Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1250 Human Future Plan

Everyone stopped talking for a moment, and obediently listened to Qiu Mingshan's speech.

After all, he has completely conquered everyone. Can ordinary people see the third floor?

impossible! That is, Qiu Mingshan's speed can connect all the clues and clues that have been developed to the present, and connect the truth behind the unreasonable parts.

For such a strange person, everyone is naturally convinced.

He is the strongest think tank of the contemporary Chinese civilization on the earth, leading the future of our civilization!

Now, everything can be seen from the countless people who have liked Qiu Mingshan's post. There are more than one billion likes. It can be seen that his popularity has long been regardless of national boundaries.

"We have an internal response, but we must also seize the opportunity, and tell us the information we know now!"

Qiu Mingshan's speed is very flat: "Let's talk about the future structure of the universe. It must be the era of the new universe bridge. The universe is connected to each other. There must be more than one life universe. Infected!"

Really didn't put so many of these sea beasts, only two.

Xu Zhi looked at this post, just shook his head, dragged his chin and murmured slightly, "Originally, it was just a small experiment, but so many storms broke out, but since this is the case, it can be directly released in large quantities at the speed of Qiu Mingshan. .Cover around our universe, let those saint ships see this sea monster, capsize directly, and eat them all."

This big advantage is not taken for nothing.

He continued to read the post, wanting to see what Qiu Mingshan had to say.

Qiu Mingshan's speed naturally did not know that he had been secretly observed, but continued to say enthusiastically:

"Brothers! We should only enter one of the life in the universe. Maybe other saint ships are already similar to us! However, it is absolutely impossible for all of us to enter, because we know that touching the skin, the saints of other ships , basically most of them were drowned with the destruction of the spaceship, and only a small part accidentally touched the skin when the ship was submerged."

Xu Zhi nodded slightly when he heard this.

Qiu Mingshan reminded himself that maybe these cosmic beings should be improved so that they can actively touch those saints and enter their own universe.

"After all, eating the other party's spaceship is certainly a huge growth substance, but you have to swallow the saints on those ships. These are super elite talents. The future quasi-sages can prove the way in the universe and drown directly. It would be a waste." He mused, "After all, these small universes, without these saints, would be very difficult to develop."

That's a good suggestion.

At this time, Qiu Mingshan continued to say: "At the same time, according to my guess, not only the trilobite universe was released, but the seaweed universe was also released!

But what we encountered, why not the seaweed universe? Because the kelp universe is a vegetarian universe, eating plankton, it doesn't hunt ships. "

Everyone nods.

The spaceship, because it is also a cyclic universe composed of rules, can float on the chaotic sea, and its structure is similar to the seaweed universe, so it is hunted and killed by the natural enemy trilobite universe as the seaweed universe, but the seaweed universe will not pay attention to the spaceship.

"The seaweed universe, isn't it hard to come across? It's also useless?" Someone asked.

Qiu Mingshan shook his head at a high speed: "According to the information provided by Mengmei, it is indeed difficult to encounter fakes, because they do not attack spaceships. But it is not useless! Seaweeds and trilobites have their own strengths!"

"Everyone has their own strengths?"

"It's true that each has its own strengths! The trilobite universe is carnivorous, and basically can only eat spaceships to grow. The rest of the time, it can only eat some ancient objects floating in the ocean. It absorbs a little bit, the efficiency is low, and the growth rate is very slow!

But the seaweed universe is different. It is a vegetarian universe. It can eat floating residues in the sea and various ancient objects. The size of the big ship is expanding rapidly. But I am afraid of the size, the current seaweed universe has grown to more than ten times its size! "

Ten times more?

Everyone got goosebumps.

It's like seeing a real deep-sea behemoth.

Even in the future, it is very possible that the vast body of countless light years will sink and float in the deep sea.

Now there are only a few kilometers or tens of thousands of meters of folding space space ship, which can't even compare with a flagellum of the opponent!

There are too many ancient relics deposited in the chaotic sea, decaying and sunken ships, and the seaweed universe can feed on them, and they can indeed grow to unimaginable sizes.

"In this way, each has its own strengths."

"Yes, if you can make a seaweed universe, it will grow faster."

"However, no matter how huge the seaweed universe is, it is still seaweed. When encountering a trilobite universe that is smaller than itself, no matter how big it is, it will be eaten."

"Yes, he is a carnivorous beast, and you are seaweed."

"That's not the case. If the difference in body size is too big, can you eat? You will be crushed to death with one butt. Besides, if you can enter the seaweed universe, the creatures in this universe will definitely help protect them from being invaded."

There was a lot of discussion.

Xu Zhi was also fascinated by this, and felt that this was indeed the case.

Qiu Mingshan's speed: "Right now, the God of Destruction should only be the beginning of the initial disaster. I'm afraid that in the future, other higher types of universes will evolve, but let's start with the development of these two universes first!"

Everyone listen quietly,

"At the same time, the thousands of saints in our current worm universe are still completing the rules of the Dao. I am afraid that they will be sanctified soon. Once they become sanctified, they will barely control the route of this universe, hoping to control it back to us. Seaport, reconnect with our Empire!"

"I think this is not bad. After all, this universe has no meat to eat, and the growth is too slow. If you can contact the land, let the saint kingdom there, Zhang Youling and others help, build spaceships, and eat them, the growth rate will be extremely fast!"

Everyone's scalp is numb, Qiu Mingshan is driving so hard!

This is a resource that squeezes Zhang Youling. How precious is a spaceship? It turned out to be a consumable, a food?

Why is this person so handsome!

Qiu Mingshan continued to say: "At the same time, we have to look for the seaweed universe, or other trilobite universes. One alone is obviously not enough. The future is really the era of great navigation. Having ships means that we can smuggle into other universes at any time. Strategic Horrible meaning."

Qiu Mingshan went on, popularized a lot of science, and made a lot of decisions.

Xu Zhi was listening silently, eating fruit leisurely, thinking it made sense.

After another period of time, Qiu Mingshan finished speaking, and everything came to an end.

He couldn't help taking a deep breath, just relaxing.

There was a click.

Xu Zhi instantly rolled Qiu Mingshan's eyelids and took him away.

Xu Zhi was eating fruit in one hand, and speeding Qiu Mingshan in the other, as he kept walking towards the laboratory, thinking to himself:

"This guy, he spoke very well. In the Age of Discovery, a lot of seaweed universes and trilobite universes were put in, but the local tyrant Jintiandao pianos are obviously not enough. Each universe has to match thousands of sets to resist the assimilation of the universe. Then , he has to clone and produce tens of thousands of units before he can barely catch up with the first batch of launches."

Qiu Mingshan was knocked out at a high speed and was being carried with one hand.

He couldn't even think of it when he was beaten to death. He said enthusiastically that he would inevitably invest more life into the universe, but he was actually digging a hole for himself.

Good night

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