Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1382 Chaos Head, Lord's Forbidden Zone

The bustling and majestic huge stone house is like a palace, so vast and magnificent that you can't see the end at a glance. The huge residential group forms a beautiful and clean picture scroll on the ground, and occasionally there are giant lives walking around.

Most of them are also humanoid.

They have flesh and blood, but their faces are long and narrow, and their skulls are huge. Some of them look stiff and weird, like ancient primitive apes.

After all, they are the first batch of intelligent creatures. To describe the evolutionary history of human beings on a planet, they can be said to be the early apes.

But unlike the old creatures, they already possessed enough wisdom in the early days of civilization, powerful and intelligent.

It is hard to imagine what they will develop into in the future.

As soon as it appeared, it was already as powerful as a god.

Ring ring ring!

On the bustling and quaint and beautiful bronze-colored streets, people wearing wrinkled copper-skinned clothes are everywhere.

They come and go, the clothes are all kinds of kneaded and folded metal cloth, and all kinds of prosperous and exquisite necklaces, bells, carvings, and bracelets are hung on their bodies.

Covered all over the body.

In the primitive times, for some ordinary people like them, it seems that they have entered a long period of loneliness besides cultivation, and they are also obsessed with sculpture, bronze and ancient artifacts.

"I heard that those fungi are very interesting, is it the civilization of bacteria?"

"I don't know."

"Hehe, it's just weak."

"Everything is relative. When the size difference far exceeds the energy level difference, what can they do?"

"It's like a small fungus with sharp teeth, can it cause harm to you? One of our cells is as vast as a continent to them, and it takes a lot of effort to destroy our cells, and it takes a lot of effort to completely destroy one of your palms , may not even catch up with our response speed.”

"You know, we are martial arts masters, and our physical recovery speed is not weak."

"It is said that the leader has already researched martial arts specifically for small individuals, and the opponent's realm is high, and he will not be an opponent!"

"They are low-energy and high-level, and against the leader's high-energy and low-level, they will still lose!"

On a central bronze square, many tribesmen who were practicing martial arts were discussing.

Sitting and standing is a huge bronze and black-brown hero statue, tall and handsome, wearing a bronze mysterious mask. It is the leader of their tribe, Kumbitros.

The street is far away.

A few children were cheering and playing.

The clansmen, there is no intrigue, they are pure and kind.

"What is this?" A child squatted down curiously, looking at a small bronze sculpture at his feet, "It's so cool!"

He picked up this beautiful metal figurine, and couldn't help playing with it carefully.

They are too strong.

Even young children will be crushed by them when they are crushed by strong metal products, and they will be as soft as mud.

"Guys, look, what did I find?"

With a happy smile on the corner of the child's mouth, he ran towards his friends on the street in the distance.

However, he didn't notice that in the microscopic world, countless densely packed worms slowly crawled out of this small metal statue.

They have countless tentacles like spiders, and the top of their heads is a hexagonal gemstone. The hard skin was slowly pierced, slowly blending into their skin at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"What's that?" Ji Ji asked while sitting on the table.

"Chaos Head, Chaos Head, Quantum Brain... We have many names for this martial art."

The exquisite boat smaller than a toy is docked on the stream far away from the tribe. Di Qi puts his hands behind his back and looks at the sky from a distance, "Do you know, quantum computer?"

"Is it a quantum computer?" Pheasant Ji was curious.

"That's a special kind of quantum computing that uses the principle of superposition of quantum states."

Caroline introduced, "This is the strongest technology that surpasses silicon-based computers, that is, the magic core brain of the mechanical brain, and the flesh and blood brain. It stores information in exponential form."

Pheasant Ji listened quietly, and soon marveled at the power of it, and understood it.

In other words, this martial art is not a fighting martial art.

It is a smart martial art, which makes people open up wisdom.

In terms of traditional martial arts, it is similar to "Yi Jin Jing", which allows you to improve your aptitude, learn everything very quickly, and your brain is invincible, and you can cultivate your brain into a special powerful quantum computer.

This is martial arts to develop the potential of the brain!

In the distance, a group of live broadcast players also laughed,

"In 2019 on our planet, the simplest quantum computer has been made, fifty-three units! It is enough to exceed the calculation speed of a traditional classical supercomputer by 10,000 times. A brain, more than countless quantum units?" They I couldn't help but marvel, "Your brains will enter an unprecedented 'lord' realm."

Di Qi continued: "Yes, if it is said that 'alchemy' is the brother of the 'lord' and can create all things by enlightenment, then the 'chaos head' is the mind of the 'lord'."

Lord, is the Creator.

There is no doubt that the tenth-level saint is already close to the domain of the Lord, and has some power.

"With this level of wisdom, wouldn't it be possible to control the countless trillions of quanta in the body in an instant, control them all, and practice any complex martial arts in an instant?" Pheasant Ji couldn't help asking: "Even alchemy can't be done. Can it be done in an instant?"


Di Qi put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "While using Chaos Head, although it brings absolute brain calculation control, it is difficult to use other exercises at the same time.

Because the quantum brain requires absolute zero,

This is the absolute superconducting state at the lowest temperature in the universe, and the moment when the entropy is zero can maintain the precise stability of the quantum level. However, the absolute freezing of the brain will make us vulnerable in battle. "

According to the third law of thermodynamics, it can be known that absolute zero is a necessary environment.

Because any slight thermal energy will bring chaos to the quantum brain, a slight movement of a quantum may cause a chain reaction of dominoes, and countless billions of quantum brains will be disturbed, forming a concussion!

"And the temperature of the brain environment is absolutely below zero, and the quantum almost loses its movement." Di Qi said with a smile: "It's like a solid ice cube, without any elasticity and self-protection ability. It exploded."

Di Qi clenched his fists and collided fiercely,

Boom! !

"Look, why are our fists and our flesh and blood so strong? So hard? Because we are the masters of the quantum state, every quantum of our body can be slightly separated,

In the words of mortals, our fists are composed of countless magnetic beads suspended in the air, so they are extremely resilient and resilient. "

"Cultivating the chaotic brain is your greatest weakness. The brain becomes fragile, and the absolutely cold domain loses the force-relief mimicry of the 'quantum shift'. An instant collision can turn you into an idiot."

"An idiot at the tenth-order saint level?" Genal laughed, "Interesting! It's so interesting! This martial art is very powerful! The restricted area involving the 'lord', the most terrifying field, requires the awareness of becoming a fool !"

"This is the martial art principle of 'Chaos Head', which was jointly developed by the three of us." Di Qi folded his fists and said indifferently: "With this as an expansion, many different ways of martial arts can emerge."

"For example, the martial arts of the three of you are already different, based on this idea?" Pheasant Ji was curious.

Players on the earth clearly understand that this is the enhanced magic core brain, and it is so terrifying that it is unimaginable

"Then, what about the three-pillar god's martial arts?" The crew members on the ship looked longingly and expectantly at the tribe in the distance, their eyes were extremely hot.

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