Is there room for a counterattack?

With this post on the forum, I was instantly excited.

But it is impossible to think.

Demigods are the limits of the wizarding world.

If you really want to become a god, maybe you really want to be like Medusa said, only by ascending to the realm of the gods and coming to the land of the gods is it possible, no one can break through in this barren land.

However, Qiu Mingshan's speed actually said that there was already a way?

This sentence fell, not only the netizens were excited, but the two secret institutes were not calm.

"Maybe he's just being alarmist and delaying time. After all, he can't be a god."

The researchers in white coats moved around and became urgent.

They even wanted to immediately investigate the identity of Qiu Mingshan Chesu and stop him, but Qiu Mingshan Chesu and others have never exposed information in reality, and it is unrealistic to break through this black technology forum.

At this moment, Qiu Mingshan's speed is still continuing to speak.

"Don't worry everyone, it's everyone's responsibility to maintain the game environment and fight against famous players! According to the flow of time, the inside has almost started, just wait for the cerebellum inside to bluff down the mountain, as the live broadcaster, and send out the screenshots.

As a commentator outside, I will broadcast live for everyone and explain the shocking chess game this time.

And one hour outside, four years inside, even if you red-name players know about it, it is impossible to deal with it! "

Qiu Mingshan said quickly: "This layout can be called the biggest change in the history of the entire wizarding world! The only pattern in a thousand years, if it succeeds, it will rewrite the entire world.

In the days to come, man will conquer the sky! The gods in the sky will be beaten to death by us! We will be far beyond the age of alchemists! Beyond the Three Witches to usher in the Wizarding Age! "

The only change in the world in a thousand years?

Kill the gods in the sky?

What the hell!

All netizens are boiling.

This bastard is a slaughter expert.

At the same time, they sat in front of the computer, and complex thoughts flashed in their minds: we are witnessing everything, the age of the dark witch, the age of the alchemist, and the age of the evil god.

This is an epic of the world.

Most of us have grown up with the witness, change and participation of the "Live Graphics", step by step towards glory, the hymn of countless blood and tears, the death and rebirth of countless heroes

In front of you, the last moment is about to come?

What kind of world upheaval will this happen?

Everyone was moved by Qiu Mingshan's speed, and a warm-blooded emotion spread.

Qiu Mingshan's speed: "The world's chess game will be completely opened, let us witness the live broadcast of the first god on the wizarding land!"

"Counterattack, about to begin!"


Sure enough, within thirty seconds, the first screenshot appeared.

It was released by cerebellar bluffing down the mountain.

"It should be starting to work inside, then, let me comment on it. Let's look at this picture first." Qiu Mingshan's speed began to become serious.

In the screenshot, it is a scene of the sky falling apart. In the capital of Cthulhu, a terrifying and vast evil god stood up, the sky was raining blood, and countless people were wailing and fleeing on the streets.

In the blood and rain, on the street, a blond girl in a wizard's robe held a black book and kissed gently.

Crowd: ? ? ?

Qiu Mingshan speed:

What's going on, what's going on inside?

Why is your book so unserious, you don't play cards according to the routine, and you are loving when you come up?

Son of a bitch, have you fallen too! How can I comment on this picture!

1040 Years of the Babylonian Kingdom.

In a dark and nameless space, in the center of the earth, is a black altar covered with exquisite alchemy magic patterns.

Circe sat quietly on the edge of the altar, closing her eyes slightly, as if remembering the scene in the tribe when everything started.

The three witches held torches in their hands and stepped on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood under their feet.

"If, we don't want to go to extinction!"

"Death cannot crush our arms and destroy our spines! Today, history, will record our courage on this day!"

On that day, countless women came, abandoned their husbands, and said goodbye to their children. They knew that it was death and that it would be extremely painful, but no one flinched.

"Everything is as it was back then."

Circe chuckled, as if seeing the years of youth again, but now, it is the era of young people, whether it is her disciple Medusa, or Elmin, Charlotte and others

In a trance, she seemed to hear Medea whispering softly, "Dear Circe, what are you willing to give in order to win?"


Circe replied in a low voice.

Suddenly, a flower appeared in front of her, and she stared blankly at the hundreds of witch ministers lined up under the altar in front of her.


Space is shaking.

Serious, solemn, and the atmosphere is dull.

They all clearly understand that the survival of the world lies in this battle, and it is already the last hope.

All the elites of the three kingdoms are here, and there are even those powerful prisoners held in the big prison, hundreds of fifth-level wizards, thirty-seven epic wizards, and the most recent new recruits who have been on the run for more than a hundred years. Two junior epic wizard geniuses.

"The world is balanced. The truth of our wizards is equivalent replacement. What we want to get, we must pay." Circe stood up and stood on the altar lightly, looking at the hundreds of witch ministers below,

"let us start."

Kirati witch town.

This is a secret gathering place, but it is empty.

Except for the high-level wizards in the inner space, countless low-level wizards here have already scattered all over the world, lurking in the corners of every city, just waiting for the last moment of the world.

A dwelling in a small town.

Lucy, Charlotte, and Elmin are in the garden with watering cans, tending plants and trimming foliage.

After Lucy was resurrected, she was just a ghost, with a faint and transparent shadow all over her body, but she was originally a wizard genius from the academy.

The three are chatting in the garden, like the closest sisters.

Charlotte said softly, "The three of us have finally reunited. I've thought about this picture countless times, and even Ermin has stopped me countless times."

Ermin smiled faintly, but did not answer.

Lucy stared blankly at the two of them, she never imagined that because of herself, the trajectory of the whole world would be changed.

The world seemed to surround her, revolving around resurrecting her.

But now, for her sake, the two sisters from that year have grown to the limit that the world is moved by it. Demigods, thinking about it, feel incredible.

"The three of them, the trio of those years has finally been completed." A black long sword leaned against the white wall next to him, watching the scene of the three of them whispering, as if seeing the two monarchs and emperors in the garden, but Three young and laughing teenage wizards.

In order to return to this moment, Charlotte has paid too much.

"We're gone, I believe the two of us will come back." Charlotte stood up and picked up the long sword.

"Wait for us." Ermin waved his hand and left the courtyard gate.

In the garden, there was only a faint hazy slender ghost woman left. Lucy didn't speak, just quietly watched them leave.

After leaving a distance, Charlotte turned her head to look at Elmin dignifiedly, "It's about to begin, do you still remember your witchcraft, have you revealed its truth?"

Ermin nodded, remembering the words of the hidden teacher who used to study Ripple:

"The vibration of the world is the origin of everything! Heaven and earth are shaking! Life is shaking! Vibration will form ripples! Ripple is the power of life!"

"And what about the soul?" Charlotte asked.

Ermin replied, "The soul is also vibrating, and even the soul itself is a kind of ripple energy."

"Remember all this and be sure to come back." Charlotte laughed too.

"Then go to hell."

As soon as the words fell, the entire Pandora longsword in Charlotte's hand turned into a black fog in vain, made an astonishing hiss, and pierced into Elmin's chest.


Elmin's chest burst with blood, and she died instantly.

In the next second, Ermin's whole body turned into a pool of thick bloody flesh and was sucked into the magic sword.

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