Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1324 The formation of the food chain pattern of the heavens and the world

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another two hundred years.

Two hundred years seems to be a short time, but in fact, every hour and every day is squeezed by the years, which is already extremely long.

The era of the heavens and worlds is 733 years old.

"Clan heaven, there are strong people who can enter our universe, become heirs, and come to prove the Tao!"

The clan universe was at its peak, and the three forces of Emperor Qi who caused the uproar back then completely pulled up the three major universe clans.

Nuwa, Pangu, the way of heaven.

Many saints are outstanding among them, taking away one universe and becoming the will of heaven in one universe, while some ordinary saints prove the way in these universes and become saints.

Each of these universes began to accommodate a large number of gods and flourished.

For a time, the two hundred years of development of the three major clans, crazily multiplied, and the number increased exponentially. There were more than 7,000 heavenly universes, and the number was terrifying.

Of course, the number of 7,000 is terrifying to a saint, but for the vast endless sea of ​​​​chaos, it has not even reached one-hundred-billionth of the territory, and it is simply a speck of dust.

Another three years.

The demon god cosmic group loomed.

"Replace the heart of heaven with my heart, and the way of heaven with my way!"

"All living beings cultivate the one, I cultivate the whole, and I cultivate the 129,600 universes together, so as to complete the heavens and all realms, and prove the true sage of all realms."

This is a mysterious population of the universe, mysterious and unpredictable, and people have heard of it by chance. This is a special and powerful life that monopolizes the endless universe by itself, and regards the endless universe as individual cells, gathering into a party of creatures.

The era of the heavens and the world is 753 years old.

A sage of longevity once again made a move to prove the way for the universe.

"I will go one step further and prove the repulsive force of the universe, so that the universe of life can land on the chaotic sky!"

But even so, landing on the chaotic land is still extremely uncomfortable for most oceanic universes, and some universes must evolve into terrestrial universes that are truly adapted to land.

Of course, preaching like this is not meaningless.

It lays the foundation for the future emergence of the terrestrial universe.

The era of the heavens and the world is 753 years old.

The universe of six paths of reincarnation was also completely born, and displayed in front of the eyes of all living beings in the chaotic sea.

"This universe can be the land of the nether world, where true spirits reincarnate, and after death, they are like hells. They can be used to rectify the good and evil of their achievements during their lifetime, so that they can become holy through merit."

Merit sanctifies!

As soon as these words fell, many saints were completely moved.

In the past, the universe relied on combat power, but now the universe relies on merit? Sanctify with goodness?

Suddenly, countless cosmic sages began to discuss.

However, an even more moving picture appeared, and another mature force began to appear.

"The Dandelion Project has finally succeeded!"

Melting Orange laughed loudly, looking at the disc universe below the Chaos Sea, emitting a soft beam of light, connected to a dandelion-like umbrella plant in the sky.

Phoenix, Ji Entropy, Sun God Asa, etc. all used their own blood to evolve their own special clan elemental universe and mastered the authority.

And Melting Orange also turned into a mother river elemental creature, he couldn't help but feel elated, and began to tell the world,

"I am the mother river system. The heavens and worlds are the most mysterious. I live above the sky, overlooking the common people in the world. There are saints who can join me, and the opportunities are endless!"

All of a sudden, the systems of the four great heavens and myriad worlds swarmed out.

The sages in the longevity world began to communicate, and they were in a hurry,

"Hateful! Rong Cheng and Ji Ji, the two of them have managed to do this in secret!"

"They abandoned us!"

These saints began to seek an explanation one after another.

Ji Ji and Rong Cheng immediately told the truth without hiding anything.


"Aren't you trying to trick us?"

"It's not really the big trend, the coming big trend is"

When they saw the pictures that Rong Orange showed them, they couldn't help feeling bitter, terrified, and began to feel a great sense of terror.

Our longevity world turned out to be a joke.

At the same time, they were also annoyed, "You clearly know that the end of the universe is coming and the era will be destroyed, yet you still haven't told us to prepare together, just to seize the opportunity?"

"I told you, your hearts will become impetuous, how to prove the environment for the heavens and worlds?" Rong Cheng chuckled.

Their faces immediately turned black.

Yes, if you tell them, they are not going to waste time on it.

I thought it was the general trend of the Chaos Sea before, so I went to testify. Since it is not the general trend, I can't hold too much authority when I testify for the other party, because it will soon be overwhelmed by the new general trend.

"Your Highness, what do you think?"

A long-lived saint looked up silently.

The ancient existence shrouded in obscurity is very calm, no one can see through his true face under the shadow, "This is indeed a general trend, our destruction is imminent, since there is a prehistoric existence, we are preparing, we should also fight for a change , a certain thread of life!"

"Go and prove that one." The ancient existence said suddenly.

"But Your Highness, the real origin of the life universe has not been found out yet."

"It is undeniable that the future historical trend is true, but there are also some doubts about the cosmic meteor shower that came in vain."

They are too smart for nothing to fool them.

Even though they knew that the history described was true, they still doubted the cosmic rain and would not be kind.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, it is not impossible!

"Is there a choice?"

The tall and ancient existence smiled and said: "There is no choice, no matter which prehistoric means of existence, calculation or grace, we have no choice. At the very least, the interests are the same. This account can be settled in the future, and stay vigilant against the other party." Let's prove that one."

"Yes, Your Highness." A saint walked out.

Three years later.

A voice that resounded through heaven and earth completely enveloped the earth.

"My Teng Shou, prove the third assimilation of the universe again, reduce it to the minimum, and prove the way of plant fertility."


A rule enveloped the Nine Elements Universe, and felt unprecedented vibrations and changes.

"It's only been two hundred years."

Xu Zhi looked at the hazy dandelion in the sky, and also felt the vibration in the dark.

"Husband, I have begun to prove the last Dao." Pheasant Ji was still studying the six reincarnations, and said softly: "Let the heavens and worlds, these universes, devour and connect the ecological food chain of the nine universes!"

"The last avenue of the nine multiverses, the food chain?"

Xu Zhi was puzzled.

"Yes, the reason why those ocean universes are still unable to climb ashore is because the chaotic land is repelling them. At the same time, the vast chaotic land has no food for them to eat. They live on land, and sooner or later they will run out of energy. Create the food chain of the chaotic land, and create food for land creatures."

Pheasant Ji said seriously: "The lowest end of the food chain is plants! And plants cannot take root in the land of Chaos Heaven. Now, this is the proof."

"How to prove?" Xu Zhi was curious, "How can plants grow on the wall of the universe?"

"Prove according to the method of the dojo."

Pheasant Ji said: "Everyone knows the principle of the Saint Dojo, rooted in the chaotic land, sucking the chaotic universe under the feet, and supplying power. Now, it is to pry open a hole in the rules of the 'Dojo', so that plants, like the Saint Dojo Similarly, it also takes root in the chaotic land, sucks the universe under its feet, and supplies power."

Xu Zhi was shocked.

Still have this hand?

This really completes the food chain!

Plants are at the bottom of the food chain.

Now, plants can suck the power of the cosmic film under their feet, so when plants appear on barren continents, animals will soon appear. Because animals have no food on barren continents, they can only wander along the coast.

"This completely completes the food chain." Xu Zhi was stunned and felt shocked. "It's not just the food chain, it also completes the ecological energy cycle chain. The big universe and the heavens and worlds begin to circulate energy with each other."

Even being swallowed.

Good guy, this is completely opening a back door for myself, and I can steal the entire nine multiverses!

Endless plants, rooted on the wall membrane, sucking the matter of the universe, and branded with Xu Zhi, are like cancer cells completely, and the self-defense mechanism of the universe is completely out of order.

"It's too ruthless." Xu Zhi was pleasantly surprised, "Sure enough, the appearance of the God of Destruction immediately made the Longevity Realm make up its mind. After all, without them proving the Chaos Sea, I have no ability to prove it! I can't beat them, how can I prove it?"

Realm requires ten universes to prove the Tao in nine universes at the same time.

Knowledge requires the strongest knowledge and blood to open up this new rule.

Therefore, apart from the help from the Longevity Realm, I have no choice at all, because even if I get the request, I can't beat them, and I will be killed as soon as I show my face.

In front of him, it was only by countless chances and coincidences that this pattern could be reached.

"It seems that the self-defense mechanism of the big universe has been completely broken." Xu Zhi laughed, "Only the power of the universe is left, the life defense army of the next era."

But there is no doubt that the big universe has no self-defense power at all, and it is very easy to pierce the opponent. The general trend of the times is the opponent's resistance to variables, and the natural self-protection mechanism in the dark.

"We have to hurry up and evolve a plant-based universe." Pheasant Ji said seriously: "It is very important to occupy the continent and form our own ecological circle. At the same time, Rongcheng and I know this. This is us. First-mover advantage, we must quickly evolve plants and go ashore to grab the territory.”

After all, the Chaos Sea is very difficult to occupy, after all, it is too deep and too vast.

But the chaotic land is different, you can enclose the land as the king.

At this moment, the big octopus laughed and said, "We'd better form a defensive line along the coast. Except for us, everyone who goes ashore will be killed!"

Ji Ji was taken aback, there is such a move?

Maybe I am really a bit rotten, relatively conservative, and I still want to occupy the territory, but I didn't think of directly occupying the coastline, focusing on customers, and killing all of them who came ashore.

As long as you occupy a piece of coastline, wouldn't the large piece of land behind the coastline be yours? This idea is novel!

"This is a good strategy." Pheasant Ji said seriously.

One player said, "As soon as we talk about the coastline, we have an idea. You said that it is rooted in the wall of the universe and sucks power. The power must be abundant. Plants fighting those sea beasts that climb up must be tower defense! Take advantage!"

"However, most of them are our own people. Although there are some small forces, they have begun to evolve into clans. Do we want to suffer so much?" Some players can't bear it. After all, everyone is a player. Everyone has their own people, so why rush each other.

"Hehehe, we have the internal information of Empress Pheasant Ji, so we must have a first-mover advantage. They don't know about it yet, and everyone will beat him up! Our own people don't snatch opportunities? Without competition, how can there be evolution? (狗头)”

"Yes, after all, the one who also knows the information is Rongcheng's mother river force. We had no choice but to use the air force. They flew over, occupied land at random, and dropped plants."

"No matter what, first lay out the tower defense, plants vs. zombies, if a wave emerges from the chaotic sea, kill the wave." Another Asura warrior said.

"We are very good at talking about the plant-type universe, which is very serious!" An Asura Taoist warrior laughed and said, "After all, we all came from this way. DNA changes into a map. We have passed so long now. , have adapted!"

"I'll evolve Peashooter!"

"I'm here to evolve the sun flower and provide energy to everyone!"

"I will evolve nuts to form a high wall!"

"Brothers, let's go, don't let the zombies eat your brains."

Pheasant Ji: "???"

Plants vs. Zombies?

She didn't get used to these players' thoughts all of a sudden.

Xu Zhi watched this scene, sat on the coastline, and felt that his life was not bad.

Good night

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