Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1395 The Evil God Attacks

"Yes, Great Lord."

Bosch stood up, his huge body completely turned into countless energy particles.

Obviously, extreme quantum expansion is used.

He quickly turned into a giant group of cloud and mist giants, and flew to the low-altitude layer hundreds of light-years above along this sky pillar.

"Is that really the case?"

Daojun raised his head and looked at the sky, "Usually use quantum expansion to transform into huge clouds, patrolling in the sky, and when it's time for battle, suck energy supplies from the sky pillar!"

However, absorbing the energy of foreign objects in this way and storing it in the body is simply a practice that hurts the body and the source.

Just like Bosch at this time, all the water, even the muscles and other tissues of the whole body were crushed, squeezed dry, torn, and the whole person was mixed with different kinds of energy, thrown into a wall-breaking machine and smashed together.

Just like what she said before, it has been abolished!

If it continues like this, I am afraid that I will die within a few hundred years.

Hundreds of years, what is this concept?

He is now a ninth-level martial artist of the new era, and he is still cultivating his body and origin. His life span is longer than that of the ancient law saints, and his life span is at least more than 100,000 years!

"It's really crazy."

Daojun's voice was very calm, and he got up slowly, "This giant transformation technique is really not suitable for you. For us, you are all the same size. There is no difference between a few light-years and countless light-years. the difference.

You use this body-enlarging exercise just because you want its sub-attribute-mass to be turned into a piece of wind particles, which can float up. "


A ray of light shines down.

"This is the quantum force of matter. It doesn't distort the rules, and the body under the microscopic particles is also terrifying to the limit!" Daojun also slowly vacated, and his body size rapidly expanded along with the light hanging from the sky.

"Quantum creatures!"

"In the age of blood, this is simply a distant legend. It is impossible for a quantum to develop wisdom, and it is impossible for a quantum to become a demon. But in fact, this is actually a path of cultivation!"

"We are finally on the road to the ultimate quantum creature!"


In the end, her size was finally fixed, which was equivalent to the size of a finger of the light-year giant in front of her.

At this time, her whole body is already filled with 99.999999% of the external energy, but it belongs to the attribute energy specially prepared by her, which fits perfectly.

The bloodline universe still has the supernatural power to distort the rules of the universe. Naturally, it can absorb external energy to generate its own body energy in this way of distorting the rules, so as to eliminate the side effects of different kinds of energy.

Such a small size is the limit for her, and it is enough.

And the size of the opposite body is not necessary at all!

As long as one's own energy level can destroy the opponent's body, one finger is enough, as long as one hits the vital point, crushing the head is enough.

Daojun said softly: "In essence, I, as the Dao of the universe, let the blood of the sky, the giant body of the universe, transfer its power to my body, and I will be in charge of the battle."


Above the gray clouds, two huge cloud bodies collided fiercely.

"It's fighting!"

It seems that the unknown giant gods of the ancient mythological universe are fighting in the mist of the clouds, and the people below look anxious and cannot take their eyes off.

"What a beautiful scenery, as if the fire burns the clouds."

Everyone looked to the sky.

They could hardly see that they were two figures, like the collision and stirring of clouds and mist.

Perhaps it is also because the distance is too far away that it gives people a sense of tranquility, just like the sky in late autumn, the clouds and mists are stirring with the wind, and the clouds are rolling and relaxing.

"In a sense, this is also to practice our martial arts, and then use it to defeat us."

On the ground, countless people looked at the sky.

Even the players have started broadcasting from some cosmic heavens in the sky, allowing the forces of the entire heavens and myriad worlds to see this battle clearly.

"The power of one of them comes from the universe of the sky. It is limited, but it has no side effects and can be exhausted!"

"The power of the other of them comes from the ground under their feet. It is infinite, but it has side effects. If it absorbs too much, it will directly fall."

Everyone watched this battle intently. This kind of battle is already somewhat similar to the traditional rules and methods, and there is a sense of shock of "celestial phenomena".

Many sages began to get excited.

"So, can we still be so strong?"

"Hahaha, this is the first time to fight an opponent head-on, even though it's the tenth-rank Daojun fighting the ninth-rank!"

Everyone is both excited and excited.

They can see that it is already a one-sided trend.

Daojun's energy level has already caught up. It's a breeze to beat the ninth level from the tenth level!

When the size is enough to break the opponent's brain, the opponent can only be beaten and wait to die.

as expected.

The sky sank violently, and the huge cloud that Bosch turned into slowly re-condensed and fell hard to the ground, covered in blood.

"You are defeated." Daojun descended slowly, with a calm expression.

This is nothing to be proud of for him.

The opponent is a foreign body energy, and the realm is one level higher than him.

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life." Daojun stood on the boat and said softly.

"One win and one loss! It's currently a draw!"

The people around subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, which means it is possible and there is hope.

"You don't need to be too optimistic, it's just a hopeful road, and it hasn't been completely wiped out." At this time, Di Qi said: "This is not to attack you, after all, it is now the tenth level and the ninth level. In the real same realm, we must break through the opponent The cloud defense is still at an absolute disadvantage."

After all, they haven't appeared in the tenth order yet, so there is no way to truly fight fairly.

But at the very least, this path is also a qualified path.

In the distance, Tu Xin was sitting on a chair. He pondered for a long time after seeing this battle, and then said again, "You are these two ways. Will you seek a glimmer of life after ascending to heaven in the future? One is to use viruses, and the other is to come from the stars." Smuggling?"

The players in the distance were silent.

They naturally knew that it was really these two miraculous martial arts, nothing else.

After all, how could it be so easy to develop?

At a high place, among the few people in the TV station responsible for photography, Qiu Mingshan's speed was extremely dignified at this time, and he said: "Brothers, now, has my previous guess been confirmed?"

Some players were in a daze, a little puzzled.

Qiu Mingshan said quickly: "Look, the lineage of super ancient gods, taking the head of chaos, and fighting against bacteria, isn't it what I said before, the lineage of ultra ancient gods, ready to head-to-head? Now the prototype has appeared!"

Everyone was stunned, it seemed that this was the case.

Isn't this head-to-head?

Qiu Mingshan said quickly: "Look again, Luna Ji's lineage, taking the 'All Heavens and Stars', isn't it a typical example of the escape from the universe? Did I predict it perfectly?"

As soon as these words fell, all the players were frightened.

Qiu Mingshan's speed, this is really a great prophet!

The current routes on both sides, and the two miracle martial arts that have been developed, aren't they developing in this direction?

How could this be a coincidence?

"Niubi, Qiu Mingshan's speed!"


"The boss predicted this before."

Some people who were live broadcasting and carrying small TVs were completely convinced.

However, someone asked again at this time: "Then, since the lineage of the super-ancient gods and the lineage of the Moon God Ji have attacked one after another, it seems that the lineage of the Cosmic Garden has not yet shown any signs of attack?"

"That's right, they don't seem to plan to make a move? They don't even develop martial arts of the new era now. It seems that the blood and universe road has come to a dark end!"

"That's true. There isn't a single member of their crew on board now, so obviously they won't be coming."

Many players are talking about it, thinking that it should be like this.

At this time, Qiu Mingshan laughed quickly and said, "How could it not come? According to my guess, they are coming! It's just that the way is different, and the way of evil gods is about to come."

Everyone was taken aback.

But as the voice of Qiu Mingshan's speed fell, a vast and super-large figure slowly approached in the distance.

With that vast and endless super figure, even those clansmen in the light-year universe, Tuxin sitting on the throne, seemed like a poor little baby.

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