Soon, the first two chaotic beings appeared on this land.

They also seem to know it from birth.

Knowing the rules of the entire universe, one is born with extremely mature wisdom.

Xu Zhi wants to try to guide and become their god of civilization, similar to the triple great Hermes back then.

But Xu Zhi soon discovered that it was not necessary at all.

"There is no need to interfere at all, and it is even stronger than the wisdom of some saints." Xu Zhi quickly noticed this, and he deserved to be the overlord of the next cosmic era.

"I used to guide, maybe I won't be regarded as a bad pen, an existence with bad intentions."

Xu Zhi thought about it and felt that there was no need to do this stupid thing.

When other people are stupid, you are really stupid.

"For a while, I couldn't find a way. Forget it, once the seedlings are planted, they will grow by themselves. This is the first time that I have been as leisurely as a sand table." Xu Zhi said softly.

This is to cultivate the enemy against oneself.

Here Xu Zhi glanced at it, then ignored it, but looked into the incomplete world of ruins.

He put countless creatures whose bloodlines had been cut off, and put them in, and they had already started multiplying again.

The sky was dark.

The creatures in the ruins began to reproduce again. They were babbling at first, running in the ruins like wild orangutans who did not understand human language.

Years passed.

They began to communicate and learned to use some residual tools and equipment in human cities.

Simple lighters were used to light fires, rakes, and steel rods were used as weapons, and hunting began in the ruins that were full of vines and wild animals and turned back into forests.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

They yelled at each other, raising their shovels and weapons aloft.

They learn to use tools.

Compared with the creatures who are born holy, they are ridiculously weak and powerless. It is no wonder that they are called "bacteria" as poor low life forms.

Another ten years.

They just started to study the books and picture albums in the library, trying to crack them.

Fifty years have passed before civilization began to "recover", regaining part of the previous level of civilization, and began to develop technology and improve life.

In a hundred years.

They have thoroughly understood the language in the ruins and obtained all the essence of civilization.

Tech, got a reboot.

They also started practicing martial arts at the same time.

Without the knowledge of ancient civilizations, they would start from scratch, and it would be difficult to achieve such perfection without thousands of years.

After all, even under the deliberate guidance of Xu Zhi back then, the wizard civilization developed to the ancient civilization, and it took thousands of years for the civilization of the eighth-level gods to become so mature.

"What a pathetic creature, even I don't know how to reverse our pathetic fate." The Messiah Sovereign said softly.

Mu Yuling and Sheila pursed their lips together.

The gap between the two sides is simply unimaginable.

The difference can be seen from the body shape, it is almost indescribable in light years.

The other party was born in the sea of ​​chaos, and instantly knew all the ancient and modern historical eras of the universe, and the maturity of knowledge was unimaginable.

"It's hard." Sheila said, "After all, we are old creatures that have been eliminated. There is an exponential gap in intelligence, physical fitness, and strength, just like humans and wild grasshoppers."

"That's right, man will conquer the sky, and the weak will defeat the strong. Those are all in fairy tales." Messiah said softly: "The bloody gap is in front of us. It is foolish to really believe in the miracles in fairy tales. We should think about it." How to make up, even how to barely get close, squeeze into the other party's era."

Soon, the age of flesh and blood life developed.

In the second hundred years, they quickly flourished again on the ruins, and restored the civilization of that planet.

It's just that their lifespan has been greatly shortened, and there are many old, weak, sick and disabled people. The average lifespan is only more than 30 years, and they are going to be fully aging.

"We should have been irradiated, causing our bodies to weaken." A flesh and blood life said.

But in fact, Xu Zhi knew very well that after being cut off of their blood, they were weak and weak, and they became so weak and sick because they hurt their origin.

Another three years.

They started to develop technology again and soon became rich.

Barely entering the era of the industrial revolution, they also began to practice the exercises recorded in the ruins of this planet to strengthen their bodies.

"When we cultivate, we can prolong our life!"

"Yes, it can change the body after being irradiated!"

Originally, this planet also had its own blood art, but it was not strong, but after they practiced it, they felt that it was useless, and they couldn't touch the threshold at all.

The way of the blood system was cut off.

In desperation, they can only try to practice martial arts and soul dao.

These two practices are very difficult.

Water grinding requires a lot of resources, but they have succeeded in cultivation at the beginning, and there is hope for cultivation.

"Of course." Sheila said: "In the age of the Dharma-ending era, the realm of gods and spirits still exists, because they can still practice the two major systems of soul way, martial way, which do not require blood."

In the eyes of the three, times have begun to change.

Some martial arts powerhouses and soul dao powerhouses began to appear, and martial arts prevailed.

However, after several years of development, a mutation occurred.

They discovered that they could start using extraordinary power again and master some scattered elemental power.

"Is it a new system? They are practicing martial arts and soul dao, how could there be elemental power?" The two were surprised.

Xu Zhi shook his head, "This is not a new system. It's their bloodlines that have been cut off because they practice martial arts, have strong bodies, and strong regenerative powers."

This was something Xu Zhi didn't expect.

After all, this is not the real Dharma-ending era, and the rules of bloodline still exist in the world. Along with their practice, the bloodline was reborn in their bodies.

This is very troublesome.

If it is the real Dharma-ending era, it will naturally not regenerate. But now it regenerates with cultivation, the rules of this big universe are too exaggerated

This is a kind of cosmic inertia.

"Find a way, solve it." Xu Zhi said softly, he squinted his eyes, "Based on my current knowledge, I know almost everything about the universe, so it's not difficult to solve.

One is to use the Heavenly Dao Piano to isolate the outer cosmic atmosphere, completely turning it into a dharma. The second is to re-improve the blood that cuts off the blood, so that it is difficult to regenerate after it is cut off. "

"It's good to do both."

Xu Zhi felt that he was really worried. It didn't need to evolve their blood, but it was a bit difficult to raise.

While Xu Zhi was busy with the bottleneck on one side, the other side was developing at a high speed.

The divine creatures developed extremely fast. Sheila and Mu Yuling, who were secretly observing, were stunned.

"It's too fast! It's inhuman!"

"How many years has it been? The next door has been stuck in a bottleneck from the very beginning, and there is already a hint of it, which belongs to the chaotic creature cultivation system."

They secretly watched the mutated chaotic life, which continued to develop, and saw some creepy things, which seemed to be expected,

"No wonder, His Majesty the Messiah, he cultivated our Martial God Palace back then."

"It turns out that the system of our Martial God Palace was... the general trend of future destiny." They felt the strong destiny in the dark.

I have something to go out, good night in advance

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