Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1336 The Emperor of the Sea, the Pterosaurs of the Heavens

These universes come in all shapes, any shape.

Even some were slimy black mermaid shapes with scales,

They inhabit the ancient ruins of a vast cosmic bridge.

This is like a huge stone rainbow, and caves are opened in it, and people live in it, as if they already have some characteristics of primitive tribal life.

However, this seemingly simple life, with a simple appearance, stands in the chaos like the primordial gods and demons of the prehistoric universe.

Walking, lying, sitting and standing, all carry the rules of the Dao, and even their thinking is exuding the breath of cosmic order.

Born divine is not enough to describe them.

They were born as incomplete primordial beings closest to the singularity of the universe. They were born in the universe and heaven, destined to be the great ultimate beings who are in charge of the order of the universe and the heavens.

But now, they are troubled.

"Hateful! This should be our era, and those humble saints in the universe are actually trying to seize the will of heaven and replace it."

"They think that blocking them can hinder our appearance?"

"However, they first landed on the shore and occupied the energy of the dojo. We are rootless duckweed, without energy supply, it is difficult to compete!"

"The node of the dojo should have been our opportunity and era!"

These cosmic beings exist whispering.

At this time, Xu Fan said: "The sea of ​​chaos is the base camp where we take root. No one can occupy it here. It is too vast. It can be hidden very deep. First, establish our dynasty here. Since it is a civilization in the sea of ​​chaos, then It’s called Sea Emperor Ji, how about it?”

"It is true what the Father said."

"It is true what the Father said."

Some newly born members of the Natural Cosmos tribe couldn't help but nodded.

"You have to develop rapidly. You are still young and cannot rely on me all the time. I am only good at evolving bloodlines, but not good at managing races. To rule one side, you have to choose a real leader with skills." Xu Fan sighed, "Only This clan can lead you to truly develop and take back everything that belongs to you."

Xu Fan continued: "According to the clues and information, our cosmic lineage came from the meteorite rain in the chaotic universe, and the meteorite rain that fell was our ancestor leader!"


The surrounding young Universe Tiandao were shocked.

"If our ancestors lead us to contend, why should we be afraid of those Xiaoxiao who occupy the magpie's nest and rob us of our opportunities?"

"Unfortunately, the ancestors don't know where to go!"

Some of the heavenly wills of the heavens couldn't help but secretly hate.

Thirty short years.

They are more and more powerful, compared to those clowns who occupy their bodies and perform flawed evolutions, they are born with perfect control over their bodies.

Their combat strength is very against the sky.

According to their calculations, a universe of the heavens with the same combat power can defeat dozens of other universes of the same strength, which is simply the difference between ordinary saints and multidimensional saints.

It's just a pity that their natural fertility rate is extremely low.

The natural will of heaven is too rare

On the contrary, those incomplete seizing houses are man-made universes. Because they are seizing houses, their number is actually very large.

"According to ancient prophecy, there are 129,600 heavens. This number should refer to the number of heavens in our natural universe! Not those despicable ones!"

"Yes, those despicable ones are mass-produced crazily. The nine multiverses added together are full of flowers, birds and animals. I'm afraid they have begun to exceed the number of 129,000 universes."

Another ten years.

In the will of heaven in the universe, a young Tianjiao finally appeared, named "Tiangui".

He has the talent of majesty and grand strategy, as well as a powerful fighting talent, and he began to lead the will of the heavens of the primitive tribe and began to resist.

Soon, a large number of spaceships in the sea were quickly attacked.

They are organized and disciplined, hiding in the outskirts of the nine cosmic continents and attacking secretly, making the saints in the nine seaport universes start to panic.

too strong!

In the chaotic sea, the same strength was destroyed.

Only on the continent, relying on the nodes of the cosmic dojo and sucking the spiritual veins, can we have the power to fight. This has caused the major multiverses to dare not cross the multiverse again.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for Xu Fan, how could it be like this?"

Some people gritted their teeth and couldn't help cursing secretly.

But everyone knows that this may be an inevitable era. If Xu Fan does not appear, those universes in the future may also give birth to their own will.

"Take the empty road!"

Some sages said that their thinking was very clear, and they aimed their way directly at the heavens, the mother river of the sky.

"The Chaos Sea is their territory, and it is very difficult for us to invade."

"The universe continent, fortunately, we have the first-mover advantage, it is our territory, and they are not easy to invade at present."

"But the sky."

For a time, the Mother River Heavens were at their peak.

After jumping over the "reincarnation of the underworld", he became one of the most powerful forces in the heavens. If countless beings in the universe want to cross the universe, they have to sit on the skyship of the "Mother River of Heaven".

Rong Cheng burst into laughter.

He has mastered the core technology, and has a lot of unimaginable talents to continue to deduce. Today, even if other people develop, they are far behind.

Air supremacy is almost monopolized by itself.

"Master the core technology." Yuan Qinghua laughed, "I can rent one of our Zhutianmu rivers for you to use as an air cargo ship, but the rent must be paid on time."


For a moment, huge mother river umbrellas in the sky floated in the thin atmosphere and slowly crossed.

Like a distant beautiful colorful aurora.

It is also like giant jellyfish in the sky, dotting the sky of the multiverse, filling the last blank space with vitality.

And the multiverse continues to be completed, and a big explosion has taken place.

Not only Xu Fan, the arrogance of the "natural universe camp", was born.

Soon, in the "Six Paths of Reincarnation", there was a saint of the new era called Houtu Niangniang, who pushed everything horizontally, and her aptitude was amazing enough to subdue all saints, opened up the "big reincarnation universe", perfected the mechanism, and was respected as the next generation The strongest arrogance.

Among the evil gods, it is also said that a young saint appeared.

It's just very different. The evil god represents death and violence, but he contains endless vitality. He studied the "self-generated universe", which is extremely small, only one-thousandth the size of the conventional universe, but he doesn't need the rich spirituality of the universe. The arteries and nodes can be rooted in the earth everywhere, and can also grow.

This fills in the sparse gaps of plants and truly makes the continents of the universe green enough to form a grassland, known as the saint of Shennong.

In other forces, there have also appeared many saints of the younger generation, all from the lower realms of the major universes, and it can be said that they have sprung up like mushrooms.

Chaos Sea, Sea Dynasty.

Among the countless bridge holes of the universe bridge.

At this time, Emperor Tiangui, who controlled the sea emperors and heavens, also directly ordered, "Evolve into a bird and kill it directly in the sky!"

Five years later.

Bird pterosaurs, exuding silver brilliance, shuttled through the clouds like swordfish, soaring upwards.

It's a pity that these pterosaurs are the same as the mother river civilization. The higher they fly, the more energy will spill out, and it is difficult to stay in the air for too long. They need to replenish their energy and return to the chaotic sea.

But that's enough.

"Hmph, do you think we have no way to deal with it?"

The phoenix finally came out, and it was not without gain that she disappeared for a period of time. She evolved into a golden phoenix with only energy, escaped from her mother river, and launched a counterattack.

An era of air combat has come completely.


The endless colorful battle in the sky broke out completely.

at this time.

In an ancient environment somewhere in the sea of ​​chaos in the universe.

The chaotic sea here is extremely clear, faintly stirred into a vortex, and substances are slowly colliding and consolidating.

The life, space, matter, and dimension rules of the nine universes. Countless avenues converge here, and the map of the nine universes seems to form some kind of complex and mysterious interweaving, which is gestating certain lives.


An embryo slowly conceived in it.

This is a holy, smooth young creature of clay, he slowly opened his eyes,

"Who am I?"

As soon as His voice fell, countless rules slowly intertwined, and visions suddenly appeared.

The rules of the avenue map of the nine universes are gathered together, and a large amount of cosmic material information flows into his mind.

The birth of the universe.

age of chaos

Age of gods and demons

Scenes flashed through his mind like hazy slides.

All the information in the past has been deposited, and the Chaos Sea was originally a huge information dump, which was so violent that no living beings could read it, but at this time, the information flow of the universe can be easily read by Him, as if the Chaos Sea is His mother, frantically washed her mind.

In an instant, the development process of the entire universe is almost known.

This seems to be doomed fate.

This is the true born great, the chaotic life family born in the nine universes, the true ultimate ruler that will only be brewed in mature universes.

Human beings with humble bloodlines are just transitional fungi used to complement the ecological environment of the universe.

"Who am I? How was I born?" He whispered softly, like a baby curled up in the sea of ​​chaos, constantly thinking, combined with the past pictures of the history of the universe he saw, he vaguely grasped a corner of the future,

"I see the future."

"This is... our era."

Good night

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