Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1456 Godless in the whole world

Tu Xin stood up again, his whole body was already miserable to the limit.

He had never dreamed of such an incredible thing.

The other party seems to be a monster, can it be raised to such a level in a dream?

He doubted his whole life.

Emperor Zun is indeed the most terrifying existence in the prehistory of the ancient universe!

"But, unexpectedly, there is a moth, who hides his death in secret here, and is still learning my martial arts secretly." Tu Xin looked at the Zerg Queen coldly,

Tu Xin was very disdainful, and said contemptuously: "Sure enough, you are rotten and have already rotted. You secretly learned other people's fighting skills, and you didn't innovate at all."

He despises such people the most!

A real strong man, like him and Emperor Zun, should develop his own martial arts, rely on himself to fight, and be aboveboard. This is the spirit that a real strong man should have.

And this scum in front of him.

"Deserves to be rotten." Tuxin snorted coldly.

The mother queen of the Zerg race didn't care either. After all, if she stole the wisdom crystallized from other people's labor, how could she give herself a good face?

This is human nature.

But Emperor Zun has a big heart, he secretly learns his Nine Turns Xuan Gong and various martial arts, but he treats it calmly, which shows that his heart is higher than that of the other party.

Emperor Zun's magnanimity made both of them, as enemies, admire him. This kind of personality charm is naturally strong.

But they were very thick-skinned, and said very sincerely: "Your Excellency, we secretly learn your martial arts in order to help you defeat this terrifying prehistoric existence!"

"In order to help me defeat Emperor Zun, you pretended to be dead and secretly learned my martial arts?"

Tu Xin cast a glance at them, "And before that, you have been monitoring me in the Longevity Realm to develop exercises? Now that I think about it, it is clear that I want to learn my martial arts secretly, and I was planning from the beginning."

The Zerg Queen's words were very sincere and convincing, "After all, you alone can hardly resist such an ancient taboo. Only we can learn in secret, and then accumulate strength, and join forces to have a chance of survival."

After all, Tu Xin is not a pedantic person, his expression changed several times, and finally he nodded, "Then, we will join hands to fight."

Although he is dissatisfied, if he is alone.

A simple personal victory or loss can also be done openly and aboveboard, but at worst it is just a life.

However, behind him is the hope of the entire new universe race. If he is alone, he can indeed be defeated, but he is carrying the entire race on his back.

"Although I don't want to be corrupt, I have to use such despicable means." He frowned secretly, and finally sighed, "I am not alone after all, I have too many ties."

He looked at Emperor Zun, sighed, and said with admiration: "Your Excellency just said that it is reasonable. It is too difficult to prevent decay. Looking at the entire ancient and modern universe, you may be the only one."

Emperor Zun nodded lightly, like the prehistoric emperor of the ancient universe, looking down at the two ants in front of him, "It is true, everyone will eventually decay. If you want to become me, it is difficult for me to exist in ancient and modern times."

After Emperor Zun finished speaking, he took another step forward and slowly looked at the two of them, "You have finally come to your most splendid era, and if you can't make any progress, it means that your final battle is coming, are you ready? It is at this very moment that the victory will be decided."

The faces of both of them were congealed.


Emperor Zun has been deliberately guiding them, just to defeat them.

Now it's finally ushered in the last scene, after all, they have reached the strongest level that can be improved!

"Come on." With his hands behind his back, Emperor Zun slowly stretched out a hand and made a gesture of invitation.



The two bowed slowly, expressing their admiration in their hearts.

Emperor Zun's personality charm in the battle has completely rendered them.

Such a proud enemy has already given them enough opportunities to fight against one of their peak and most amazing eras. If they still can't win, then they will be defeated!

"Dreams, future, everything is written by us!"

Both Tu Xin and the Zerg Mother Queen were cold and decisive heroes, and they joined hands in an instant, completely erupting as a great existence that mastered the ultimate power of the universe.

Boom. Rumble! !

The three ancient existences turned into three phantoms during the entanglement.

Suddenly, the battle became intense, and the three figures disappeared completely.

They turned into an endless rain of quantum particles.

It seems to be the explosion of two cosmic singularities, as if it is like three dizzy ripples in the water, interfering and entangled with each other.

In the eyes of all the strong outside, the figures are completely indistinguishable from each other!


They have merged into an endless rotten super star cluster vortex.

"So beautiful!"

Countless people praised it.

At the same time, countless people also clenched their fists, looking sharply into the distance.


The three directly killed the genesis maelstrom held high by Medusa.

They have mastered the singularity proficiently, and this forbidden land technique can't stop them at all, and they can go in and out like walking on flat ground.


They came to the outer universe.

Stepping on the tenth continent of the Longevity Realm, three figures drifted away with the wind in an instant, turning into an endless rain of colorful light.


The entire Longevity World shook.

This universe seems to be a piece of earth, the ground has collapsed, and the mountains and rivers have been flattened.

"Go up and fight."

They said coldly. Killing directly into the sky, it was able to float slowly over the Chaos Sea, like a huge colorful cloud, filling the universe.

"Is this the ultimate powerhouse? Knowing the singularity, the great existence of the true way? They have escaped from the universe, and are fighting in the void outside the universe!"

"They stand above the sea of ​​chaos, in the distant sky!"

At this moment, in the entire chaotic world, the new lives hiding in the chaotic sea, the small forces from the heavens and the world who fled, all kinds of ancient forces and saints, all felt the sky shaking!

The power that the universe has not seen in 14 billion years!

It has surpassed the limit of the tenth-order saint in the universe, and the great ultimate power that only belongs to the eleventh-order.

A great force that crushed them was fighting in the sky.

In the 14 billion years of the universe, there has never been a cloud in the sky of the earth, but now, it seems to reflect a colorful cloud.

The world has changed, and it is beautiful.

The great rule beings outside the universe are all staring at each other, but no one knows the countless planets and river systems in the nine universes, and the fate of the universe is about to be decided here at this moment.

Boom! ! !

In the next second, the clouds in the sky disappeared.

It seems that there is an unknown ancient meteorite that fell into the earth and above the chaotic sea, like a beautiful comet with a tail.

Everyone knows that it is a false eleventh-order existence that has turned into a false Dot Singularity Point.

On the contrary, the comet that fell into the chaotic sea flew up again and rushed into the sky, but it was already exhausted.

"Who will win?"

"I don't know! The great existence of such a dimension, we can't even see their fighting speed!"

"It must be our new creature, this is our future!"

"It must be so!!"

Countless people stared at the sky, anxiously waiting for the final result.

The new lives don't believe that their king will lose at all, this is their great era.

The general trend does not change, but the subsections can be changed.

"The general trend of the universe, no one can stop it." Someone took a deep breath and let out a low growl, "Even the ancient existence from the prehistoric universe cannot resist the huge power of the entire universe!!"

But in the next second, everyone was stunned.


They watched as two beautiful comets fell completely in the sky.

"Two statues exist, who fell?" Just when everyone was wondering.


The sunset clouds in the sky floated slowly, becoming more and more beautiful. The colorful clouds painted a beautiful picture that has never been seen before in the sky, and turned into a piece of handwriting floating above the universe.

"In this cosmic era, I shall be invincible, alone over all ages!"

Accompanied by the majestic and indifferent sound that shook the sky and the earth, in the shocking eyes of everyone, it seemed that the sky was vaguely seen, and the sky was wiped out by an invisible giant hand. :

Horizontal, broken, ten thousand, ancient.

Ju, Shi, Wu, God.

On the sky, the beautiful clouds reflect the eight majestic characters.

The afterglow of the two beautiful comets that fell under his command seemed to turn into two rainbows to support the miracle of the words, and then slowly dissipated with the words after a while.

Good night

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