

The eyes of the several saints surged, and they looked at each other, a little surprised at the bloodline of this kind.

"Everyone, let's stop gossip and get down to business." Qiu Mingshan drove swiftly and resolutely.

"It's so good. All the existences on our ship, each have a clone, and go to the other party's big ship, and the other party will take us to smuggle there." A saint began to arrange.

These saints themselves, and even the tenth-order heirs, quickly cut off a body of soul and flesh, and went to the opponent's ship.

This part of the body does not have a real self-soul imprint, but when it enters the other party's universe, it will immediately produce a self-soul imprint and become a true parallel universe self.

Soon, they separated their bodies and walked to each other's boat.

"So, let's go our separate ways." These saints said with a smile: "We control the space ship and start to return to our own universe as for you."

Several saints looked at those thousands of tenth-rank descendants, "It's pitiful to throw you on the sea of ​​chaos. Your body, go to the other side's boat, and live as long as you can."

The faces of these tenth-order heirs were pale.

This is to postpone the death period. If you really go to the other party's universe, your body will definitely be rejected by that parallel universe, unable to enter, and you can only die in the sea of ​​​​chaos.

Soon, these tenth-rank heirs didn't dare to resist, and quickly went to the other side's boat.


After the handover, the two ships quickly turned around and moved in opposite directions.

"You saints, please rest on the deck. We have prepared some specialties and pastries from our universe for you." Qiu Mingshan smiled quickly, looking at these thousands of tenth-rank heirs, very polite.

But secretly surprised.

It is worthy of being an imperial dynasty of multi-dimensional saints. It not only has a group of ordinary saints under its command, but also has thousands of descendants of the tenth rank.

These thousands are all fake tenth ranks, but they are still tenth ranks! !

This is the strongest overlord under the saint, everyone who can beat the giants of the Yuanlan God Realm, but now they all abandon them, even he feels such a big deal!

"We are not saints, we are just fake tenth ranks with empty realms." A tenth rank heir looked pale, shook his head and said, "We have been abandoned."

Qiu Mingshan looked at them at a high speed and felt pitiful, but he couldn't change it.

It is unimaginable luck and misfortune to be born in a saint's family.

But they didn't dare to resist, and they didn't have the intention to fight to the death, because their bodies are dead, but their bodies in parallel universes, entering this universe, re-cultivating, may become true saints to testify.

"It's death and survival."

Qiu Mingshan smiled gently and said: "Everyone, you are the sons of saints, but you are restricted by your parents, your talents are overwhelming, but you can't prove the Tao in your own universe. When you come here, you will have a new opportunity! The false tenth rank, this time there is a chance to become the real tenth rank, with your talents and knowledge and the accumulation of the Dao, how can you not re-cultivate and prove the way?"

These pale-faced tenth-rank saints softened slightly.

Only the powerful Dao multi-dimensional saints can practice the multi-dimensional universe. In front of them, these incomplete false saints can also have this opportunity, which is indeed a great opportunity.

"Hehe, if everyone can succeed, our forces will add thousands of saints to this universe!" Qiu Mingshan said with a quick smile: "This is an unprecedented change in the universe! You must know that in a universe, contemporary saints are no more than There are more than a thousand scattered outside the chaotic sky, but we jumped up, there are thousands of them!"

All the tenth-rank heirs nodded, that is indeed the case.

In a cosmic era, in the vast universe, there are generally only a few thousand saints who can break through and proclaim the Tao, but they have come to thousands.

The quantity is directly crushed.

"Yeah yeah."

Zhang Tong also looked serious, "You are saints, which is equivalent to rebuilding, and your tenth-order heirs are just bugs! It can make a terrifying number of thousands of saints appear in a cosmic era here!"

Those tenth-rank heirs calmed down instantly.

Qiu Mingshan's car speed is still very understanding of the world. Once it eases up, and then it talks about building relationships, and it's fun all of a sudden, and it starts to set foot on the return journey of the multiverse.

A large ship began to ferry back, returning to its own port.

Sailed a certain distance, but suddenly.

"Aerosol?" The saints on the deck froze for a moment.

"This fog is too sudden. How could there be a sudden mist? I'm afraid it's a change in the chaotic ocean current, and there must be a precursor to a storm in the sea?" Huaya old man frowned.

The old man Huaya, the saint in black, these existences are also responsible for responding, but they are also quantum clones of the game, and the main body is not here.

"If it's an ocean current, then it's bad, maybe it will capsize the ship." The saint in black frowned, the torrent of the chaotic sea was rough, and the undercurrent was terrifying.

Suddenly, the sea water around the ship quickly set off ripples.

Like boiling water, with bubbles rising one after another, there seemed to be some gigantic shadow under the boat, approaching them with a sense of malice.

"Wu~~~" The hollow and sad sound of musical instruments like an ancient xun penetrated the ship. It seemed to be the buzzing of some ancient giant beast, with a long tail, sweeping across the tide.

All the creatures on the entire spaceship fell silent, their minds blank.

"This is???"

Shrouded in mist, the vibration became more and more intense, the sound kept repeating, the air was vibrating, the sea water was vibrating, and the shadow under the feet was getting bigger and bigger.

"What is this!!"

"In the chaotic sea in the mist, there is something!"

"Impossible! This is simply impossible!! In the chaotic sea, there can be no living things, no living things can survive in it!"

A great saint who usually overlooks the universe, the tenth-rank false saint, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, ripples of fear appeared in his heart, his heart was beating violently, and his blood was boiling.

"We don't want to die yet!"

"No, let me go to that universe! My main body and soul are here, if I die, I will really die!"

Sounds of fear filled the deck.

But something even more terrifying happened. The chaotic sea began to sweep the waves, and even hit the deck. A large amount of chaotic sea water, like a hailstorm of large particles, fell on all the saints.

"Run away!"

The chaotic sea water corrodes all saints and their avenues.

They run, run wild, and dodge the water in the otherworldly world on deck.

"Husband, what's going on?" Zhang Tong was also numb with fright, "Aren't we here to pick up someone?"

"Even these saints don't know, how can we know? How can there be living things in the chaotic sea? It is impossible for living things to survive. Only the universe can survive in the chaotic sea!" Qiu Mingshan also speeded Running wildly on the deck, "No matter what it is, fortunately, we are game clones to respond, so if we die, we will die."


In the gray mist, the giant ship began to sway, and the huge shadow under the sea water expanded, as if occupying the entire sea world under the ship.

The shadows were overwhelming, and they seemed to see some outlines of giant beasts.

"It's the belly! The belly of some monster!"

"It looks like the abdomen of some kind of insect, segmented and disc-shaped."

"It exposed its belly to us, what is it doing?"

Countless people looked at the bottom of the sea, trembling with fear.


The gigantic beast on the bottom of the sea made an inexplicable buzzing sound again, a vast sound that seemed to shatter a person's heart.

In the mist, the giant beast with its belly exposed finally made a move. Its huge sharp sickle feet pierced the huge sea surface suddenly, hugged the entire giant ship, and held it tightly with its whole body.


It rolled over violently, and the sea created huge waves of countless meters, which actually pressed the ship to the bottom of the sea.

Like a beetle, it hugged its prey and rode under it, trying to forcefully drown this huge spaceship into the water and push it into the depths of the chaotic sea.

And this indescribable chaotic deep-sea beetle monster seemed to be holding a piece of driftwood and floating under it.

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