Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1330 Competing for the number of seaports

"Is this a clone?"

"There are such means?"

The saints who hid in the dark and watched the battle of the century felt terrible.

Now through cloning, they have seen the true face of the potato wall.

The part rooted in the ground turned out to be a pair of sexy girl's legs in black silk, slender, round, sexy and alluring, but on top of the legs was a piece of cute potato.

"This potato, it looks like this. It has the legs of a girl, and the mashed potatoes are dripping out wet, preventing the virus from entering its body. It's so evil!"

"There are such extraordinary means of attack and defense?"

"This got the map of the other party, and cloned a life in the universe?"

The saints began to whisper.

Doesn't that mean I have to defend myself?

What if your own species has been cloned?

They secretly thought in their hearts.

Like the quantum virus, and then the cloning universe, these waves of attacks, the strange means are too terrifying.

Even these ancient sages have to admit that the opponent's mature methods and familiarity with the war of evolutionary species have opened their eyes.

They have never started, and they don't even have the experience of fighting each other in evolutionary species, and the other party is already very skilled. It seems that this is not the first time they have fought.

Some sages could not help secretly absorbing the experience in it, and continued to study it with emotion. While watching it, they were surprised: there is such a method? And this way of fighting? Can you still play like this? How exaggerated?

After all, this is very familiar to players, who often use their own biological PVP species to fight in the "Spore Evolution" sandbox, but it is also unprecedented for saints.

"The local tyrant Golden Potato has been successfully cloned." Qiu Mingshan studied it carefully, "It really is a plant-like terrestrial creature, which is very good, and has the characteristics of walking on land."

They were all marine fish universes before, unable to go ashore and walk on land.

Although it is not impossible for them to deduce, but in an emergency, it will be too late to evolve their terrestrial species, and they will be completely rooted and stable, and they will become an iron barrel.

"Now, the other party has just settled down, so we can only clone their land potatoes while killing them now and we have no time to evolve land creatures!" Mengmei also laughed, "I took a look, and their girly long-legged potatoes Son, it is indeed deep in the essence, it runs very fast, and can be used as the next wave of attacking troops."

"Not yet."

The Alchemist shook his head, "The opponent's potato is a defensive plant universe. As an offense, no matter how many clones there are, it will not be able to break through. It will only consume a lot of our resources."

"It's okay." Di Qi suddenly smiled and said, "The fishes of my new version of Jiuzhuan Xuangong can still resist those shells. The only problem is that they can't move on land."


All of a sudden, these long-legged plant potatoes directly carried a fish and used it as a shield to charge forward.

That was Diqi's cosmic clan.

Each universe has assembled a new version of the Nine Turns Mysterious Art, which not only can store high amounts of energy, but also incorporates the Ivy Meridians of the Earth Mother, which can absorb external energy.


The third wave of attack started directly.

Plants with legs one after another, carrying a wet sea fish in front of them, rushed towards it.

The faces of the players in the distance changed slightly, "Attack! Attack quickly!"

Bang bang bang.

Endless peashooter spouts energy cannons.

But the opponent's defensive power is extremely high, he has stored a high concentration of energy from the inner world, and has a strong ability to recover from injuries. In addition, he can absorb part of the attack's own ability, so he forcibly endured such a violent attack.

"Is this the clan universe body of that Emperor Qi?" Pheasant Ji was surprised, it was a few plants that took root in the earth to extract energy and attacked, but the opponent could still resist for a while.

Emperor Zun smiled, looked at the battlefield, and commented lightly: "The other party can store a lot of energy more than ordinary universes, and has a strong natural recovery ability. In addition, it can absorb part of the energy of the attack for its own use. It was born. Such a terrifying scene, but even if it is so powerful, it won't last for ten seconds. After all, it absorbs a lot of earth power itself, and there is a double supply of sunflowers behind it."

as expected.

Under the crazy bombardment, a universe quickly began to destroy and rot.

But in the next second, the three universes in front of the other party actually retreated, and the other three universes were replaced behind them, standing in front.

Pheasant Ji's face changed slightly again, "This is a relay race, they take turns carrying it, and the formation of shield soldiers, I'm afraid they will break through by force."

And in the next second, a scene that made her even more dazed appeared.

A few balloons suddenly appeared in the sky, holding a fish, and they did not know when they were approaching the sky.

"The sky, there is also an invasion."

Pheasant Ji raised his head, "It is a short-lived gliding species, and it has this hand."

"no need to worry."

At this time, the big octopus next to it carried six claws on its back, and its two claws stood gracefully. It said indifferently: "It's just a nine-turn Xuangong. It has a strong regeneration ability and can absorb external energy, but I am the opponent's nemesis. Although the opponent treats me Even if you have evolved a defense mechanism, it's hard to be coquettish with me!"

"And the fish in the sky also shot down directly."


"Transform." With a soft call, he directly entered a super-large octopus universe, came next to a pea shooter, mixed his own black energy with the pea energy cannon, and fired it directly.


A jet-black cannonball landed directly on the opponent, and the opponent was instantly stinky and rotten. The vigorous vitality could no longer recover from the injury, and even the vitality became the nutrient of the dead energy, growing rapidly and devouring the opponent.

In an instant, one side of the universe fell instantly.

"Back! Get back quickly!" The cosmic clans screamed and quickly turned and fled.

"It's a big octopus, we actually lifted a rock and shot ourselves in the foot!"

"The strongest god of death, too miserable!"

"The stench is unbearable."

"Run, the septic tank exploded."

After this attack, some universes were actually damaged. Although the creatures in these dead universes have clones in other universes, and the saints in the age of the heavens are all immortal, the death of a universe is still a huge loss.

In the distance, the saints who were watching secretly changed their colors completely. Seeing their screams and wailing, they felt thrilling. Fortunately, I didn't suffer in it.

"What is this?"

"It's individual combat power, and the opponent also has individual combat power, with an evil breath of death."

"That piece of universe fled back before dying and fell into the sea water. Now it is all muddy, exuding an aura that we hate, making it difficult to approach."

Many saints felt that it was terrifying and invincible.

The death universe that pollutes human bloodlines is worthy of the lineage of the heavens from the reincarnation of the underworld. It is difficult to resist it head-on. It can only use special space means or other means to grind the opponent to death remotely.

"That octopus is here?"

Seeing this, Qiu Mingshan did not intend to attack anymore, and said with a smile: "He is stationed in this universe, which means the other eight universes. Without him, we will go to other universes to attack."

Caroline and the others nodded, "Exactly."

After all, they turned and left without looking back.

Longevity Saint: "."

The fight is in full swing, and if you say you don't fight, you won't fight? That octopus is so scary, it just leaves as soon as it shows up? They just attacked from a distance, you haven't fought the octopus in melee, so you don't want to fight?

These saints have not really realized the fear of being dominated. Instead, the tower defense players who controlled Peashooter took a deep breath, "Too bad, they were forced out of the position of the big octopus. They must have gone to other universes to grab territory."

Their method just now, if there is no big octopus, can win a universe.

After all, the Nine Turns Mysterious Art is still difficult to deal with.

Their "dojo" has just taken root, and their energy utilization rate is extremely low. They have forcibly grown legs and can go ashore, and there is no way to resist it when they rush up.

"They went to other universes."

Emperor Zun was extremely calm when he saw this scene, "However, we have no way to move the strategic weapon of the big octopus there, because maybe we will fall into their tricks instead. Once the big octopus universe enters the Chaos Sea, it will also go to In other universes, they may never return. It may be that there is already a means of encirclement and suppression, just wait for the launch."

Pheasant Ji nodded, how smart? She also saw the pattern, "However, it was delayed for a while. Although their first reaction was extremely fast, time was running out, so they could only reach the next universe. Taking advantage of the unstable foundation of that universe, they have the ability to attack .

But that's all, they have captured one, and there is no time to attack the next one, because we must have stabilized in this period of time, completely rooted, and made into an iron bucket. To be blown up. "

This is a game, and it has already been earned in blood.

They have just settled down now, and their foundation is not stable, so there is a possibility of being overthrown. Once they are completely given time to relax, it will be difficult for the opponent to attack.

"It's indeed earned." Emperor Zun nodded, "However, with their personalities, I'm afraid they will act separately, and each of the three parties will go to a universe to maximize the benefits."

Pheasant Ji laughed, so what if they took away three?

They are one on each side.

But there are six on my own side, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a complete victory!

Unexpectedly, with this move, how much advantage I can take advantage of!

At first, she also felt that this accounted for the best nine positions in the universe, which was simply whimsical.

Unexpectedly, it was really successful, directly occupying the best ports in six of the nine universes?

Isn't this the leap to become the strongest overlord?

"It's really unbelievable." Pheasant Ji laughed, feeling a little weird.

However, bad news soon came.

"The demon god has already made a sneak attack and seized a universe on the other side ahead of time? He is heading towards the second universe!" A message came, making all the players stunned.

The player immediately reported and said: "It's a waterway. The other party directly asked the god of rivers, lakes and seas to open up a river, let the fish swim from that river, and hit Huanglong directly! Outflanked the sunflowers behind, and the peas Shooter. ate our brains."

Everyone was stunned, is this a waterway invasion?

Plants vs. Zombies, there are not only balloon zombies, but also waterway zombies, why didn't they think of it?

Any energy attack falling on the Chaos Sea will be ineffective.

The other party hid in the seawater river in the chaotic sea and slowly swam over. The shells of the tower defense had no way to deal with the creatures in the river.

Ji Ji was stunned for a moment, "It's Mosquito Meng and Liu Qi. These two evolved rivers, lakes and seas. I'm afraid they joined forces with the demon god to attack a universe while our attention was attracted."

Ji Ji's voice was suddenly calm, and he said coldly: "It's really a good plan, there is actually such a trick behind the scenes, a sneak attack from behind."

"The other party has seized the first universe very quickly, and has already started to enter the second universe. What should we do?" The player became anxious.

They are in a hurry.

After all, waterways are difficult to guard against, and the land they occupy may fall.

Emperor Zun was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "They want to open up a river that is vast and countless light-years. Even the saints of the universe who have mastered the rules are extremely laborious. It is impossible for them to open up more rivers."

"We directly and urgently evolve species, the gate of ghosts. There is a gate to the universe. There is a beheading knife hanging on the gate, standing on the top of the river. Anyone who dares to swim over will be hacked to death. Once anyone swims out of the sea and wants to close the gate of ghosts, he will use peas. Archer, artillery bombardment." Emperor Zun quickly gave a countermeasure.

"Good idea." Pheasant Ji also felt that this was the best way to deal with it.

Good night

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