Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 136 Gifts from the Three Great Wizarding Kingdoms

"You must come back alive."

The tall and beautiful blond girl roared heartily, ran away, turned her head and poured into the crowd.


Books fall to the ground.

The pages of the book were quickly opened with the wind, and each page stood on the ground like the tentacles of an octopus, staring at the back in a daze, and did not recover for a long time.

He froze for a while, then posted the screenshot on the Internet.

"It's starting." His expression became firmer and he looked up.

In the sky, the vast Cthulhu Evil God was covered in mist, forming a large turbid blood-colored cloud ring, like some kind of steam engine, and even a kind of nuclear explosion mushroom cloud surrounding his body.

"That is the transpiration of the spiritual power of the skin wizard, which brings together a terrifying picture." His throat was dry, and it was difficult to suppress the fear in his heart. He couldn't help but widen his eyes. Second class wizard. "

As a part of the evil god, it is naturally not affected by the "indescribable fear" of the evil god, and will die without seeing its body.

But in contrast, he has gradually felt an invisible suction, pulling him, pulling him, calling him, as if returning him to his mother's warm embrace.

This Cthulhu Evil God is too powerful.

It has begun to instinctively attract its scattered body parts.

Perhaps when it is stronger, even other hidden organs will be sensed by it, and there will be nowhere to hide, after all, it is part of the body.

"We have created such a creature with terrifying potential." The black book murmured, with an indescribable weight in his heart.

Broken mountain seat edge.

Cthulhu Evil God was shaking violently, and finally stood up completely, fully recovering all the combat power, and his body was surrounded by black mist.

At the moment when people almost escaped, Cthulhu Evil God heard overlapping sounds of mixed terror, majestic, chaotic, and violent, "These people who surrendered to our people lost too much."

"Charlotte, is this your last struggle? What about the others? Ermin, Circe?" Cthulhu's eyes were calm, staring at Charlotte in the air in front of him, he didn't believe that Charlotte would To die for no reason.

Cthulhu Evil God's voice and gaze made the demigod Charlotte, who was in the same realm, pale.

However, Charlotte suddenly calmed down and raised the black long sword in her hand, "Do you know what I have in my hand?"


"Yes." Charlotte laughed suddenly, "Someone once told me that the ancient legend of Pandora's Box contains disasters, bad luck, deception, plagues, distorted fears, and the worst in the world. Once you open Pandora's Box, you will Will have the power to destroy the world."

"Ridiculous." Cthulhu Evil God shook his head.

"But it's not funny now."

Charlotte's long sword was raised high, and the space magic box slowly opened an extremely small gap.

In an instant, an extremely dense terrifying energy spread out from the space gap, which was the spirit and resentment of the deceased, thick and thick, with an inexplicable decay and tremors.

boom! !

The moment the magic box was opened, it was as if all the creatures on the earth were shocked.

"Something terrifying happened?"

"No, like something opened!"

On the ground, in a team fleeing out, everyone sensed something.

It was an instinctive sense of fear, as if the blood of the whole body returned to the heart at this moment, and the whole heart was almost squeezed out alive by the surging blood in the suffocation.

This is a high-energy extraordinary world, invading a barren and low-energy world, a surging heart palpitating feeling of a huge influx of energy.

"What is that in the sky? Black that is more terrifying than the night?"

Someone looked up, and the night sky seemed to be covered with darker black light.

"My goodness!"

"Don't look back! The evil god cannot be looked directly at!"

"But the sky, how could it be? What happened behind me!"

"Does our world come to an end?"

A large number of people in the escape team were in extreme panic.

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown.

In their eyes, the common sense and cognition of the world were completely subverted at this moment.

It is difficult for ordinary people on the earth to see that this is not real light, but a mental illusion produced by the extremely rich death energy.

"The wizards of the three kingdoms turned death into wealth and gave the world the last hope." Linda sighed in the crowd of fleeing people, and couldn't help but choked in a low voice.

She didn't dare to turn her head to look at the evil god of Cthulhu behind her, and strode forward firmly, "The only truth in exchange for death is the last dignity of the wizards of our era."


The space magic box only opened a gap the size of a fingernail, and suffocating energy spread out.

The resentment and mental power in that space were almost thick to the extreme, and even the chaotic Cthulhu Evil God had a faint sense of unease.

Deep in the space is a black altar.

There is a hazy shadowy ghost sitting cross-legged, as if it contains endless truth, like the most terrifying existence in the world.

"It's so thick!" For a moment, the evil god Cthulhu was horrified.

How many people died?

No, how many strong people died?

All the elites of the three kingdoms, countless legends, epics, and even demigods, all the top wizards accumulated by the millennium civilization so far, all died in this small space.

Pandora's Box is a sixth-level legendary wizard. The inner space is only 200 cubic meters, but it gives people a sea of ​​corpses and blood, as if seeing countless energies almost condensing into liquid.

The two people in Cthulhu Evil God had an uncontrollable shock,

"This is a small world with dense energy. Is it possible to break through the legendary myth level in this small space?"

"So, are you afraid?" Charlotte laughed.

Cthulhu Evil God was stunned for a few seconds, recovered from the horror, and suddenly laughed, "Yes! Now Ermin is in that dense environment, and has the power comparable to mine, but this kind of energy density is still not enough. Isn't that enough? The death of the two demigods Circe and Emery, plus a few seventh-level epics, countless sixth-level legends, countless fourth-level and fifth-level legends, after all, there are still many eighth-level myths that need to be sucked. The energy is terrifying."

His voice laughed, as if it was mixed with countless creatures, violent and chaotic, "If it was enough, you would have become a god in it, why should you open a small mouth to let the energy escape? And come here for us to see?"

"What about me?" Charlotte said.

Cthulhu Evil God's face froze, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and smiled again, "Although the energy of a demigod is getting closer, it is still not enough."

Charlotte looked down at Pandora's Box, laughed madly, and murmured, "What if we sacrifice the whole world again?"


The voice of Cthulhu Evil God was completely stagnant.

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