All wizards know that in the face of the aggression of the terrifying evil gods that descend on the world, they are powerless to resist, destroy, rule, destroy, and enslave, and the only thing they can give is their lives. The only truth in the world is the last dignity of this land.

boom! !

The souls of the dead gathered in all directions to form waves, and Pandora's Box floated in the sky, converging into a slowly rotating energy vortex, and countless ghost pulps were like tentacles, winding and winding.

In fact, except for the wizards who died within a hundred years who still have incomplete memories, most of those wandering souls have been transformed into pure heaven and earth energy.

But these heaven and earth energies are also driven by those actively floating dead souls, and slowly fly to the center. After all, when a vortex begins to take shape, those scattered energies that are unconscious will also be quickly pulled and driven.

The most difficult thing is how to trigger the initial batch of forces to form an energy vortex that devours everything.


The sky is rippling, and the clouds are overlapping and sweeping.

The sky forms a dense black silk screen, each character and magic pattern shines in the sky, and the central vortex slowly rotates, sucking one by one, as if it has life.

Located near the core of the vortex, countless fleeing teams in the woods, including Linda, were blown away by the huge wind, unable to open their eyes, and could only crawl to the ground quickly.

There was a faint red light in the dark cloud.

The pure black light beam is like a sharp arrow, piercing the black vortex, it is a huge arched door of darkness Erebos, which completely emerges in the center of the whirlpool storm.

"Made from Netherland!"

Right below the vortex, Charlotte shouted.


Hurricanes are pulling everything, and the world is nothing but hurricanes.

"Wizards are a group of people who pursue the truth, let me see the truth of the world!!!"

Charlotte's mental power exploded rapidly.

She raised her hands and roared and cried bitterly, as if she wanted to roar out all her strength in this way. In an instant, the roar overwhelmed the faint hymn of the dead, and the vortex in the sky suddenly sank.

Boom. Rumble! ! !

The earth-shattering tremor was like a landslide and a tsunami.

The black fog became denser, rolling and sweeping, the darkness was nowhere, day and night, and large tracts of souls were drawn.

The round arched gate in the sky is more solid, the dense and delicate wizard characters are lit up, and countless ghosts have turned into strands and madly poured in from all directions.

"No!!!" Cthulhu Evil God stood up with difficulty.

"Go to hell!!" He also roared, a huge amount of thick blood tumbling on the skin, bursting inch by inch, completely bursting the power of the whole body to break through the suppression, attacking Charlotte under the whirlpool fiercely,

"God, not allowed to be born!!"

Bang! !

Charlotte was instantly hit by a terrifying giant force.

She was obviously a demigod, and she was in the same realm as the Heretic God, but it seemed like a broken rag doll flew out in an instant, slammed into the mountain chair, penetrated the mountain range, and rolled several times on the ground.

"Cthulhu!! You finally know that you are afraid, and you finally lose your calm." Charlotte spewed blood and laughed wildly, facing the Pandora's Box in the center of the sky vortex, and opened her arms, as if embracing the whole world :

"Tremble!! Evil God! The underworld will punish your arms and destroy your torso!"

"Hehehe! Hahaha! Come, die with me!" Charlotte laughed wildly, her face filled with madness and extreme, but she didn't realize that she had already burst into tears.


Charlotte's whole body exploded, and she chose to actively merge into the vortex of the sky.

Her consciousness gradually blurred, and the years of the wizarding academy together flashed in her mind, "I don't want to pursue the truth, I don't want to be a wizard, I don't want to die, I want to be with you two"

In the face of death, she, like everyone else, carried a deep fear.

She seemed to see a wizard wearing a rose robe striding out of the shadow of the wizarding academy, "Charlotte, join our Rose Salvation Society! What are you willing to give to resurrect Lucy?"


She fell from the wind, like a broken doll, into the ground.

Charlotte's entire body quickly exploded, turning into a heavy fog of blood, attracted by the vortex of the sky, and the influx of the demigod's terrifying power made the entire vortex shrink, and the gate of the underworld seemed to become more concise.

boom! ! !

The gate of the underworld closed suddenly, locking the surging energy of the entire world.

At this moment, the storm seemed to stop, and the chants, clouds, whirlpools, and earth seemed to stagnate for a moment.

Inside the door of "Charlotte, Circe, Emery", Elmin, who was sitting cross-legged in the endless darkness, slowly opened his eyes, as if endless stars and endless truth were brewing in his eyes.

She was separated by a space, tearing the dimension in vain, and gently stretched out a white arm like jade in the void, pressing it slowly.

Click. Rub! ! !

The entire Cthulhu Evil God, infinitely close to the vast body of the true God's strength, suddenly cracked a huge crack.

God, born completely.

the other side.

In the game forum of "Spore Evolution".

For everyone, after the screenshot of the blond girl kissing the book, the screenshots burst out almost instantly.

Build the gates of the underworld in the sky.

A black swirl fills the sky.

Columns of light rising from all over the world.

The catastrophe affecting the entire world, the final battle.

Pieces of high-definition and exquisite wallpapers are sent out, and the magnificent mythical scenery like an epic blockbuster makes people can't help but be amazed and shocked. It is also a hymn of human beings wrapped in that sadness. It is a hymn of courage.

Wizards are dying, and they are ultimately pursuing the truth, and they are a group of extremely simple people.

And now, the rapid release of screenshots of all this has also made Qiu Mingshan speed in the comments.

In the latest screenshot, under the whirlpool of the sky, Emperor Ermin's terrifying aura completely erupted, and a white arm appeared out of thin air, pressing down on the ground.

The evil god of Cthulhu began to crack.

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "Everyone, look at this screenshot, the energy has gathered enough, and Emperor Ermin has used the 'crowdfunding method to become a god', completely becoming a god, the first acquired god in Western history was born, and the victory is determined.

The next step is to hang and beat the evil god Cthulhu,

Then, I will take advantage of this gap to explain the detailed cause and effect of the entire plan!

For thousands of years, the energy formed by all the dead wizards has been scattered between the heavens and the earth, and now they are gathered in this small space and become gods in it. This is our core plan.

Then some people will ask, why did Emperor Ermin die before he became a god?

Is it bad to live to be a god?

Because it is impossible for a living person to absorb such a powerful energy of resentment from the dead, and we have no time to wait. After a period of time after the death of these wizards, they gradually turned into pure energy of heaven and earth.

I can only retreat, become a ghost, absorb these powerful resentment ghost energy, become the first Wraith God, and let it naturally become the Great Emperor of the Underworld,

And this small space where the gods live is the world of the underworld, and the prototype of the underworld is basically finalized.

The next development, the inner space of 200 cubic meters, under the residence of the gods, the space of the magic box will continue to expand, and sooner or later it will become a vast world of the underworld. Earth 'Achilles', man will conquer the sky, not bragging! "

Qiu Mingshan Speed ​​continued to explain:

"Also, there is the problem of the operation of the underworld. In the days when there was no underworld, after the death of the wizards, the soul and spiritual power would be scattered all over the world. It is very unrealistic to rely on this to increase the energy concentration of the world.

After all, the world is too big. I don’t know how many thousands of years it will take for gods to be born. We can’t afford to wait. We might as well open up the underworld and let all the spiritual energy of death gather together to form a high-energy world.

The establishment of the underworld now is a link to make up the world. In the future, the wizards will die, and their souls will be drawn to this underworld world.

Not only to cultivate these dead souls, to provide paradise for the dead, to live out the second life, death is not the end, and after these ghosts die in the underworld, they will also turn into the energy concentration of this underworld,

Now the whole world has been drained by Ermin alone, but when he recuperates, the underworld will continue to replenish ghosts, and the energy will be concentrated to a certain extent, which is the next moment when the gods become gods. This is a virtuous circle, forming a Chengshen industry chain. "

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