Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1350 Garden Legacy, God of Creation

The evaluation of Qiu Mingshan's speed came to an end.

But just after the incident, the players in the forum still couldn't restrain their excitement, reasoning down along the line of thinking of Qiu Mingshan's speed, and became Conan with great interest.

After all, every evaluation of Qiu Mingshan's speed is extremely exciting and reveals incredible information.

Players who have been observing the evil gods said:

"I am a member of the sentry on the edge of the front line. I have been observing the evil gods. They are few in number and have been researching, secretly and low-key. I am afraid that they are really studying the aggregated creatures of the heavens."

"I didn't think so before, but the more I think about it now, the more I think it is."

Xu Zhi looked through the comments page by page, watching their discussions with a strange expression on his face.

What is it?

It is your psychological effect.

After all, the human heart is like this. At first I thought it was not, but after someone hinted at you, when you think about it, you feel that there are all kinds of clues before.

"You are giving yourself a psychological hint." Xu Zhi shook his head.

In the forum, Yuan Qinghua, a player in the mother river civilization, quickly came out and publicly stated:

"I didn't understand it before, but now that I think about it carefully, it's really true. The mother river civilization has been concentrating on cultivating the sky system, and wants to fly higher and higher!"

"Flying high is nothing more than wanting to take the route of 'Wandering Earth', I didn't realize it!"

"To be honest, the mother river system is very difficult to complete. Feitian is the most difficult in all universes, but with the help of Rongcheng, a talent management expert, it can be done. The mother river civilization has absorbed seven layers of new-age talents. Do you dare to imagine? Do you think it could be that Luna Ji had already plotted against Rong Cheng and brought the other party into his gang to do this?"

Many people are talking about it.

Some say it's just a coincidence.

Some people also said that this was Luna Ji's calculation.

After all, what kind of character is Luna Ji? She has been hiding mysteriously for a long time, and she has long taken a fancy to Rongcheng, the only expert who can find a large number of talents.

Xu Zhi flipped through the pages, and after reading many comments with countless likes, he slowly closed the forum.

"The direction of the mother river civilization, maybe it can really do this, maybe." Xu Zhi rested his chin, thoughtful, "The Wandering Earth Project? It's also quite interesting."

He laughed and didn't care anymore.

Turning back to his senses, he looked to the side.

At this time, several people fled high and were standing on the vast land of the chaotic sky, surrounded by a barren gravel, lifeless, lifeless, and some ancient dark red ruins were ruined.

Although it is said that the entire universe is greened, this is obviously unrealistic.

Although the wall membrane of the universe is not as huge as the universe, it is still unimaginably vast.

Even the planets in the universe cannot be completely rooted and ruled, and it is difficult to complete the chaotic world outside.

Even, if a saint does not perform space jumps and flies step by step honestly, he will not be able to complete one ten-thousandth of a multiverse in his life for tens of thousands of years.

"Now, the heavens and worlds, that is, several coastal gathering places, and some good spiritual land development, other places are barren." Mu Yuling said seriously: "However, the coastal port area is still A lot of saints are wandering around, it's not safe, my personal advice is, let's go inland!"

"Yes, the universe is too vast. If we find a random pit in the interior to live in, we are equivalent to finding a random planet in the universe. It is difficult for the other party to detect us." Sheila is also very serious.

The suggestion of both of them is to escape from the densely populated area, after all, all the heavens and myriad worlds are wanted.

Even some small powers want to arrest them. Whether it is to receive rewards or to arrest them and torture them for inside information, they have malicious intentions.

The legacy of Hermes may be very powerful.

However, at most they are saints, and the old saints are about to be eliminated in the heavens and worlds, and many old foundations cannot be used.

Don't you see, many ordinary saints who were originally powerful have directly abandoned the dojo and gave their nodes to the opponent's plants in exchange for entry places?

Messiah smiled and said: "You are right. No matter what, we seem to have to enter the sparsely populated area to be safe. However, we cannot enter because we want to develop."

The two were stunned, thought about it carefully, and said seriously: "If you want to stay here in wealth and danger, what do you think about developing it?"

"Yeah, I don't know how much you have left in your old means of storage?"

The two hesitated.

The predecessor of Messiah was Hermes.

Maybe he didn't really lose too much old knowledge, or he might have guessed in advance that he was about to encounter an accident when he fell, so he left behind.

If this backhand is hidden somewhere in the chaotic world and leaves some precious resources behind, it can also solve the urgent need now.

After all, it is too poor now.

Poor and white!

The three of them were alone, walking in the barren desert of the vast world.

"Are you behind?"

Messiah thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Of course there are also second-hands, but you have also guessed that many old saints' second-hands are useless now. After all, some resources of saints' ashrams are no longer valued. system replaced."

The two sighed.

The messianic emperor still said: "However, although some of the old resources can't be used, and I haven't kept them, I still have a little back."

"What backhand?" The two of them flashed a glimmer of expectation.

Although the rotten old resources are not very useful, they can still be used for emergency now.

"Do you know what I was called in the old days?" the Messianic monarch said suddenly.

Sheila is also an existence in the Potion Age. She used to travel around the world with Uncle Messiah, so she will not forget it. She replied seriously: "The first potion emperor in the Potion Age, the emperor who is in charge of gardens and fine wine, Misaiah Saiyan!"

"Yes, garden and wine."

With the two of them, Messiah walked farther and farther in the barren desert. Facing the sky full of yellow sand and mud, he looked up at the sky, "I still have one of the old garden courtyards."


Leave a garden behind?

The two of them suddenly found it hard to understand.

"Yes, the control of a certain ancient garden courtyard." Messiah looked extremely calm and looked towards the sky. "The ray of vitality, since you have a new vitality. Now, it will be under my control again."


Messiah's palms slammed down on the ground.

The white jade-like arm pressed against the wall of the universe, as if communicating with some ancient existence and will.


The sky violently stirred up.

A mysterious and mysterious breath approached slowly.

The space begins to be disordered.

Time seemed to stand still.

Everything has entered into a mysterious and mysterious artistic conception.

It seems that thousands of years are passing by.

Suddenly, a tall and vast phantom figure slowly approached in the distance, carrying an indescribable majesty.

"Creator God" Sheila covered her lips in shock.

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