After eight hundred years of research, Medusa really understands the knowledge in this field. The essence of life and death of cells is actually integrated with various alchemy medicines, cultivated, improved, and even used spiritual power. Guide and suppress the characteristics of cancer cell's terrifying aggression.

Xu Zhi looked at the information in front of him:

Immortal blood (racial trait)

An improved version of the original cancer cell.

Advantages: Immortality, suppresses aggression, extremely mild, no longer invades the human body, and turns into ordinary cells.

Disadvantages: Too mild, dormant periodically.

"eternal life."

Xu Zhi showed a smile, "The immortality of this gene has indeed appeared."

Xu Zhi wanted to cure cancer cells, but what he wanted more was to improve the cancer cells. After all, although cancer cells are renegades of human cell tissues, it is amazing that they have infinite lifespan and infinite division after renegade.

He has long guessed that the cancer cells on the earth may be a very rare super potential gene. After all, even the last generation of the queen of the nest cannot achieve immortality, but the cancer cells on our earth have some immortal ones. trait.

"By the way, the blood of immortality is a racial trait, what does it mean?" Xu Zhi frowned slightly.

"In layman's terms, it is a racial talent." The worm's nest vice brain explained: "The racial talent of our zerg: accelerated cell division. In the vast universe, there are countless planets and races, and some races have great talent. horrifying."

Xu Zhi said: "Racial talent? I know this, for example, the people from Planet Namek, where the races also have hairs on their heads, the racial talent is capable of making Dragon Balls! There is also the strongest fighting race, the Saiyan planet. People, their racial gift is transformation."

Insect Nest Vice Brain: "."

Zerg talent: crazy accelerated cell division.

It can reproduce wildly, evolve, die, and "crossbreed" with other creatures in the process of evolution, plundering their genetic racial characteristics, and there are infinite possibilities to form natural disasters.

This is also the reason why the Zerg, as one of the most terrifying races in the world, roams countless planets.

Cancer cells seem to be the unique diseased cells of our planetary species, not only in humans, but also in many animals.

Could it be that the racial innate characteristics of our earth creatures: are immortal cells?

It means that we haven't developed yet, and we will die if we can't bear our talent. Perhaps, the potential for future development is very strong?

The racial talent of the Zerg is: to accelerate the division of cells and to accelerate the death.

Our racial talent is: infinitely dividing cells, immortal?

Xu Zhi: "???"

make fun of me! !

He couldn't help but open his mind and continued to think along this line of thought.

Could it be that we are a potential race that has not yet risen, and the future is very strong. Or, we are the remnant descendants of a powerful immortal race left on the earth. Our ancestors are immortals. Those international institutes are right?

"I'm afraid to think about it! But no matter what it is, it's none of my business to farm in the countryside." Xu Zhi was too lazy to continue guessing so much.

"Medusa has made improvements to suppress its predatory nature and become softer. It can be initially integrated into the body. It can be regarded as an ordinary body cell and has the characteristics of immortality."

This means that a big stone in his heart has fallen, his sword has been solved, and he can live forever.

A voice came from the vice brain of the worm nest: "The side effects are very great. Due to Medusa's initial improvement and inhibition, this longevity cell that devours the human body becomes mild, but because it is too mild, it will periodically go dormant."

"Dormancy? What do you mean." Xu Zhi asked.

"Although immortal, the entire immortal life has only half of the awakening time, and the remaining half of the time is sleeping, forming a cycle." Insect Nest's deputy brain said seriously.

"It's so grand, isn't this side effect of sleeping at night?" Xu Zhi couldn't help but tell the truth.

But after explaining it to the vice brain of the insect nest, Xu Zhi realized that it was not so simple.

Powerful life, no need to sleep in the later stage.

This kind of deformed immortality does not mean immortality, and it is even difficult to live. After all, half of the time is sleeping, and any weak creature can be killed when it sees you. It is an immortal weak chicken species with great defects and slaughter. .

Our race is a little better than the Phoenix's immortal gene, but not much better, half a catty, and both have fatal flaws.

"In the end, I still have to sleep every night. The security in our village is very good at night, so it's fine." Xu Zhi thought for a while and replied.

Xu Zhi was originally a pure human, and later became the queen of the worm nest, so he brought two "human" and "zerg" racial talents with him.

And Medusa and other Zerg, using the racial characteristics of Zerg, after choosing to integrate, they only get a weakened version of the genetic talent, although it is also immortal, but the sleeping time is not 50%, but 5%.

That is to say, in addition to our earth creatures, other Zerg are integrated into our genes, and 95% of their lives are sleeping!

Xu Zhi sighed, "This kind of immortality is too terrifying, too tasteless to choose this extreme second bloodline to ignite the fire of God, Medusa is really crazy, she said that I can't beat you, but I If she lives longer than you, she can boil you to death, she must carry out the spirit of 'living and winning' to the end."

In fact, Medusa is certainly not stupid, her vision is very long-term.

Get immortality first, even if the awakening time is very short, but she still has endless years. As a wizard who pursues the truth, what research can't be done?

The improvement of "Blood of Immortality" in front of her is too bad. Even though she is the strongest in this world, her background is still not enough, so she can only stop there. She needs a longer time to accumulate knowledge, constantly update the version, increase the awakening time, and finally , has the ultimate and complete "blood of the creation god", wakes up permanently, and can even become the next creation god.

After all, it is the blood of the creator god.

"Sure enough." Xu Zhi shook his head.

However, it is all in vain to say anything now.

No matter how perfect Medusa's "Blood of Immortality" is to become a god, and how good his future is, in this world, on our earth, it is impossible to become a god, and everything is impossible.

"I'll take care of my cancer first."

Xu Zhi took a deep breath and stood up, "Insect Nest Vice Brain, call up the production process of Medusa's 'Blood Improvement Potion'."

Soon, a large number of giant beasts, information on various plant materials, the sap of blue moon grass, and the rhizomes of Duran trees appeared in front of them, and the manufacturing process was terribly complicated.

"From the gene pool, call out these organisms and reproduce."

Soon, Xu Zhi provided a lot of food, and these creatures began to multiply rapidly and appeared in front of him.

Xu Zhi followed the entire process and started to use these materials to make medicines.

In the process, there were a lot of failures, but Xu Zhi is not a vegetarian. He has always let Zhinao secretly monitor Medusa. Now he calls out the detailed manufacturing process of Medusa, and starts to imitate, study, and manufacture it after a long time. success.

Failed hundreds of times, after more than 20 hours, it was done!

Xu Zhi took a deep breath, looked at the transparent liquid in the test tube in front of him, his eyes were burning, "This thing can transform the cancer cells of our earth people! Suppress that aggressiveness and awaken the unique longevity of our earth race. The characteristics can make our earth creatures move towards immortality."

The meaning of this one has already made the scalp tingle.

"Now in my body, cancer cells have spread throughout the body, but there are not many after all. After transforming them into mild cancer cells, they are forced to sleep for at most one or two hours a day. When I accept the next mass extinction, I will receive a large film. The energy of the whole person will explode, and the cancer cells will grow wildly, completely forming an immortal body, and I should officially enter half the time of sleep every day."

The defect was fatal, but Xu Zhi said it was okay.

After all, he was not in any dangerous environment. He lived a leisurely farm life without improving his daily routine. He was not someone who stayed up late to cultivate immortals. He slept for ten hours every day, and now he only sleeps two more hours.

And, after sleeping at night, there is an orchard bodyguard to protect him, this orchard bodyguard is much stronger than him.

This article is purely for brain opening, don't take it seriously (*^▽^*)

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