Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1326 Landing on the beach, walking vast plants

Suddenly, Ji Ji sat down and drank tea.

No wonder the husband is usually so calm and carefree, and he is leisurely and leisurely. It turns out that the civilization under his command is so independent and diligent?

"We'll just watch a good show, Plants vs. Zombies."

Xu Zhi sat on the coastline, "In the future era, there must be nine cosmic continents, because this core one has been proved, and marine life has no restrictions, and can evolve rapidly and climb up to the continent."

Pheasant Ji nodded, still staring at those hot guys, interested in Plants vs. Zombies and Tower Defense.

Another thirty years passed by.

Clan Heavenly Court, Mother River Heavenly Court, Cosmic Evil God, Netherland Reincarnation, the four major forces have completely ascended to the top, occupying the first-mover advantage, and they are in the limelight for a while.

They are all a cosmic force, and there are many cosmic groups under their command, and they have a unified cosmic means of the heavens under their command. They concentrate their power to appear "sages of the heavens".

But even so, there are still extremely monstrous people who rose up later, and various small forces also appeared. Giant whales, nuns, dark abyss, and various forces began to multiply.

With the ability to reproduce, they have also begun to enter the "population" era, which is a sign of catching up with the four major forces ahead.

After all, they have now divided the universe into several realms.

Infancy: The initial period of the universe that has just been acquired.

Growth period: start to have saints, saints begin to preach in large numbers, and complete the rules.

Bloodline period: With the completion of the universe, its own bloodline racial characteristics appear.

But most of the saints will be stuck in the previous growth stage and will never be able to enter the bloodline stage, because in order to condense the bloodline, one must have a goal to prove the way one by one saintly, and have a very good understanding of the Dao map, so as to evolve the bloodline characteristics of the life universe.

Most saints will fail to evolve and completely abolish this universe.

They may indeed have extremely heaven-defying bloodlines, but they cannot bring the future into the universe and make this map of the universe their own "dojo".

Maturity stage: The characteristic of this stage is reproduction. The evolved universe not only possesses the characteristics of bloodlines, but also can further evolve the map, possessing the characteristics of reproduction.

It was at this stage that those small forces began to have the ability to reproduce.

Clan period: Through reproduction, a large cosmic group begins to form. The universe at this stage begins to move toward the heavens and has the qualifications to expand its power.

But the characteristic of the clan stage is the control of the blood, and it is not enough to be able to reproduce offspring, but also to have control over the offspring in order to form a clan.

"Now, in the eyes of other saints, those four major forces are now at the stage of the clan stage." Xu Zhi looked at the coastline, "Sure enough, there are too many monsters in the universe, and they are biting too tightly at the back. How many years has it been since we started from scratch? We already have the ability to reproduce, and the next step is to form a clan."

According to this point of view, it is also a matter of time to catch up.

"However, the four major systems are already the general direction." Xu Zhi shook his head, "When they catch up, they may also follow one of them and follow the path of the other. There is a high probability that it will be the clan system developed by Di Qi and others."

There is no doubt that this is the most popular and the easiest way for the public.

It doesn't mean that there won't be other pattern systems in the future, it's just that a genius who is even more evil can see a more special way.


While Xu Zhi was speaking, a shocking scene happened.

A large number of wet marine life, vast and huge, slowly climbed onto the land.

From a distance, they looked like slimy tentacle seaweed octopuses, with countless roots and squirming slowly.

But as it climbed out of the sea, it can be seen that it is a strange plant with legs, crawling out of the sea and walking towards the shore.

Bang bang bang!

The body is too vast, like an ancient war tree of the elves, covering the sky and the sun, and every step it takes, the ground seems to be shaking.

Gradually, they landed on some coastlines, like the irregular nodes of the Big Dipper, falling one by one, forming the first line of defense on the coastline.

Obviously prepared.

Even the masters of those dojos communicated in advance, and they paid their dojos in exchange for their qualifications to join this plant universe.


Those original ashrams were broken and were used as the first batch of nutrients by plants.

The next moment, those plants began to take root on the cosmic wall, sucking the power of the universe, and began to grow, gradually becoming green, becoming tall and strong, and even towering into the clouds.

"According to the path deduced before, start the next step of final evolution!"

"Adjusting the map."

"Hurry up and become a real plant universe, suck the power of the earth, and go thriving. We walk on land, the goal is too big, and they will find us soon."

Countless people whispered in the plant universe.

This plant universe is a member of the heavens and worlds. It can be said that it is a universe world. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the big universe, its power will not be inferior to the original dojo!

Even if it develops, the combat power of one universe can be compared to a tyrannical and invincible multi-sage.

Don't think that a universe is only as weak as a saint. After all, this universe is not big after all, and at the same time, the number is extremely huge, more than 129,000?

Even the combat power of ordinary saints is already exaggerated. What's more, they all have the strength comparable to multi-sage saints, and they can even develop more maturely in the future and go to the unknown.


Soon, the drastic change in the land caused a shock in the entire Nine Elements Universe, and countless saints knew about it.

"The cosmic power of the reincarnation of the underworld actually landed?"

"Plant, is that a plant?"

"Plants, aren't they unable to survive on the chaotic land?"

"What is that? A khaki biological wall?"

"That's a plant, emerald green, with a huge mouth, and a horn on a vine?"

They were surprised and a little dumbfounded.

What kind of way is this?

Is that the inheritor of the mysterious Buddhist and Taoist civilization, studying the theory of evolution?

These mysterious plants may have something strange!

But soon some sages thought of the variables of the cosmic enlightenment not long ago, and guessed that they had proved the rules of the cosmic dojo, so that these plants could also be like a dojo, taking root in the big universe and sucking power.

"It's unbelievable that plants can start to take root and survive on land. The opponent's method is amazing. They actually thought of making plants grow legs, and they can go directly to the dojo and take root directly, which saves a lot of effort."

A long-lived sage whispered that it was Mosquito, "How do plants take root so quickly? I thought they would go by water, and asked us for help to transport plants by canal to occupy the territory."

Mosquito Meng felt dignified.

To occupy the geographical advantage first, it's not that he didn't expect the other party to do so. Ji Ji would definitely use the inside information to preemptively strike.

But I thought that the other party must beg to cooperate with her to do this, and I would definitely get a share of the pie, but now I can bypass them!

There is actually such a trick, the opponent is indeed terrifying.

Mosquito Meng looked more and more frightened, and felt that he had miscalculated, "The other party's evolution level is strong, and the method of evolving plant legs is even more special. It seems that it has been well researched. I am afraid that it is only because of the knowledge of history that it has such a profound knowledge. The knowledge reserve is for today.”

If there is no deep accumulation in this area, it cannot be achieved in a short time.

Obviously, the other party did predict the future, and predicted the "dojo rules" at this time, and had already accumulated the knowledge of evolution to make plants grow legs in advance.

At this moment, Liu Qi beside him was also shocked, feeling a little deep, "However, what do these strange-shaped plants mean? The sunflower? With a bright smile, it has a nose and eyes. I'm afraid it has special biological characteristics. Observe carefully."

After all, he knew Ji Ji, he was very insidious, and he never did useless actions.

And the other side.

Not only the ordinary saints, but the immortal saints were secretly observing, and other players also became anxious, driving a side of the universe and looking at the land from afar in the chaotic sea.



"Fuck, what are they doing? Plants vs Zombies?"

"What the hell, are you kidding us? You're treating us like zombies!"

Their faces were all black, and they cursed shamelessly in their hearts.

Asura's players, with the help of Emperor Zun and Ji Ji, are probably triumphant, knowing the inside story in advance, and going ashore directly to seize the opportunity, why don't they go ashore?

Is it a person? Not even to the shore? We are all gamers, what are you doing to us?

Brothers come to kill me?

They are all bad.

The brothers from Asura Dao were chatting and researching together in the forum with a smile before, so it turns out that they have been plotting behind the scenes for some time, to engage in such a thing?

They are not human.

"Any real estate agent is vicious, brothers, don't be like this." Some players didn't believe in evil, and began to try to get close.


A Taoist energy cannon shot out directly from the cute little bean sprouts, knocking the cosmic man they were driving on its back.

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